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Codex Review RPG Codex Review: Shroud of the Avatar

Mar 13, 2008
i can't believe some complain about combat oriented balance little things. To care about balance stuff now in this game is like complaining to whoever caused the big bang that there's dirt in the spot on the earth where in a million years his house will lie.

and personally i will not care even then, i.e. i didn't play Arcanum for combat.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
also we need an expert opinion on this maddening business Roguey

I've read the words but I find it difficult to comprehend. Apparently everyone involved here is an unreliable narrator, though it wouldn't surprise me if Portalwhateverium was letting a big money donor get away with bad behavior since he's paying for the privilege.
Mar 13, 2008
Criticizing sandbox MMO's
go play tibia or any of the sandbox mmos that are actually good you phillistine

i guess so.

but that's how it always ends. The world gets to play current gen stuff, and i'm down the pit playing scraps, when's my turn?

*while still pointing with the finger, lets off the manhole cover on the floor disappearing with an echoed thud*
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Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
also we need an expert opinion on this maddening business Roguey

I've read the words but I find it difficult to comprehend. Apparently everyone involved here is an unreliable narrator, though it wouldn't surprise me if Portalwhateverium was letting a big money donor get away with bad behavior since he's paying for the privilege.
your response time is impeccable as always :salute:

could you comment on gaslighting and stalking induced paranoia? have you ever inflicted it or has lesi?


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
could you comment on gaslighting and stalking induced paranoia? have you ever inflicted it or has lesi?
I don't know if she has, but apparently I did. She thought someone I had never spoken to was my source.


Mar 20, 2005
I connect every morning thinking "Obviously this bullshit is over now" only to be mistaken each time.

Could this be the first review thread to eventually get retardo'd ? :M

You probably should have stayed for away from this game.

Some of these....individuals will take your review as a threat and start to finds ways to damage you if you persist in any negative talk about the game.

Wait until this guy starts talking about where you live and if you knew what is good for you then you would watch what you post.

This games community is at a whole nother level of crazy.


Jan 18, 2018
I connect every morning thinking "Obviously this bullshit is over now" only to be mistaken each time.
Why? You're living the dream, you've caused some butthurt to some randos outside the Codex, this is probably the first incident of this sort since the RPG Watch pissing matches and the Bethesda shit-off.

Could this be the first review thread to eventually get retardo'd ? :M
Retardo'd? It should be promoted on Codex' Twitter feed if it hasn't been yet. Someone, give this man a medal.
Dumbfuck Weasel
Jun 30, 2018
I don't need to say anything more, do I? :)

The comments at Eurogamer have gone exactly as I said the community behaves.

You've got "Vladamir" here once more telling blatantly obviously lies, and trying to scream about "personal abuse" to censor anyone criticising his ability to rip people off in Shroud. Anyone got any doubts left how dishonest he is?

And of course you've got my stalker turn up on 2 different accounts ("Arygon", and "CobraMkIII", named like my user name after Elite) and stay awake for more than 24 hours, desperately and increasingly incoherently trying to gaslight me the instant I post; because part of his pyschosis is he needs people to know he's trying to harm them. If Eurogamer had a Block button, he'd resort to PMing me the links on new accounts, or even to people I know so they'd pass it on. As it is, he's dropping as many hints as he can to his past behaviour to try and make clear it's him, whilst trying to gaslight me in the eyes of others by claiming I'm imagining it. Notice he's bringing up an obsession with someone (The Couch Yeti) he tried in October last year to get people to harass yet again. No idea what that poor guy did to attract his attention...

But just to remind all the people here what makes it so serious; he DOES have contact details for anyone on my personal email account, and likely real life details of an ex girlfriend, and THATS who he keeps bringing sexual harassment references back up for.

Which is why I won't stop pushing to locate, and prosecute him. And why I will never, ever care what people who know nothing say about me ;)
Dumbfuck Weasel
Jun 30, 2018
*Shrugs* Can't help with your short attention span, sorry, but you do have my pity for it.
Chris Spears has a grand total of 3 posts in that comments section. 131 words. Your response to me is longer than Chris Spears' total contribution to that comments section.

Which is why I suggested you learn to read more in depth, because the context is elsewhere.

I think you are confusing "context" with "overwhelming paranoia and delusions" my good man.

Which is why 3 different police forces backed my case... oh wait, no it wasn't, that's why you're talking out of your behind, my good man!

Serious question, when did you stop bothering wanting to learn, or self improve, or just develop any sort of empathy for anyone else, and decide being a proud know-nothing edgelord was the path in life you were going to take? And where exactly do you think it's going to take you?

Because the hilarious thing is, I'm not exaggerating about my own accomplishments, or even about my own case with regards to Shroud. That's partly in fact why my stalker is so enraged by me; I'm sat here watching idiots lecture me about the fact the paperwork that's right here on my desk supposedly doesn't exist... and for what? Because the best you can hope to do is try and upset someone? That's it? That's the level of personal quality that anything above that counts as autism?!

But yes, do all continue to treat it as a nice bit of forum drama where you all think you're defining what happened! Go ahead! Why do you think I'm still here? You're tools of my purpose of leaving enough links across the net to reach viral point, at which point people who aren't so proudly stunted will look at the actual facts... ;)
Dumbfuck Weasel
Jun 30, 2018
also we need an expert opinion on this maddening business Roguey

I've read the words but I find it difficult to comprehend. Apparently everyone involved here is an unreliable narrator, though it wouldn't surprise me if Portalwhateverium was letting a big money donor get away with bad behavior since he's paying for the privilege.

Once more, I challenge you as I did everyone else to point out WHERE I've been unreliable.

Bearing in mind because it's both an active criminal and civil case, I've not been publishing everything I know. Nor anything which would compromise the chain of evidence proving he's using private sources he would have no legitimate access too. Nor that would allow him to furher cause distress for the people he's targeting.

And that this forum has removed some of the links when I did publish already public information. Hard to look reliable when people are actively editing your claims, eh?

But I'd gladly debate anyone who actually, honestly wants to understand. No fucker here apparently wants too though. Not to worry, greater legal minds than can be found here are already involved. It'll be decided there, not here.

Oh, and before I forget, I am old enough to remember UseNet; I wrote the Amiga part of the Alt.Faq.Elite guide on it in fact. Even then, I was using the internet for something more than being a drama whore and obsessing about apparently someone from 20 years ago. ;)

Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I'm already regretting this, but whatever.
Once more, I challenge you as I did everyone else to point out WHERE I've been unreliable.
I followed your link, and to my great disappointment there's no Chris Spears going fucking mental.


Nov 14, 2014
I know it's funny, but this has to stop. I can almost feel the hysteria like an invisible wall when I scroll the comments.

Even if you are being stalked, your stalker has won just by the sheer amount of single minded paranoia he has instilled.

Cut your internet for a month and get out, it's really not important.


Jul 2, 2018
Totally agree. As I sit here on the sidelines - it amazes me as to how someone can get so wrapped up into something.

It makes for a great read but that's about it.


May 13, 2014
Can someone with more clout than me summon Cleve to get in on this? Because c'mon, we all want that, right?


Mar 20, 2005
And that this forum has removed some of the links

[citation needed]


It is against the codex rule to dox people by providing their real names, links to their personal stuff that has their real names, etc. He doxxed one of the people he has been feuding with and the moderators removed it. Apparently his justification for why this isn't doxxing is that it can be easily found. Which is stupid because it is still doxxing and he was still acting maliciously trying to hurt him in real life and get others to harass him in real life, not just insulting his internet reputation. Also keep in mind this wasn't even his main arch-nemesis Jamma but some other dude who simply disagreed with him about some other stuff. I guess he is such a self righteous dude that he can't contain himself to defeating his enemies online presences, he wants to harm them in real life. No doubt because of their great evil and his sense of justice cannot let evil doers, aka. people who don't recognize his victim status and status as a champion of justice, go unpunished.

But the codex rules don't care about how easily it is found. Realistically a lot of people can easily have their forum names linked to their real life through many means, often through some kind of admission in some random place on the internet but mainly Facebook. The admins want to keep real life drama off the codex, and also the admins don't like getting called by the police over some stupid forum drama, which has happened on at least one occasion before. I don't think any of the times someone was reported to the FBI has resulted in the forum admins getting contacted though.

Sad thing is you don't realize how much of a piece of shit this Jamma is...he literally has done some criminal things. He wanted to harm a lot of us...my children for instance, in real life. I dion't think he has the ability to really go through with it, but he is one sick fuck that has made a few people stop posting due to keeping their families safe.

I don't care what you think of the other posts, don't let Jamma fool you(or koss or whatever user name he summons up to say things here).

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