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Expeditions: Conquistador, sys requirements?

Feb 2, 2012
Codex 2012
What is wrong with this game?

Steam says it just needs GeForce 8600... I run the game for 5 minutes and my computer shuts down every time. Tried underclocking my gfx card (which is GTX 550), manually putting the fans up to 100%, turning gfx to half-res and still overheats

Can play Civ5, Fallout: NV no problems, but not a TB strategy game?

Anyone else get this?


Aug 4, 2007
It eats up all my system resources, which is why I haven't played it yet. I only have an Intel HD 4000 onboard video card, though. But it does run NWN2 and Dragon Age on max settings just fine when I took them for a test ride. They are older games, but still...
Jan 7, 2012
If your PC shuts down just because you are at 100% utilization than you have a fucked PC. It's as simple as that. Quit overclocking or w/e. It's your fault for having a broken PC, not the devs fault for not monitoring your system temps.

That said, check if Vsync is on and if not then force it.
Feb 2, 2012
Codex 2012
If your PC shuts down just because you are at 100% utilization than you have a fucked PC. It's as simple as that. Quit overclocking or w/e. It's your fault for having a broken PC, not the devs fault for not monitoring your system temps.

That said, check if Vsync is on and if not then force it.
Uh, it's not a utilization issue it's a heat issue. And I'm underclocking not overclocking. You seem quite emotional, are you the boyfriend of one of the devs?
Jan 7, 2012
If your PC shuts down just because you are at 100% utilization than you have a fucked PC. It's as simple as that. Quit overclocking or w/e. It's your fault for having a broken PC, not the devs fault for not monitoring your system temps.

That said, check if Vsync is on and if not then force it.
Uh, it's not a utilization issue it's a heat issue. And I'm underclocking not overclocking.
Heat comes from utilization. I don't care what you think you are doing, if you are overheating then you are overclocked for your current setup. Either clock lower or fix your cooling solution.

You seem quite emotional, are you the boyfriend of one of the devs?


Jun 15, 2009
PC shutting down like this is usually the power supply failing; its very common with low quality chines ones. Usually after 5 years even with good brand, their capacitors dry .I remember seeing the first test of your geforce in 2011 or so but how old is the powersupply ? Conquistador is a bit more demanding on the gpu than usual games it could also be overheating , you monitor the temperature i hope ? Try to enable vsync,it limits the number of frames per sec ,see if it help .


Apr 17, 2012
It works on my 5-6 year old laptop with Geforce 9300m gs without problems. Looks like shit compared to desktop though.


Jan 25, 2008
Codex 2012
The game is not optimized well (at all?). Some other people noticed this already, including me. Graphic cards fan starts to get angry every time, like i am playing dead island or something.

-> turn vsync on and every other postprocessing bullshit off. Turn off shadows, choose half res graphics on unimportant stuff like water. Work to something more comfortable from there. I have now almost no noise.
Feb 2, 2012
Codex 2012
PC shutting down like this is usually the power supply failing; its very common with low quality chines ones. Usually after 5 years even with good brand, their capacitors dry .I remember seeing the first test of your geforce in 2011 or so but how old is the powersupply ? Conquistador is a bit more demanding on the gpu than usual games it could also be overheating , you monitor the temperature i hope ? Try to enable vsync,it limits the number of frames per sec ,see if it help .
Yeah, I do monitor my temperature and it shoots up to 65-70 celsius within a few minutes

I'll look into the PSU, I got it with my case which is cheap

Thx for constructive replies


Jun 10, 2006
65-70 is nowhere near overheating. A GTX 550's max temp according to nvidia is 100c before it shuts down. Hell I tried the game on a gt 440 (known for having high temps) and it shot up to high 80s but didn't have any other issues. PSU problem is most likely correct.
Feb 2, 2012
Codex 2012
Yeah, you're correct. Yesterday I switched my Chinese PSU which came with the case with another PSU from another case (which has never been used).

I was able to play Expeditions for 1 hour before power (with shadows and other options) before it shut down. Now PC shuts down within 10-15 minutes without even doing anything or loading and programs, so the GPU/temperature is not the issue

Both are 500 Watt power units which I assumed were enough for my system (no external devices except keyboard and WiFi receiver plugged in)

Can simply running games damage the PSU?


Oct 26, 2012
New North Korea
Codex 2014 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Possibly. Computer power supplies do not run to the wattage they are classified as, especially generic ones. It depends on a few things - the amount of rails (which have a voltage) and their amplitude (amps) volts x amps = watts.

A generic 500w psu that has a couple of rails may only be able to do 350-400W max power, so after an hour, your computer is reaching the limit of the PSU then it shuts down.

Upgrade to a brand name PSU and maybe get a larger wattage (650W etc) and you will be fine.

All of the Generic PSUs I have ever owned have all blown up on me, the best generic one I had was a Codegen 500W that I got in 1998, it finally blew up last year.
Feb 2, 2012
Codex 2012
Possibly. Computer power supplies do not run to the wattage they are classified as, especially generic ones. It depends on a few things - the amount of rails (which have a voltage) and their amplitude (amps) volts x amps = watts.

A generic 500w psu that has a couple of rails may only be able to do 350-400W max power, so after an hour, your computer is reaching the limit of the PSU then it shuts down.

Upgrade to a brand name PSU and maybe get a larger wattage (650W etc) and you will be fine.

All of the Generic PSUs I have ever owned have all blown up on me, the best generic one I had was a Codegen 500W that I got in 1998, it finally blew up last year.
Thanks, this has solved all the problems with other games. Expeditions still shuts down after about 30 minutes, I did put the graphics up to 1600x900 and 'beautiful' thinking it could handle it

Not really enthusiastic about trying again


Mar 10, 2011
The game is poorly optimized. I turned down most of the features -- notably the overwhelming bloom effect -- and it ran a little better. There's always, at least in my experience, an odd "hiccup" with how your conquistador travels across the map. It's nowhere near as fluid as the King's Bounty games' map-traversing (turn-based movement counter is probably a part of that, but probably not the whole problem). You're not really missing much by turning everything down, though. Graphics aren't really great to begin with -- most of the good stuff is in the static images + writing. Also, sometimes games look better turned down and I think Expeditions is a good example of it. On highest settings, it's way too bright and shiny. Nothing looks real at all. On the lower settings, things get a little more smudged and darker. There's a bit more grit which I think just looks better.

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