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DKS - Polish localization patch of some sort?


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Because while overall translation quality is good, there is a lot of bizarre errors there, arising, I believe, from something stupid like discrepancies between ED and DKS, or somesuch - for example, activator names are often displayed wrong, and most importantly, some enchantment ingredients are displayed as "DO NOT TRANSLATE" which is jarring and makes interpretation of some recipes ambiguous as the ingredient lists in recipes use the same strings.

Does anyone else have this problem? Are there any solutions? The game is original, so it's not the case of some botched crack-job.



Oct 26, 2008
Since you bought it, why not obtain a proper backup copy.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
spectre said:
Since you bought it, why not obtain a proper backup copy.
Because I'd have to get off my lazy ass and download it.


Plus, I rather enjoy PL version - everything including narration is voiced in this game and PL version uses original VOs, so I lose nothing in exchange for PL subtitles that can be entertaining in their own right, by trying to capture spirit, rather than literally translating in-game speech, so stuff like various quotes, references and such are often completely different for EN version.


May 17, 2009
Developers often have their own websites which can sometimes include a forum. Larian has just such a setup where you are allowed to post any problems you might have encountered with the game. That way you can inform the company of the problems with their product and they can proceed to fix them or ignore them as they please.

Here's an example:
http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads ... ber=434248
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
I work in the field.

What these baffling errors mean is simple: the translator was given either A) a very tight deadline B) very little pay C) a lowballer was picked because of the very very very low margins and projected revenue, or probably a combination of all three, or even more, those three factors applying to the proofreader, if there was even one.

Quality takes time and money, that's all there is to it. A smallish market like Poland probably doesn't warrant it considering this will only move an extremely small amount of copies.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Humanity has risen! said:
I work in the field.

What these baffling errors mean is simple: the translator was given either A) a very tight deadline B) very little pay C) a lowballer was picked because of the very very very low margins and projected revenue, or probably a combination of all three, or even more, those three factors applying to the proofreader, if there was even one.

Quality takes time and money, that's all there is to it. A smallish market like Poland probably doesn't warrant it considering this will only move an extremely small amount of copies.
Except translation is generally good, errors weren't present in ED and translation seems to be exactly the same, which prompts me to think they are using the exact translated files, while there are some discrepancies between ED and DKS in relevant areas.

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