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Incline Kingdom Come: Deliverance Modding Thread

Dec 17, 2013
Mods, please keep this thread separate, since it's only about modding.

So now that KCD has been out for over a year, there are some really good mods out for it, as well as other ways to significantly improve the experience. Below, I will list the stuff I am using on my current play-through, which I think has improved the experience tremendously from the vanilla game, and took KCD from an "interesting game with a ton of issues" to "one of the better open world RPGs ever made, with a ton of issues" territory.

1. The base mod I use is called "Better Combat and Immersion Compilation", and it's available on the Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/651

To install it, simply download the mod package, and extract into your Mods directory in the main game folder.

You can view the Nexus page for the exact list of "immersive" changes, but I will list the main ones below:
- removes the UI HUD entirely, so you will have pretty much a RL view in the game
- removes automatic centering when riding a horse (can look around)
- removes arrow trails
- makes the clock more realistic according to medieval time-keeping
- less carry weight

But the main point of this mod is to rework the combat system. Its combat module changes many numerical variables of the combat system in KCD to make it more challenging and realistic. The beauty of it, however, is that once the mod is installed, you can open the combat module with any archiving software (e.g. WinRAR) in the Mods directory, drill down to the rpg_param.xml file, and edit all of these values yourself, to your liking. That's what I ended up doing. While I use the mod's changes for the most part, I've edited some of the combat values a bit, even further customizing the combat to what I feel is the most fun and realistic configuration. Below, I will list the key numerical variables that are changed by the mod, and will also mention the ones I changed, and why. Still, all of the credit obviously goes to the mod creator, I am just tweaking it a little bit.

CombatAutoMaxAttackDelay: changed from 6 to 3 to make NPCs have less attack delay
CombatAutoAttackDelayIncreasePerAttacker: changed from 0.8 to 0.2, to prevent multiple attackers from slowing down too much, in vanilla, they will slow down Hollywood style, the more of them there are

The next 5 variables are used together. They determine how often the NPCs will defend using a particular technique, so each of the five is the ratio (or weight) of that technique out of the whole pool. By increasing the value of each, you make it more used, and vice versa.

CombatAutoDodgeWeight (how often NPCs dodge): 1.1
CombatAutoNoDefenseWeight (how often NPCs have no defense - get hit): 0.3
CombatAutoNormalBWeight (how often they regular block): 3.2 changed to 2.2 (I changed to 2.3)
CombatAutoPBWeight (how often they perfect block/parry): 3.1 changed to 4.4. (I changed to 4.6)
CombatAutoSPBWeight (how often they masterstrike): 1.5 changed to 0.3 (I changed to 0)

So the idea here is to remove masterstrike from NPCs entirely, since it's a bullshit non-counterable move that kills the flow of combat. We will later remove it from the player as well. Also, the idea is to make parries happen more often, and regular blocks less often, for 2 reasons:

a. After parrying, NPCs will often riposte, which is a quick attack that's difficult to defend yourself. So this adds more defensive challenge to combat, where you can't just attack all the time, but must defend more as well. It makes the combat a lot more back-and-forth.
b. When there is a lot of regular blocks, combos become too easy to execute, but with this configuration, they actually take time and patience to perform.

MaxPerfectBlockSlotModifier 0.6375
This makes the perfect block (parry) a little harder to nail down in terms of timing, as the vanilla time window is very generous, especially considering that the window increases as you level up your skills.
MaxSpecialPerfectBlockSlotModifier 0
This makes the masterstrike impossible to perform for the player, goes together with the change for the NPCs above.

The mod also makes player damage scale less with skills, since by default, it becomes way too high, and makes fights arbitrary. And it nerfs player armor a bit as well. And finally, it nerfs clinching significantly, since this was used to cheese the combat system in vanilla.

2. Another smaller mod I use is "No Mo' Slow Mo": https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/284

This one simply removes the slo-mo effect when you land a perfect block(parry), since this is annoying, ruins the flow and timing of combat, and is somewhat of a cheating mode. It goes very nicely with the mod above.

3. The final change I made to the game was to increase the encounter rate in the game, and is outlined here: https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcom...o_get_more_random_encounters_any_kcd_version/

By default, the game world can be a bit empty. You can ride across the map and encounter very little. But by adjusting another numeric variable, you can significantly improve this. Use a hex editor to enable changing this variable, as outlined in the link above, and then add it to your user.cfg file in the main directory:

wh_pl_randomEventBaseChanceRunOffset = 0.5

Then, in Steam, add this to launch options for KCD: +exec user.cfg

This will load the cfg file every time you run the game, and set the encounter rate variable to 0.5. With this setting (by default it's 0), you will run into a lot of Cumans, bandits, guards, traveling merchants and knights, and other cool stuff, and the world will seem a lot more alive.


Apr 16, 2004
Is there a mod to add an in-game compass you can buy and then check? I like the idea of removing the HUD compass entirely (especially indicators), but having access to your cardinal direction would be nice.
Dec 17, 2013
Not sure, but I really loved the HUD-less view. In real world Europe, people didn't use compasses on land, they just learned the landmarks. After a few hours, I could look at the various castles, woods, rivers, etc, and know where I am and where I am going (approximately). It really changed the quality of gameplay for me, from the modern follow the compass mindless gameplay to active, observe your surroundings and orient yourself approach.


Oct 19, 2018
Is there a mod to add an in-game compass you can buy and then check? I like the idea of removing the HUD compass entirely (especially indicators), but having access to your cardinal direction would be nice.

Mods that add new items atm must (necessarily) remove something else. Something like this could be more likely once proper tools are released.


May 13, 2013
The combat mod you mention, you say that it reduces the impact of skills, can that be changed? Can I implement all the changes you mentioned but keep the skill scaling as is in vanilla?
Dec 17, 2013
Yeah, just find the appropriate variable in that file I mentioned, and change it to what you want. But it's really much better the way he changed it, because in vanilla, skills increase damage tremendously, breaking the combat system. Once your strength/weapon skills are high enough, you can one shot most enemies, which makes the whole combat system irrelevant. With his mod, those things still increase damage over time, but in a more logical way that doesn't break the system.


May 13, 2013
Now I just need to wait till I can upgrade my GPU so I can play the game in 1080p instead of 720p.


Aug 20, 2008
PorkyThePaladin - any updates on the aforementioned mods a year and a half later? I've just bought the game and had bookmarked your thread a while back.
Dec 17, 2013
PorkyThePaladin - any updates on the aforementioned mods a year and a half later? I've just bought the game and had bookmarked your thread a while back.

I have completed the game in 2019, and have not played it since, since I spent easily over a 100 hours on it. I do plan to play it again at some point, with all the DLCs and stuff, but haven't really looked into the modding scene since then. You can always go to Nexus (KCD section), and check out the latest popular mods.


Aug 20, 2008
Yeah I will do that, but thanks for the suggestions in the opening post as I'll probably make use of those mods (unless there have been some major updates since then).


Aug 20, 2008
Yeah I will do that, but thanks for the suggestions in the opening post as I'll probably make use of those mods (unless there have been some major updates since then).
So how did it go and what did you end up using ?

I think just Bow Dot Reticle. Got 55 hours before I got bored at a certain point (the monastery). Don't get me wrong it's a great game and there are some fantastic quests, but I usually have to move on to something else around the 50-60 hour mark.


Aug 27, 2009
Road to Arnika
Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech
Thank god for this thread, PorkyThePaladin . Loved the game and the combat until i learnt the master strike and enrolled in the tournament. Since then i started only using master strike and if i didn't the enemy would do it for me, reminding me of what a fool i was for not using it.
The mod worked great by removing it from your opponents, but even though i set the MaxSpecialPerfectBlockSlotModifier to zero, i still manage to master strike even when i don't want to. Any tips on that?
Dec 17, 2013
Are you sure you set it to zero correctly in the correct file and saved? When I set it to zero, I didn't masterstrike once the whole game. Though that was 2-3 years ago, so maybe something's changed since then.

If you check everything and confirm it's correct, and it still lets you do that, the only other suggestions I can think of are:

1. Check for a remove masterstrike mod online, or on the nexus.
2. Instead of making it 0, make it a very tiny number, like say 0.00001 or something like that, maybe play around with a few.


Aug 27, 2009
Road to Arnika
Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech
Are you sure you set it to zero correctly in the correct file and saved? When I set it to zero, I didn't masterstrike once the whole game. Though that was 2-3 years ago, so maybe something's changed since then.

If you check everything and confirm it's correct, and it still lets you do that, the only other suggestions I can think of are:

1. Check for a remove masterstrike mod online, or on the nexus.
2. Instead of making it 0, make it a very tiny number, like say 0.00001 or something like that, maybe play around with a few.
Great! Got it to work.
All the changes i made to the file worked but the one regarding the player's master strikes so i found that odd. Turns out he did some updates to the mode,
and there was another file with the same command line, that overrided the file i was editing.

No i can play the game without it. Pure Bliss
Dec 17, 2013
Excellent. People don't believe me, but KCD modded according to these specs is arguably the best melee combat system ever made in a video game. I don't mean in the sense of challenge, or a fighting game, but in terms of feeling like an actual knight/medieval combatant.


Jul 7, 2018
I reinstalled KC: D with the intention of finishing it this time around (played it twice, made it about halfway through each time). I don't know if I want to go with completely rebalancing combat for now, but are there other must have mods in 2022? Be it perfomance, QoL or anything else really.
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Aug 27, 2009
Road to Arnika
Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech
Excellent. People don't believe me, but KCD modded according to these specs is arguably the best melee combat system ever made in a video game. I don't mean in the sense of challenge, or a fighting game, but in terms of feeling like an actual knight/medieval combatant.
It is great. Much better than Mount&Blade (the old ones, havent played the new one and probably never will).
But for some reason my mod is no longer working and the master strike has risen from its grave... wtf...
I have to check what i am doing wrong.

Edit: there is a different line that defines the master strike value on hardcore but even that didnt change a thing.
This is odd because i managed to mess with all the other values and see the respective effect in game.
Oh well i scraped my already character, which was quite ahead with 20 of strength, and started a new game where i won't ask Bernard to teach me how to master strike.

With master strike some fights can become quite anticlimactic. I was beating down supposedly great warriors with the touch of a button.
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Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Mods, please keep this thread separate, since it's only about modding.

So now that KCD has been out for over a year, there are some really good mods out for it, as well as other ways to significantly improve the experience. Below, I will list the stuff I am using on my current play-through, which I think has improved the experience tremendously from the vanilla game, and took KCD from an "interesting game with a ton of issues" to "one of the better open world RPGs ever made, with a ton of issues" territory.

1. The base mod I use is called "Better Combat and Immersion Compilation", and it's available on the Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/651

To install it, simply download the mod package, and extract into your Mods directory in the main game folder.

You can view the Nexus page for the exact list of "immersive" changes, but I will list the main ones below:
- removes the UI HUD entirely, so you will have pretty much a RL view in the game
- removes automatic centering when riding a horse (can look around)
- removes arrow trails
- makes the clock more realistic according to medieval time-keeping
- less carry weight

But the main point of this mod is to rework the combat system. Its combat module changes many numerical variables of the combat system in KCD to make it more challenging and realistic. The beauty of it, however, is that once the mod is installed, you can open the combat module with any archiving software (e.g. WinRAR) in the Mods directory, drill down to the rpg_param.xml file, and edit all of these values yourself, to your liking. That's what I ended up doing. While I use the mod's changes for the most part, I've edited some of the combat values a bit, even further customizing the combat to what I feel is the most fun and realistic configuration. Below, I will list the key numerical variables that are changed by the mod, and will also mention the ones I changed, and why. Still, all of the credit obviously goes to the mod creator, I am just tweaking it a little bit.

CombatAutoMaxAttackDelay: changed from 6 to 3 to make NPCs have less attack delay
CombatAutoAttackDelayIncreasePerAttacker: changed from 0.8 to 0.2, to prevent multiple attackers from slowing down too much, in vanilla, they will slow down Hollywood style, the more of them there are

The next 5 variables are used together. They determine how often the NPCs will defend using a particular technique, so each of the five is the ratio (or weight) of that technique out of the whole pool. By increasing the value of each, you make it more used, and vice versa.

CombatAutoDodgeWeight (how often NPCs dodge): 1.1
CombatAutoNoDefenseWeight (how often NPCs have no defense - get hit): 0.3
CombatAutoNormalBWeight (how often they regular block): 3.2 changed to 2.2 (I changed to 2.3)
CombatAutoPBWeight (how often they perfect block/parry): 3.1 changed to 4.4. (I changed to 4.6)
CombatAutoSPBWeight (how often they masterstrike): 1.5 changed to 0.3 (I changed to 0)

So the idea here is to remove masterstrike from NPCs entirely, since it's a bullshit non-counterable move that kills the flow of combat. We will later remove it from the player as well. Also, the idea is to make parries happen more often, and regular blocks less often, for 2 reasons:

a. After parrying, NPCs will often riposte, which is a quick attack that's difficult to defend yourself. So this adds more defensive challenge to combat, where you can't just attack all the time, but must defend more as well. It makes the combat a lot more back-and-forth.
b. When there is a lot of regular blocks, combos become too easy to execute, but with this configuration, they actually take time and patience to perform.
Didn't the mod require you targeting the wrong zone, relative to the NPC stance? I thought that not doing that would guarantee not being hit by masterstrikes.

I am ambivalent about masterstrikes, because they were heavily emphasized in the German school of swordsmanship, but they are very difficult to time well in combat. As in the game, the masterstrikes were meant to serve both as a parry and attack in the same move. I'd say they should require the opponent to be a lot less skilled.
Dec 17, 2013
Mods, please keep this thread separate, since it's only about modding.

So now that KCD has been out for over a year, there are some really good mods out for it, as well as other ways to significantly improve the experience. Below, I will list the stuff I am using on my current play-through, which I think has improved the experience tremendously from the vanilla game, and took KCD from an "interesting game with a ton of issues" to "one of the better open world RPGs ever made, with a ton of issues" territory.

1. The base mod I use is called "Better Combat and Immersion Compilation", and it's available on the Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/651

To install it, simply download the mod package, and extract into your Mods directory in the main game folder.

You can view the Nexus page for the exact list of "immersive" changes, but I will list the main ones below:
- removes the UI HUD entirely, so you will have pretty much a RL view in the game
- removes automatic centering when riding a horse (can look around)
- removes arrow trails
- makes the clock more realistic according to medieval time-keeping
- less carry weight

But the main point of this mod is to rework the combat system. Its combat module changes many numerical variables of the combat system in KCD to make it more challenging and realistic. The beauty of it, however, is that once the mod is installed, you can open the combat module with any archiving software (e.g. WinRAR) in the Mods directory, drill down to the rpg_param.xml file, and edit all of these values yourself, to your liking. That's what I ended up doing. While I use the mod's changes for the most part, I've edited some of the combat values a bit, even further customizing the combat to what I feel is the most fun and realistic configuration. Below, I will list the key numerical variables that are changed by the mod, and will also mention the ones I changed, and why. Still, all of the credit obviously goes to the mod creator, I am just tweaking it a little bit.

CombatAutoMaxAttackDelay: changed from 6 to 3 to make NPCs have less attack delay
CombatAutoAttackDelayIncreasePerAttacker: changed from 0.8 to 0.2, to prevent multiple attackers from slowing down too much, in vanilla, they will slow down Hollywood style, the more of them there are

The next 5 variables are used together. They determine how often the NPCs will defend using a particular technique, so each of the five is the ratio (or weight) of that technique out of the whole pool. By increasing the value of each, you make it more used, and vice versa.

CombatAutoDodgeWeight (how often NPCs dodge): 1.1
CombatAutoNoDefenseWeight (how often NPCs have no defense - get hit): 0.3
CombatAutoNormalBWeight (how often they regular block): 3.2 changed to 2.2 (I changed to 2.3)
CombatAutoPBWeight (how often they perfect block/parry): 3.1 changed to 4.4. (I changed to 4.6)
CombatAutoSPBWeight (how often they masterstrike): 1.5 changed to 0.3 (I changed to 0)

So the idea here is to remove masterstrike from NPCs entirely, since it's a bullshit non-counterable move that kills the flow of combat. We will later remove it from the player as well. Also, the idea is to make parries happen more often, and regular blocks less often, for 2 reasons:

a. After parrying, NPCs will often riposte, which is a quick attack that's difficult to defend yourself. So this adds more defensive challenge to combat, where you can't just attack all the time, but must defend more as well. It makes the combat a lot more back-and-forth.
b. When there is a lot of regular blocks, combos become too easy to execute, but with this configuration, they actually take time and patience to perform.
Didn't the mod require you targeting the wrong zone, relative to the NPC stance? I thought that not doing that would guarantee not being hit by masterstrikes.

This thread was made around 2019, when I played the game. At that time, this mod didn't have anything about directional stuff, but maybe they added something since then.

I am ambivalent about masterstrikes, because they were heavily emphasized in the German school of swordsmanship, but they are very difficult to time well in combat. As in the game, the masterstrikes were meant to serve both as a parry and attack in the same move. I'd say they should require the opponent to be a lot less skilled.

The issue is not masterstrikes in fencing, but how they were implemented in the game. In actual swordfighting, a masterstrike is a very advanced move, which involves analyzing the attack, your defenses, positioning, etc, and performing attack/defense in the same action. But in KCD, a masterstrike is just a more tightly timed parry, so if your reflexes are good, you can just hit block very quickly and voila, masterstrike. And enemies do it all the time. In both cases, no skill involved, but ruins the flow of combat, which is what KCD combat excels at. So the best thing to do is to remove it altogether, at least until some mod implements it in a balanced and skillful way.

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