Lionheart professionally reviewed by GamersHell
Lionheart professionally reviewed by GamersHell
Review - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Fri 22 August 2003, 03:30:14
Tags: Lionheart: Legacy of the CrusaderThose zany pros over at GamersHell have professionally written up their nine paragraph review of Reflexive's latest release, Lionheart. The game scores a 7.1 from the reviewer, mainly the score is so low because the graphics are 2D instead of 3D(Seriously), with a current average reader review score of 5.9. Here's a clip of the conclusion:
Lionheart is a good RPG, there is no getting away from it. However it does let itself down in certain respects ? the multiplayer is fairly buggy, and the graphics are not going to force any kind of intergalactic harmony between us and those pesky Martians who show up outside my house now and then. The non-linear gameplay might prove to be a bonus for a lot of people. The plot is gripping ? if you get over the problems, then this really is a worthwhile title. If you aren't going to give it a chance, then don?t buy it.
Anyone want to bet he's not even half way through this game at the time he wrote this? He bitches about the combat, but doesn't mention there's only one decent town in the game, at the beginning, and the rest is a linear combat romp - which he mentions several times he's happy that Lionheart didn't do.
Spotted this on this thread at the IPLY forums.
Lionheart is a good RPG, there is no getting away from it. However it does let itself down in certain respects ? the multiplayer is fairly buggy, and the graphics are not going to force any kind of intergalactic harmony between us and those pesky Martians who show up outside my house now and then. The non-linear gameplay might prove to be a bonus for a lot of people. The plot is gripping ? if you get over the problems, then this really is a worthwhile title. If you aren't going to give it a chance, then don?t buy it.
Anyone want to bet he's not even half way through this game at the time he wrote this? He bitches about the combat, but doesn't mention there's only one decent town in the game, at the beginning, and the rest is a linear combat romp - which he mentions several times he's happy that Lionheart didn't do.
Spotted this on this thread at the IPLY forums.
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