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Skyblivion - Oblivion in Skyrim


Aug 16, 2014

I just needed to see that portal to never again want to play this game. These portals was literal hell of repetition and boredom. And I ran through all of it with crafted invisible items. Imagine must to pass all this shit fighting those things over and over? God, never again.
Jan 3, 2019
I just needed to see that portal to never again want to play this game. These portals was literal hell of repetition and boredom. And I ran through all of it with crafted invisible items. Imagine must to pass all this shit fighting those things over and over? God, never again.

I remember eventually turning on flying and noclip so I could just zoom up, grab the Oblivion rune, and be done with it.


Apr 8, 2015
Commendable dedication. But still...
I am not even going to touch the fact they are remaking a shitty, and that they are being faithful to the point of remeking even the game's shittiest aspects. I get why they choose it, nostalgia and just the fact these dudes actually think Obliturd is a fine game
What bothers me is why are doing it with such a lackluster software.
If they are going to remake Oblivion, why not do it in a different engine, like Unreal. Why did they decided to do with Skyrim's mod tools?
Betheseda's engine besides being ancient and far too limited, their mod tools have with each passing game since Oblivion become more and more limited and cumbersome to work with.
Shit they would even work more wuickly and efficiently on Unity.

Anyone else remember Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul? Yeah, I can't imagine playing through Oblivion... AGAIN... without it.

Like Skyrim, not even OOO and Requiem can save those games. Sure the overhaul progression become less fucked, and they world building a tad better. But those game's flaws are too deep rooted to correct with simple changes to the values. The gameplay mechanics, feel, the quests and level design, those are aspects are shallow, weak and boring, they need a complete redesign to become in any good.
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Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
My totally "expert" legal opinion is that if Skyblivion requires a working Oblivion installation (in other words, proof of Oblivion purchase), they should be fine to reuse voice assets. But nobody really wants to go to court with Zenimax for something so stupid, so they just avoid the issue entirely with new voice acting.
Voice actor unions don't allow for that, even if Bethesda allowed, there is a class based agreement prohibiting the re-use of voice on other projects without compensation.
Technically, yes. But there's nothing they can do about an automated tool that moves assets from Oblivion to another project, as long as said assets aren't being redistributed.
Also, voice actors unions are cancer.


Oct 1, 2018
My totally "expert" legal opinion is that if Skyblivion requires a working Oblivion installation (in other words, proof of Oblivion purchase), they should be fine to reuse voice assets. But nobody really wants to go to court with Zenimax for something so stupid, so they just avoid the issue entirely with new voice acting.
Also, why the fuck would anyone want to reuse OB VOs?
Or anything else for that matter.

About the only salvageable part of the base game was the soundtrack. Not great, but ok.

I wouldn't mind someone remaking the game in Skyrim's or even Oblibian's own engine (with extensively modded assets, mechanics and renderer settings) - except in an inclined manner.
Patrick Stewart, Sean Bean, and Terrence Stamp did pretty good VO work. I must confess I find a lot of the generic VO charming, even though it's frequently bad. "STOP CRIMINAL SCUM" and all that.


May 13, 2013
Commendable dedication. But still...
I am not even going to touch the fact they are remaking a shitty, and that they are being faithful to the point of remeking even the game's shittiest aspects. I get why they choose it, nostalgia and just the fact these dudes actually think Obliturd is a fine game
What bothers me is why are doing it with such a lackluster software.
If they are going to remake Oblivion, why not do it in a different engine, like Unreal. Why did they decided to do with Skyrim's mod tools?
Betheseda's engine besides being ancient and far too limited, their mod tools have with each passing game since Oblivion become more and more limited and cumbersome to work with.
Shit they would even work more wuickly and efficiently on Unity.
I assume they did it to avoid legal problems, although that stuff is easy to avoid if you just remain anonymous, don't screw around your identity, and host game files and server in Russia or some obscure country.


Jan 12, 2019
I still don't get the point of these projects. So many people are putting in so much effort just to recreate the same game just so they play with prettier graphics. This is like a new form of autism. What the fuck is the point of this, when you can just download mods for the original game. Like I said for F4:NV and F4: Capital Wasteland, they should of spend effort trying to make an Open-source engine like OpenMW.


Dec 8, 2014
The Moon
RPG Wokedex
I still don't get the point of these projects. So many people are putting in so much effort just to recreate the same game just so they play with prettier graphics. This is like a new form of autism. What the fuck is the point of this, when you can just download mods for the original game. Like I said for F4:NV and F4: Capital Wasteland, they should of spend effort trying to make an Open-source engine like OpenMW.

I suppose because there are literally thousands of mods out there for Oblivion, and mods often break the game. I installed a well-rated mod that was supposed to add penguins to Morrowind once and it ripped Ebonheart a new asshole in the landscape. Trying to sift through, download, sort, install, and test all the mods you want together is a full-time job you're not getting paid for. If someone wants to waste their time polishing an old turd of a game, like Oblivion, more power to them, but I think modding OR recreating those games are BOTH endeavors best-suited for autists. Fuck Bethesda and their half-assed games.


Jan 17, 2015
I still don't get the point of these projects.

The point of the project is to learn to use the tools. It's about the journey of modding and not the destination of a complete project.

The teaser trailer exists because someone wanted to use video editing software.


Mar 1, 2013
North of Poland
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I still don't get the point of these projects. So many people are putting in so much effort just to recreate the same game just so they play with prettier graphics. This is like a new form of autism. What the fuck is the point of this, when you can just download mods for the original game. Like I said for F4:NV and F4: Capital Wasteland, they should of spend effort trying to make an Open-source engine like OpenMW.
There is a big audience who only played Skyrim, but isn't interested in playing older games because they are clunky in comparison. For them, these projects are essentially huge new chunks of content for a game they're already familiar with. And since there is a demand, there is a space for modders to create something, something that will make headlines even.

In my eyes, these projects are generally a waste of time that should have been better spent creating something new (Skywind does new things though, like filling out Morrowind's very llimited soundtrack for example). Remakes are lame. I fucked around in Oblivion and had great fun over a decade ago now, if I wanted to re-visit the world of Cyrodiil I'd just re-install Oblivion and play that - I wouldn't want something new. But I'm not the primary audience here. I don't think the people who have already played the original game ever are.


Apr 8, 2015
I assume they did it to avoid legal problems, although that stuff is easy to avoid if you just remain anonymous, don't screw around your identity, and host game files and server in Russia or some obscure country.

That's a good point, but still. They are making their task needlessly more troublesome and time-consuming by using outdated tech.
Shit, Skyrim's engine can't use more than 2Gb of RAM, it can't handle maps bigger than the vanilla game world, they are very limited in regards to making all kind of new shit like and just making an optimized game.

I still don't get the point of these projects. So many people are putting in so much effort just to recreate the same game just so they play with prettier graphics. This is like a new form of autism. What the fuck is the point of this, when you can just download mods for the original game.

The point is simple. These guys genuinely liked Oblivion, want to gain some experience developing games and lastly it's probably a fun hobby for them.

Remakes are lame.

Depends. If the remake is well designed, builds on the strengths of the original, corrects it's mistakes and gives it an overall polish. Then it becomes the definitive way to play the game.
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Feb 14, 2017
I still don't get the point of these projects. So many people are putting in so much effort just to recreate the same game just so they play with prettier graphics. This is like a new form of autism. What the fuck is the point of this, when you can just download mods for the original game. Like I said for F4:NV and F4: Capital Wasteland, they should of spend effort trying to make an Open-source engine like OpenMW.

Well said.

Then they'll do it all again when the next TES game is released.

All we want is fucking Morrowind 2 anyway.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
I think that good reason to remake Oblivion would be actually supplanting it with something good that fits in its place in TES lore, but for that you want to keep as little as possible.
Just recreating oblivion using Skyrim simply makes no sense.


Some of the modders are probably working on it to get jobs in the games industry; when it is finished it will generate a lot of publicity.


Aug 16, 2014
They are trying new recipes because they got a good plate, not because the cake tasted good in the first place.


Dec 15, 2018
Impressive effort put forth by modders to make a 13 year old game look like an 8 year old gaem!! :salute:


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Some of the modders are probably working on it to get jobs in the games industry; when it is finished it will generate a lot of publicity.
Hopefully whoever is hiring will rate them on originality and creativity.

Impressive effort put forth by modders to make a 13 year old game look like an 8 year old gaem!! :salute:
Not even that. Oblvion's taint is such that even in Skyrim it looks like itself.


Jan 17, 2015
In my eyes, these projects are generally a waste of time that should have been better spent creating something new
Some of the modders are probably working on it to get jobs in the games industry; when it is finished it will generate a lot of publicity.

The hobbyist modders who tinker with the code and art assets are not wasting their unpaid time creating new assets. Some of them may have had jobs in the industry. Layoffs and unemployment are common.


Oct 1, 2018
Levitation isn't illegal if you're the Emperor. But it is illegal if you're trying to escape Mythic Dawn assassins. You have to crawl around in the sewers like a wino in that case.

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