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KickStarter The Age of Decadence German Translation (Deutsche Übersetzung)


Sep 4, 2017
Sønderjylland, Denmark
Hey RPG Codex, I recently started up a project to translate the game into German (a long requested language). I am NOT a native German, and although my written German is alright, I am looking for native or fluent German speakers to help out with this project.

Keep in mind that if you speak alright German (like me), any help is of course appreciated, just keep in mind that that if your German is sup-par, you will add more work to the rest of us by adding errors that will then need correction.

If you are interested in helping out with this project, contact me on either of these platforms:
Mail: sumsar2000@gmail.com
Steam: Cpl. Svenson [29ID] (SteamID: Zoneling)
Discord: Zoneling#4315

Thank you in advance.
- Zoneling

In Deutsch:

Hallo RPG Codex, Ich habe neulich ein Project angefangen, das Spiel in Deutsch zu übersetzen. Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, und deswegen suche Ich Deutschsprachige Hilfe.

Es ist nötig das du gut Englisch lesen und schreiben kannst, damit unnötige Missverständnisse vermieden werden können.

Wenn du mir helfen kannst, dann kannst du mich auf folgenden Plattformen erreichen:
Mail: sumsar2000@gmail.com
Steam: Cpl. Svenson [29ID] (SteamID: Zoneling)
Discord: Zoneling#4315

Vielen Dank im Voraus.
- Zoneling


The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008
We have some Germans here ( Scrooge and VentilatorOfDoom vonAchdorf for example) but finding one actually willing to translate such enormous game is another matter. I've helped a bit with Dungeon Rats, which is way, way less wordy and it was a lot of work... Best of luck to you.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
In Deutsch:

Hallo RPG Codex, Ich habe neulich ein Project angefangen, das Spiel in Deutsch zu übersetzen. Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, und deswegen suche Ich Deutschsprachige Hilfe.

Es ist nötig das du gut Englisch lesen und schreiben kannst, damit unnötige Missverständnisse vermieden werden können.

Wenn du mir helfen kannst, dann kannst du mich auf folgenden Plattformen erreichen:
Mail: sumsar2000@gmail.com
Steam: Cpl. Svenson [29ID] (SteamID: Zoneling)
Discord: Zoneling#4315

Vielen Dank im Voraus.
- Zoneling
Alter, dein Deutsch is echt gut. Das lernt man auf dem Level doch bestimmt nicht in der Schule in Dänemark, oder?
Leider hab ich nicht so viel Freizeit, als dass ich Willens wäre, dutzende oder gar hunderte Stunden davon für 'ne AoD Übersetzung aufzuwenden. Ich könnte aber, wenn erwünscht, die fertige Übersetzung überprüfen und gegebenenfalls Grammatik und Orthographie korrigieren.
Da gibt's doch bestimmt 'ne Stringtable oder ein Google Dokument oder ähnliches, wo man sehen kann, was alles übersetzt werden muss, oder? Zeig halt mal her, bischen mit übersetzen kann ich vielleicht auch machen, aber wie gesagt, in Maßen, nicht in Massen.


Sep 4, 2017
Sønderjylland, Denmark
Ja, Ich habe ein Google Sheet mit dem Text der übersetzt werden muss.

Wenn die Übersetzung ungefähr viertel fertig ist, dann werde Ich eine Testversion freigeben, das du und alle anderen spielen können :)


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Nur gegen $$$, sorry. But I am sure someone here will help! Not everyone is an alcoholic here.... yet.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Ja, Ich habe ein Google Sheet mit dem Text der übersetzt werden muss.

Wenn die Übersetzung ungefähr viertel fertig ist, dann werde Ich eine Testversion freigeben, das du und alle anderen spielen können :)
Gib mir halt mal den Link zu dem Google Dokument, wenn ich Zeit hab, übersetz ich bisschen was. Du kannst in dem Dokument auch die Sätze/Wörter markieren bei denen du dir nicht sicher bist, die schau ich mir dann an.


Sep 4, 2017
Sønderjylland, Denmark
Gib mir halt mal den Link zu dem Google Dokument, wenn ich Zeit hab, übersetz ich bisschen was. Du kannst in dem Dokument auch die Sätze/Wörter markieren bei denen du dir nicht sicher bist, die schau ich mir dann an.

Ok, danke.


Script für die Attentäter,Geschichtsmeister und Händler-Übersetzung. Nur Komments, aus offensichtlichen Gründen.
Also ich werde deine kommentare hinzufügen. Das gillt auch für alle anderen die kommentare haben, und ein bischen helfen wollen.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
I translated the assassin vignette: Done. Dont fuck it up again. Several things:
1) because I couldn't edit anything and altering the english text after the = was impossible without getting a lot of strikeouts and other green shit, i just added the proper translation below the english line, you'll have to delete the english lines yourself
2) trnaslation of "Inn" = Wirtshaus, Gasthaus, Herberge etc, I chose Gasthaus and suggest to keep it consistent throughout
3) translation of Commercium= Kommerzium, again I suggest to use Kommerzium everyhwere
4) Boatmen of Styx, hard to say what to do with that one, I used "Schiffer des Styx", but I'm undecided on that one, opinions?
5) [success] = [Erfolg]
6) [failure] = [Misserfolg]
7) the currency name "imperials" sounds kinda crap in German, due to the plural on s, but calling it "Imperiale" instead doesnt really sound much better, if it was up to me I'd just call the currency Denaris (one Denari, several Denaris, see Roman Denarius) and call it a day
8) Loremaster = Gelehrter, you really can't translate everything literal without making it sound stupid like "Geschichtsmeister", Lore=Lehre, yes that's a cognate, so Loremaster=Lehrmeister and while Lehrmeister is in fact a German word, the context in which it is used in AoD requires the translation as Gelehrter
9) not every idiom/proverb can be translated literally, e.g. for stuff like "Don't shit where you eat" I chose a fitting German idiom according to context.

Might do another one tomorrow or something. Was fun actually.
*grabs crotch*


Dec 18, 2013
some more suggestions

I translated the assassin vignette: Done. Dont fuck it up again. Several things:
3) translation of Commercium= Kommerzium, again I suggest to use Kommerzium everyhwere
I would stay with the latin commercium. I don't think there is a need to germify that.
7) the currency name "imperials" sounds kinda crap in German, due to the plural on s, but calling it "Imperiale" instead doesnt really sound much better, if it was up to me I'd just call the currency Denaris (one Denari, several Denaris, see Roman Denarius) and call it a day
Sounds good to me.
8) Loremaster = Gelehrter, you really can't translate everything literal without making it sound stupid like "Geschichtsmeister", Lore=Lehre, yes that's a cognate, so Loremaster=Lehrmeister and while Lehrmeister is in fact a German word, the context in which it is used in AoD requires the translation as Gelehrter
I didnt play through every single path in AoD, but I think Lehrmeister would be indeed the better translation here. Just putting more emphasis on the sharing part of that profession.


Dec 2, 2012
Just come here to warn the German bros:
you will face some crossed content in many files.
E.g. : vignette_assassin file : lines from @1 to @4 are exactly the same in other files like scripts\data\journal\characters.french.cs (from @142 to @144) & vignette_merchant.xml (from @46 to @48)
I would suggest you to add a comment when you will find some crossed content :salute:
Last edited:


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
there are plenty of string duplicates even in that one doc, I raged a bit but.. what can you do, fucking russians don't know what Ordnung is

10) Lord = Fürst

I would stay with the latin commercium. I don't think there is a need to germify that.
hmm point taken

Sounds good to me.
Denaris or Imperials sound good?

I didnt play through every single path in AoD, but I think Lehrmeister would be indeed the better translation here. Just putting more emphasis on the sharing part of that profession.
I mean Lehrmeister is the direct cognate so I wouldn't object but Gelehrter fits better imo, especially as the name for the class background also... so that's 1:1 unentschieden, need more Germans to weigh in here


Dec 18, 2013
there are plenty of string duplicates even in that one doc, I raged a bit but.. what can you do, fucking russians don't know what Ordnung is

10) Lord = Fürst

I would stay with the latin commercium. I don't think there is a need to germify that.
hmm point taken

Sounds good to me.
Denaris or Imperials sound good?
Denaris...I agree that Imperials should not translated to directly into German.


Dec 2, 2012
About imperials vs denaris.
Behold, there's a joke with Shorty, giving imperial all its sense:
Shorty: "Steel armor requires the Commander's order."
PC: [trading]"How about the Emperors' order? Don't they get a say?". Roll a coin decorated with the visage of one of the emperors across your knuckles
Shorty: [success]"It's gonna cost you 250 imperials." (here you can even insert another joke by replacing imperial with emperors)
I don't think this joke could be respected with denaris ;)


Dec 18, 2013
But it could. It was at least not uncommon to have emperors faced on Denar coins in ancient Rome. Imperials just doesnt work in German. You would need to change that to Imperial(e), which also isnt super pretty. In that dialogue it might not be so obvious though ofc....


Dec 2, 2012
there are plenty of string duplicates even in that one doc, I raged a bit but.. what can you do, fucking russians don't know what Ordnung is
You're not forced to translate all of them, according to te Passolo translation feat:
Translate only the first of 100% repeating phrases - they will be duplicated automatically when imported into Passolo.

Pay attention to the text - it must fit well for a male and female character. If you need to make different words (word endings) for different genders".

Now, for the French translation, we decided to translate all of them, according to the Tu/Vous rules. Sometimes, a line will use the "tu" rules, while the same line later in the same file could use the "vous" rules (for the polite form), specially when PC background are different. I don't know if Germans use the same thing. Sie vs du maybe?
Neleos will use "Tu" if the PC is an assassin, and use "Vous" if the PC is a preator. PC backgrounds in dialogs may be checked in the source file ;)


Dec 18, 2013
Boatmen of Styx, hard to say what to do with that one

ho boy, reminds me of the dunjin rats potato translato effort :mixedemotions:
can imagine. after VD posted the numbers on the impact of I think your translation or some other I dont really see the point in doing a German one at this stage. Doing it right would just require too much effort for pretty much no gain.


Sep 4, 2017
Sønderjylland, Denmark
I translated the assassin vignette: Done. Dont fuck it up again. Several things:
1) because I couldn't edit anything and altering the english text after the = was impossible without getting a lot of strikeouts and other green shit, i just added the proper translation below the english line, you'll have to delete the english lines yourself
2) trnaslation of "Inn" = Wirtshaus, Gasthaus, Herberge etc, I chose Gasthaus and suggest to keep it consistent throughout
3) translation of Commercium= Kommerzium, again I suggest to use Kommerzium everyhwere
4) Boatmen of Styx, hard to say what to do with that one, I used "Schiffer des Styx", but I'm undecided on that one, opinions?
5) [success] = [Erfolg]
6) [failure] = [Misserfolg]
7) the currency name "imperials" sounds kinda crap in German, due to the plural on s, but calling it "Imperiale" instead doesnt really sound much better, if it was up to me I'd just call the currency Denaris (one Denari, several Denaris, see Roman Denarius) and call it a day
8) Loremaster = Gelehrter, you really can't translate everything literal without making it sound stupid like "Geschichtsmeister", Lore=Lehre, yes that's a cognate, so Loremaster=Lehrmeister and while Lehrmeister is in fact a German word, the context in which it is used in AoD requires the translation as Gelehrter
9) not every idiom/proverb can be translated literally, e.g. for stuff like "Don't shit where you eat" I chose a fitting German idiom according to context.

Might do another one tomorrow or something. Was fun actually.
*grabs crotch*

Jesus fucking Christ you did the whole thing in one go? Power overwhelming...
Yeah pardon for the gebrochen translations, as you might be able to see, my German isn't BAD per say but it's been years since I actually TALKED German with another German person. I do have a person that does speak quite good German check it once in a while so I'm surprised that it was THAT bad. Either way, thanks, this helps a lot.

About the whole loremaster thing, the loremasters aren't actually very wise, they're con-artists, which is why I wanted Storymaster instead of Learned Person. Is there a better alternative to this?

The no-editing thing was mainly for safety reasons, if you want full access to the files, send me a mail and I'll send it to you there. I don't want the link to full-permission just floating about, maybe I'm too paranoid.

Boatmen of Styx, hard to say what to do with that one

ho boy, reminds me of the dunjin rats potato translato effort :mixedemotions:
can imagine. after VD posted the numbers on the impact of I think your translation or some other I dont really see the point in doing a German one at this stage. Doing it right would just require too much effort for pretty much no gain.

This is for personal entertainment (for me at least), German courses not available anymore so I decided to do this as a learning process.

Also, to weigh in on the Denar vs. Imperial thing, what about Kaisermark?

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