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The Codex of Roguelikes


Sep 15, 2014
Alternately, you can open the Steam client on your PC then select a game from library while in Details view (if in Icon view, click Details). Select Support from Links column located along the right-hand side, then click I want to permanently remove this game from my account.

I can't fugure out where it that.
Click on a game in your library in steam and look on the far right where the Links are (Community Hub, Discussions, Related Groups, etc). Right above Write Review will be Support. Click on that. There'll be an option there to permanently remove a game from your account. (What problems are you having with this produce? It is not what I expected, DLC or bonus content is missing, etc, at the bottom of this list is what you want)


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buffalo bill

Dec 8, 2016
Has anyone played Temple of Torment? It's not on the list on the first page of this thread, and it looks sort of cool.


edit: just tried to play it, but my my antivirus program flagged and quarantined it—not sure what's up with that


Sep 10, 2014
I did. IMHO it's an alright game although it's not particularly complex.

The game uses a nice tileset and the overall presentation is good. The temple is only half of the game. There are towns, and at the beginning you solve fetch quests for golds and xp, which is boring on replays. There are also outside dungeon maps linked to a specific quest, and I don't think they are accessible without the quest, quest which you unlock as you descend into the temple I guess, you regularly need to get back to towns to talk to everyone.

The game is polished, there are many classes and if I remember right you choose a god which determines what gives you the most xps (like good or evil actions). It uses low numbers and you don't spend your time changing your equipment.

Note that you may be disappointed if you're expecting a lot of character customization during the game. You choose which main stat you upgrade every 2? levels. For the rest you automatically unlock the next new skill every 3 levels, the skills you'll unlock depending on your class. I am not sure there are a lot of interesting differences between enemies either, although I played as a fighter, bought the next heavy armor as I could wear it and just bumped onto everything.


Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
Well, I played it, sort of diablo-like.
I spent a lot of time, before got into a first fight and my character died there...

Also I picked almost hardest difficulty level, which was a mistake I guess...

Trash Player

Jun 13, 2015
Done both open world and single dungeon on PoT difficulty. I wouldn't recommend it unless you like attrition and can tolerate micromanagement because otherwise it isn't fun. It is short though.

1. Game is a cargo cult of subgenres; it is not a real H&S looting galore as majority of eq is bought, neither is it a dungeon crawler or RPG wannabe as dungeons are devoid of features and no meaningful C&C is present.

2. Class talents, passive or active, from Lv-ups are interchangeable between classes with some exceptions, but caster classes's spells are unique to some extent.

3. Combat is pretty much spam per-encounter talents/spells and then bump as much as neccessary til enemies are dead. Applying per-run talents constitues most decision making.

4. Hunger and thirst are tedious and pointless mechanics as those cost little in gold and inventory space. Depleteable light sources are present too just to add more micromanagement.

5. Mechanics is a mess. A strange dish of the worst excess of AD&D and semi-opaque feedback. Not to mention brainless choices like deities and eqs.

6. Character building has some potentials by using cross-class spells. Alas, there is no way to break out CCs, prevented by Saves from Con. Only optimal way to build characters is thus min eq unlocks + max Con.


Feb 6, 2019
3. Combat is pretty much spam per-encounter talents/spells and then bump as much as neccessary til enemies are dead. Applying per-run talents constitues most decision making.
Thats unfair characterization tbh.
Stone Soup is pretty much spam per encounter/mana/whatever spells/talents and then run to the stairs...

Temple of Torment has cute uniques or rather boss battles at the end of 4 level branches. Cant run from them. Branches which feature different enemies and layouts, so I dunno where this "no features in dugeouns" is coming from.

I played a rouge who cast summoning spells with an evil deity. It was entertaining if fairly easy.

The only real problem the game has, is that its dungeouns take too long. Their are always 4 levels and samey.
And the finale is basically elemental themed 4x4 dugeoungs, which is just horrible pacing.

Yeah, its not a roguelike really. You can always teleport out of trouble. Its more like a short proto RPG.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
DCSS is sorta starting to piss me off. The devs changed Killer Klowns to be more threatening, which in and of itself isn't too bad, but together with the new mutation system will fucking ruin your character. Plus their attacks are lol randumb so it's almost impossible to be fully prepared against them. I get the feeling they're deliberately making the game more difficult because the main player base consists of people who have already invested 20.000 hours in the game.


Oct 12, 2008
Poke around on bcrawl and/or Gooncrawl---most general good things from DCSS get scooped up, most general inexplicable things tend to at least not immediately or without ample raised eyebrows.


Feb 11, 2017
DCSS is sorta starting to piss me off. The devs changed Killer Klowns to be more threatening, which in and of itself isn't too bad, but together with the new mutation system will fucking ruin your character. Plus their attacks are lol randumb so it's almost impossible to be fully prepared against them. I get the feeling they're deliberately making the game more difficult because the main player base consists of people who have already invested 20.000 hours in the game.

Sounds like a perfect enemy to have in the last dungeon branch tbh...

What's the new mutation system?

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
DCSS is sorta starting to piss me off. The devs changed Killer Klowns to be more threatening, which in and of itself isn't too bad, but together with the new mutation system will fucking ruin your character. Plus their attacks are lol randumb so it's almost impossible to be fully prepared against them. I get the feeling they're deliberately making the game more difficult because the main player base consists of people who have already invested 20.000 hours in the game.

Sounds like a perfect enemy to have in the last dungeon branch tbh...

What's the new mutation system?

Unless you're willing to farm Zigs/Abyss the number of mutation potions is limited. They are the only way to get rid of mutations now (Well, potions and the five star Zin ability). The Klowns also cause all sorts of other bullshit effects like silence.


Aug 3, 2017
Went back to Incursion despite my earlier... misgivings. Felt like I had a winner on the go, particularly after I somehow managed to get Free Action from Essiah as a layworshipper (bug, I guess. All I did was sacrifice a grey nymph corpse that I didn't need, and it took me up to level 4 despite not actively worshipping her). Which actually annoyed me a bit, I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to roguelikes.

Anyway, it all ended in tears when I descended down to level 8 or 9, fucked around for a bit, and went back upstairs. From that point, any time I tried to descend below level 8/7 (whichever one it was), the game crashed. Tried disabling all my active effects, dropping all my items, descending from different stairs/a chasm - no dice. Ah well.


Jan 1, 2015
Thanks for promoting this getter77, I've noticed a bit of traffic flowing from rpgcodex so I thought I'd post a bit more about the game here.

For those who want to know a bit more about it, it's an almost faithful translation of the 5e D&D basic rules into a traditional roguelike. The basic rules provide for four class: fighter, wizard, cleric and rogue; and four races (with subraces): human, wood elf, high elf, mountain dwarf, hill dwarf, lightfoot and stoutheart halflings. You can pretty much read the basic rules pdf which comes with the game and use it as a quasi-manual because every item, monster and spell takes its stats directly from that document. There's a few discrepencies because things like initiative, actions, bonus actions and reactions don't translate cleanly to a roguelike, but I handle those in a few different ways which seems to work pretty well.

Beyond the ruleset, the unique aspect of the game is probably the importance of your party. You get to choose your starting party at character creation and you will find yourself relying on these NPC's a lot. The D&D rules aren't designed for solo characters so you'll find things very rough going if you decide to go it alone, although it is definitely possible particularly with a stealthy rogue. Party members (including you) can be revived if knocked unconscious in combat and there's no enemies left standing, and this makes permadeath a bit softer than other roguelikes. Once you die you're definitely dead, but you'll find yourself hoping that your veteran ally can finish off the monster that killed you and pick you back up again and I think this adds a bit of complexity to the tactics involved with combat and exploring the dungeon.


I just finished writing 2nd level spells for wizards and clerics and you can see me playing around with a few of the new wizard spells in the gif above. The player starts at level 3 (for now) so that's actually a pretty good milestone because it means that each class is fleshed out enough to have their full range of abilities at the start of the game. The one exception is that wizards will rely upon finding scrolls of spells to add them to their spellbook but they haven't been put into the game yet, but if you start with the Human Wizard template, then you'll get all the spells at the start of the game.

Hopefully I'll get scrolls and other magic and mundane items (like oil, caltrops, etc) done this week. I almost feel overwhelmed with all of the things ahead of me (finishing the bestiary, adding more complicated AI to take into account monster intelligence, magic, ranged attacks, more complicated companion AI so they can be told to use items found in the dungeon, more complicated encounter generator with groups of themed monsters gathering around a fixed location, mid and high level spells, gods and altars) BUT despite all that, the game is feeling pretty good to me. I'm probably a bad judge because I know what works and what doesn't in advance, but it has good roguelike feel to me.

Eventually I want to pay an artist to put together a proper graphical tileset for me, but development is moving along so quickly that that would probably just be a distraction at the moment. Once things are more stable, that's what I'll be looking to do so the presentation is more accessible for the casual user.


Jan 1, 2015
I actually spent the afternoon implementing tiles so it looks like that feature is coming sooner rather than later. Here's what the new display looks like (obviously unfinished but you get the idea):



† Cristo è Re †
Jun 20, 2011


Transcendence 1.8 was released!

I only don't know, if old saves are compatible, so I turned off update downloading, because have nice progress in old version.
Now you can change ships (but not only that!) - yippee!
Awesome to see this game is still alive. Leave it to the 2D Space Sims to show how it's done.

That game seems like a worse version of Space Rangers.
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