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Psi build


May 25, 2015
on the back of a T34.
so i finnaly decided to try a psi build,saw nerdcommandos videos to educate meself but i only confused meself further.
it seems there are various psi builds,im interested in some telekinitic puncher stuff like that bald guy punching rocks with his mind in scs station.or being a wizard and firing fireballs!give advice plox!


Apr 14, 2009
so i finnaly decided to try a psi build,saw nerdcommandos videos to educate meself but i only confused meself further.
it seems there are various psi builds,im interested in some telekinitic puncher stuff like that bald guy punching rocks with his mind in scs station.or being a wizard and firing fireballs!give advice plox!

For a Psi build you need Will 10 and Int 7 (for Meditation and Neurology) therefore you have two main starting options:
1) Pure Psi build: Strength 4/ Dexterity 4/ Agility 4/ Constitution 4/ Perception 4/ Will 10/ Intelligence 10
2) Hybrid Psi build: Strength 4/ Dexterity 4/ Agility 7/ Constitution 4/ Perception 4/ Will 10/ Intelligence 7

Note: Intelligence is used for psi regeneration therefore you want it for a pure psi build.
Note: For the hybrid build you can put 3 points in whatever you want but I've selected Agility because it influences Movement points and Initiative.
Note: Thought Control is the most OP psi build - the game will be a boring steamroll until Deep Caverns.
Note: You will not be able to specialize in all 3 Psi branches therefore choose 2 and stick with them.
Note: You should probably take Stealth instead of Persuasion. However there are many items with Stealth bonuses.
Note: You need Biology 15 for crafting Psi booster.

So, the starting build could look something like this:

After this, you know the drill:
- increase Will whenever possible,
- always increase Psychokinesis and Metathermics,
- later you can drop the Persuasion and Traps and then you can start increasing crafting skills or Stealth,
- choose your specialization (Cold, Fire, Electric, Punch) and stick with it.

Use the character builder: http://underrail.info.tm/build/?AQQEBAQECgoPAAAADwAAAA8ADwAAAAAAAA8PDwAPKz8n

PSI builds are overpowered until Deep Caverns because Psi abilities never miss :)

Edit: For a puncher you need the following Psychokinesis abilities:
Telekinetic Punch (Psychokinesis 0)
Force User (Psychokinesis 25)
Telekinetic Proxy (Psychokinesis 55)
Implosion (Psychokinesis 70)

In the end you will have to choose 2 specializations from a total of 6 alternatives:
Thought Control - Mind and Neural damage,
Psychokinesis - Punch and Electro damage,
Metathermics - Cryo and Pyro damage.

The number of combinations for viable hybrid builds is insane: you can specialize in only one Psi branch and then select unarmed, melee or a weapon for the second specialization.
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Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
You might consider going for Int 8 so for endgame you will have 16 WP and 8 Int which gives you an extra pip of PSI regeneration since the formula is (WP+INT)/2. At least you should consider it.


May 25, 2015
on the back of a T34.
i went with 3 on everything except will at 10,con at 10 and 8 int, basically following nerdcommandos build.im lvl 6 and so far its kinda boring to be honest.
what stats should i have for a psi monk?high strenght for metal power fist?


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
i went with 3 on everything except will at 10,con at 10 and 8 int, basically following nerdcommandos build.im lvl 6 and so far its kinda boring to be honest.
what stats should i have for a psi monk?high strenght for metal power fist?

Well early on you only have a few powers and no stealth so you are forced to wade through every encounter. PSI gets more interesting later on once your PSI is past 50 and you opened up a dozen or so PSI powers.


Apr 14, 2009
i went with 3 on everything except will at 10,con at 10 and 8 int, basically following nerdcommandos build.im lvl 6 and so far its kinda boring to be honest.
what stats should i have for a psi monk?high strenght for metal power fist?

High Str for Corporeal Projection.
May 1, 2013
The border of the imaginary
theres the unaemed psi glass cannon monk.

start with 10 dex/8will/6int/7agi rest all 3

get will to 10 by lv14 for locus of control rest all stat points in dex.

for skills max thought control/psychokinesis/melee every level

rest dustributed in crafting/lockpicking/hacking.

throwing and stealth is also veey helpful. but don't max them.

40 dodge and melee for feat fancy footwork.

you could get metathermics; but that makes skill point p. tight and just some points in throwing for the three pointer feat is much better imo.

as for feats, go for:
start with recklessness and nimble

force user,locus of control, premediation, tranquility, meditation
from psi side.

fancy footwork,critical power,cheap shots, combo, lightning punches.

a few remaining feats ur choice. u can go for three pointer and/or grenadier (if geting throwing)

or u could go for couple of the crafting feats but then u need 7 int and dex suffers. see ap cost reduction of fist weapons vs dex in wiki for breakpoint.

or go melee side with wrestling/expose qeakness etc.

or a combination of the above. i prefer the three pointer feats.

u are basically psi puncher. use premediation+ thought control/psychokinesis skills for crowd control. punch them to bits with a good fist weapon for nice criticals.

also grenades for high armor/robots etc.

fancy footwork keeps up your movememt points. cheap shots and critical power combined give very huge bonus critical damage for fist strikes.

combo is also very good for damage as lighting punches + nimble + tactical vest armor and high dex gives a lot of melee attacks per turn. and every 3rd (or 4th?) fist hit on same target gives bonus damage. if that boosted combo hit crits, you can punch a couple of heavy armored tin cans to death in a single turn.

force user feat+force wall is extremely underappreciated for the breathing space/cooldown refresh it provides. All psi builds must get it if playing on the higher difficulties.

PS: early game is a bitch until u can craft a decent shield/fist weapon/psi beetle armor/stealth gear.

or u can prioritize stealth and throwing and abuse los with poisoned throwing knives and grenades for getting thru early game.
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