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Wasteland Hiver vs Vault Dweller & Wasteland 2 Cage Match Thread


You may think im too hasrh on ol` VD here, and that my words are too uncouth, you may even feel pity as you pass by, dazzled by the avatar of the old sad german nazi general, holding a glass of cheap port, somewhere in exile in argentina, blathering about good old glory days and dressing up in old uniform for anniversaries, the old cooky grandad you may think, soggy ol bastard, mummbling away.

But nay, it is all a glamour, of poor old victim, trying his best just to have a... a conversation, a bit of exchange of notions or thoughts and getting hard curse words in return.
While happily signing orders, and lauded reviews, without a blink or tremor.

Not that each of them werent true and appropriately (although minimally) reflecting what he is saying, but

I should do better, for myself primarily,
And play more to my disdain and humorous wit, then blathering him so dastardly, yet deservedly,
to better honor those that came before me,
lest i stay too long on his level
and honor unworthy,
some may think

It is not his love of the game, or his merry enjoyment in whatever filth he may deign to swallow,
that i object to so much,
but the very shape of those thoughts, seeking to proclaim such proclivities heavenly,
by cascading down and ever down
the Escher staircase,
telling me that
all directions are absolutely relative.


heh, that was fun, but really, i dont care that he likes the game, or how much he enjoyed it, im actually fine with everyone that played the game and found something interesting in it.
Actually. I found several parts that i thought were ok. I mean, considering.

I dont like people telling me and everyone else that the game is actually, really good. And then going down these always fucking the same processes of denial by the list, consisting of inventing various declaratory statements that cannot be really maintained objectively, then trying to excuse them by even more proclamations without any support of those statements either, then turning to strawmaning ad hominems, then playing victims in the end.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
I'm not playing the victim. I'm always happy to discuss and debate things because unlike you, I don't take things personally and I enjoy talking about RPGs even when I disagree with someone. Especially when I disagree with someone because it's not much of a conversion when people are in agreement.

Since we disagree a lot, you're a prime candidate for such debates. Unfortunately, you think that only your opinion matters and you're simply incapable of tolerating a different opinion. [trigger] See my comments about Philip K. Dick. [/trigger]

If you recall, I was very critical of anything Fargo had to show during development. I even refused the questionable honor of reviewing the game at first. However, when I started playing it, I discovered that it's more than the sum of its admittedly flawed parts. Now, had I played it to death like you did during the beta, maybe I would have fucking hated it too. Fortunately, I didn't touch it during the beta, so I played it fresh and enjoyed it.

I listed all the flaws. I explained how everything works. You disagree? It's perfectly normal. Going overboard about it isn't. Fuck, write your own review if you hate mine that much.


you think that only your opinion matters and you're simply incapable of tolerating a different opinion.
See, this is the stupid laughable stuff you keep repeating as if just saying it makes it true.

The above wasnt a request nor a signal to you at all in fact, for another of your posts where you establish the truth,

and you just blather on and on and on...

If i were you i would never mention that part of the episode about Philip K Dick, which is to your eternal disgrace as another real proof of how vacuous and dimwitted you are.
All the insults i said, besides explaining why and how in terms understandable to a 10 year old, you deserved ten times over.
I was actually taking it easy on you there.

We already had multiple conversations, you fallacious dimwit, which always end with these additional proclamations by you,
where you state and restate everything, all over again :lol:

a conversation is not an exchange where you establish what is true and other people agree with it,
thats your laughable problem,

besides not being able to support your proclamations by nothing but even more proclamations, strawmnas and ad hominems, and pointless equivocations

You are a waste of breath

go avay.

bother someone else with your fucking sale pitches,


Jan 18, 2013
.. dazzled by the avatar of the old sad german nazi general
I was thinking about your avatar actually. This one sucks balls, Fhjull Forked-Tongue would fit you better!


No he wouldnt. Though being a Baatezu would fit with the baatorian stench above.

Stop thinking about me.
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Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
You may think im too hasrh on ol` VD here, and that my words are too uncouth, you may even feel pity as you pass by, dazzled by the avatar of the old sad german nazi general, holding a glass of cheap port, somewhere in exile in argentina, blathering about good old glory days and dressing up in old uniform for anniversaries, the old cooky grandad you may think, soggy ol bastard, mummbling away.

But nay, it is all a glamour, of poor old victim, trying his best just to have a... a conversation, a bit of exchange of notions or thoughts and getting hard curse words in return.
While happily signing orders, and lauded reviews, without a blink or tremor.

Not that each of them werent true and appropriately (although minimally) reflecting what he is saying, but

I should do better, for myself primarily,
And play more to my disdain and humorous wit, then blathering him so dastardly, yet deservedly,
to better honor those that came before me,
lest i stay too long on his level
and honor unworthy,
some may think

It is not his love of the game, or his merry enjoyment in whatever filth he may deign to swallow,
that i object to so much,
but the very shape of those thoughts, seeking to proclaim such proclivities heavenly,
by cascading down and ever down
the Escher staircase,
telling me that
all directions are absolutely relative.


heh, that was fun, but really, i dont care that he likes the game, or how much he enjoyed it, im actually fine with everyone that played the game and found something interesting in it.
Actually. I found several parts that i thought were ok. I mean, considering.

I dont like people telling me and everyone else that the game is actually, really good. And then going down these always fucking the same processes of denial by the list, consisting of inventing various declaratory statements that cannot be really maintained objectively, then trying to excuse them by even more proclamations without any support of those statements either, then turning to strawmaning ad hominems, then playing victims in the end.

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The Real Fanboy
Apr 18, 2007
Damn I wish I had studied psychology.

Hiver would have been a great PhD case, perhaps even breaking in new ground in the field of severe cognitive dissonance in humans displaying severe cases of asperger's and ADHD.

This thread delivers :)


Dec 28, 2013
I don't see why everybody laughs at Hiver, I think he was winning this debate.
Where is he, anyway?


Which retard /necroed this? For just a second i thought Hiver was back in town..

fuck you for ruining my fun

edit: Cadmus you ass..
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