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Underrail: The Incline Awakens


Aug 27, 2014
Le Balkans
Shame tbh that the Map system was not integrated into the game with cartographers or somesuch.


Apr 8, 2019



Jan 25, 2008
Codex 2012
Eh, made my way to Core City Docks to finally dive into Expedition.
Chief Briggs wants "proof" i am capable. What proof? Which trigger enables Expedition?


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
You know how noobs cry about Depot A?
But its completely trivial with doors and traps.
Yet I have not seen noobs cry about Hathor mine. Probably because they dont make it that far...
For chars without stealth can be deadlocked inside of it. You come out and the whole fucking map respawed all the burrowers and you have no door, no way to move around, no way to win the fight, no way to abuse initiative. You be starving inside the mine...

Is this intentional?

Been like this forever iirc.


Apr 8, 2019
^^ Yeah, I vaguely remember stealthing away with my sniper. But it just has to lock in a good handfull of chars.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
^^ Yeah, I vaguely remember stealthing away with my sniper. But it just has to lock in a good handfull of chars.

I wiped them out twice but I go there after Rails Crossing, which helps since you are usually level 12 after the main quests there. Though I would also wait to do Dude's extended quest line. It can get rather nasty, especially
friggin laser cats!
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
there was no map to aid Millennials lacking all sense of direction, and getting to and fro actually required a significant time investment.
The main issue wasn't the lack of maps but that the game was so hard to map manually. They had to add additional areas just to make the map work.

Rinslin Merwind

Nov 4, 2017
Sea of Eventualities
Some people so in denial that there should be a maps in game - it's hilarious. I mean, If your "sense of exploration" can be ruined by a fact that people in Underrail will paint maps just as their ancestors from surface - maybe you don't had any wonderful feeling of exploration in first place? Humanity paint maps from dawn of existence and I see zero reason why inhabitants of caves and tunnels would refuse to do that. More believable world > "feelings".

Edit: I talking about maps like some sort of document that you can find and open with primitive layout of caves and tunnels, not automap with all details about location.
Jan 1, 2011
Yet I have not seen noobs cry about Hathor mine. Probably because they dont make it that far...
For chars without stealth can be deadlocked inside of it. You come out and the whole fucking map respawed all the burrowers and you have no door, no way to move around, no way to win the fight, no way to abuse initiative. You be starving inside the mine...
Is this intentional?
Why would you spend long enough in there for anything to respawn? It's not a big area and respawns take like an hour.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Underrail society seems pretty advanced technologically. Why would they not have portable automappers?

It has a proper fog of war, los and noise system. Relatively simple but effective for the most part. If you know what you are doing you can wipe out a lot of groups without being noticed until hard. Dominating adds a bit too much to do it reliably though it is still possible.

Rinslin Merwind

Nov 4, 2017
Sea of Eventualities
Underrail society seems pretty advanced technologically. Why would they not have portable automappers?
While I agree that advanced technology should help in mapping caves, my notion about automaps was more like attempt to bring a "in between" solution that can calm down "no maps" activists and help normal people with orientation in world.

Rinslin Merwind

Nov 4, 2017
Sea of Eventualities
Cross-post from another thread just in case:
Did anybody else tested Pope Amole II 's build with machete and metal armor?
(Build: http://underrail.info.tm/build/?Hgg...oRSTCmcKOBsKMEktcwo0AMCvCh8KzQinip74K4rKIBd-_)
Because somehow I suffer even on oddity normal difficulty run, even metal armor barely helps and pack of rathounds can be real problem (and don't get me started on ranged enemies like azuridae). Robots also pain in ass. Traps help a bit, but not every situation can be solved with traps (and they are gay) and misses with machete make me furious. Perhaps I am stupid and doing something wrong (more likely it is), but I just want know for sure.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
The main issue wasn't the lack of maps but that the game was so hard to map manually. They had to add additional areas just to make the map work.

There were some impossible/irrational room connections, but mapping them couldn't have been that hard, because I could always find my way without a map of any kind. This is bullshit anyway, because if manual mapping was really the main issue, then they could simply have fixed the impossible/irrational room connections. The main issue was adding a map because so many people were whining for a map.

Furthermore, these same people still would have been whining for a map even had there been no impossible/irrational room connections, as you well know.

Some people so in denial that there should be a maps in game - it's hilarious. I mean, If your "sense of exploration" can be ruined by a fact that people in Underrail will paint maps just as their ancestors from surface - maybe you don't had any wonderful feeling of exploration in first place? Humanity paint maps from dawn of existence and I see zero reason why inhabitants of caves and tunnels would refuse to do that. More believable world > "feelings".

An automap that tells you exactly where you are interferes with the sense of exploration for the same reason that a hint book full of solutions will interfere with the enjoyment of a puzzle or adventure game. Being handed everything on a silver platter kind of ruins any sense of accomplishment, yeah. If you don't understand this, then frankly, you're a fucking moron. Fortunately for me, I have enough self-control not to click that button (and know most areas by heart anyway, so it's a moot point).

"More believable world" is a realism argument, and as is the case with nearly all realism arguments, you don't actually care about making the world more realistic or believable. You just want a map, and believability is a convenient (but ultimately bogus) justification for getting what you want. If your true desire were to make the game world more believable, I can think of dozens of touches that would do much more to make that happen than any kind of map.

Realism arguments are the go-to ammunition of people whining for developers to add various features, as seen countless times on the Codex, the Steam forums, various games' official and unofficial message boards, etc. In this case, enough of you whined for a crutch that Styg eventually caved in, if you'll pardon the pun.

Underrail society seems pretty advanced technologically. Why would they not have portable automappers?

This is another realism argument. Once again, if you genuinely cared about the world's believability, justifying automaps wouldn't be your top priority.

Good gameplay always trumps realism, and inclined features trump convenience and "accessibility."


Mar 22, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Are people finding
rift locations for the Dude
in the Black Sea? Found plenty around the Lower Caves but not so many on the other map


Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
I thought adding something special might take away mechanical damage or something.

You're right, but that's for Energy Edge Emitter, not for Electro Shock Generator.

I don't know if it was a mistake to take Nimble instead of Expertise - what do you think?

I think Expertise not that useful for builds with high crit. Take Weaponsmith probably.

What you dont know you are missing is expose weakness. You will hit a wall without it.

Well, when I did Fort Apogee with a fist fighter, I mostly used for Dreadnoughts e-shock tichrome dagger, without Expose Weakness, Donimating.
So it's possible, but if you can afford feat for that - sure. I just don't like it.

Btw do Faceless counts as humans for feats like Cut-Throat and such?

Jesus christ jet skis are slow.

Am I doing something wrong? Because they actually travel at a speed of basically zero

Try to, like, recharge batteries, duuuuuuuude....

lukaszek my build, based on yours. )


Why would you spend long enough in there for anything to respawn?

I think, it's actually different thing - when you drown the burrowers, first area respawns anyway. At least I think so.

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
What's the solution to this

Ok let me put it this way:
The riddle is about addition. You can put in three different lines. You have to do this process three times.

I hope this was helpful. If not I can give you more hints or the solution outright if you so wish.
Yeah, just reloaded a save and solved the riddle. Very nice one, thanks a lot, and also cheers to Styg and co for brain-stimulating riddle :salute:

The main issue wasn't the lack of maps but that the game was so hard to map manually. They had to add additional areas just to make the map work.
Eh, not really. The game wasn't hard to map manually, but as Blaine pointed out, having an actual in-game map makes the irrational/impossible zone connection sticks like a sore thumb. This has been rectified by Styg and co, however, and as one can see from bringing up the maps, it all makes sense now.

I liked the map as it is, but I still think it could be done better. You know those plans oddities? Like the ones for the Foundry and Core City? I still think Styg should've made that once you completed collecting this oddity, a special in-game map as items for Core City and the Foundry respectively should've been added to our character's inventory, ones that if we use it, it shows a concept art-like maps like, say, Valley of Mines map for Gothic

Rinslin Merwind

Nov 4, 2017
Sea of Eventualities
An automap that tells you exactly where you are interferes with the sense of exploration for the same reason that a hint book full of solutions will interfere with the enjoyment of a puzzle or adventure game. Being handed everything on a silver platter kind of ruins any sense of accomplishment, yeah. If you don't understand this, then frankly, you're a fucking moron. Fortunately for me, I have enough self-control not to click that button (and know most areas by heart anyway, so it's a moot point).

"More believable world" is a realism argument, and as is the case with nearly all realism arguments, you don't actually care about making the world more realistic or believable. You just want a map, and believability is a convenient (but ultimately bogus) justification for getting what you want. If your true desire were to make the game world more believable, I can think of dozens of touches that would do much more to make that happen than any kind of map.

Realism arguments are the go-to ammunition of people whining for developers to add various features, as seen countless times on the Codex, the Steam forums, various games' official and unofficial message boards, etc. In this case, enough of you whined for a crutch that Styg eventually caved in, if you'll pardon the pun.
Oh, Sorry I didn't know that you are idiot that thinks that "evul casuals conspires against your ideas of superior gamedesign" and anybody who disagree with your ideas is "whiners". Look, I know that talking with person like you is pointless, but I can playing the game without any map and thought that it will be just a nice realistic detail to world. But NOOO, you decided that somehow your ideas about realism is more superior than mine, even though you have no arguments at all. Your view on game-design isn't better than mine, quit being asshole.

Facts: Humans tend to paint maps of place surrounded their habitat.
You: "Muh feelings"
Facts> Feelings. Deal with it.

Discarding realism arguments because in your mad mind these arguments connected to some conspiracy is utterly lunacy. You really need mental help or at least tour in local archive where you will find plans of every fucking building in your city, maybe it helps to overcome your stupid fanatism.

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