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Interview Torment 2 Interview with Brian Fargo at NowGamer + First Concept Art

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
As for it needing color, obviously it's WIP and the finished version will be more polished and colored. But I think most of you realized that.

As for 2D/3D, I think it is important to realize that as a question of style there's a lot you can do in 3D with a fixed camera angle that makes it reminiscent of 2D, so it's not like picking 3D means it'll be a completely different style from PS:T. Methinks that regardless of if it's 2D/3D, keeping a painterly, stylized style like PS:T's would be a priority.

It will be very interesting to see what system wins, actually. How storyfaggy is Torment's fanbase, really? It will be the ultimate test.
All other things being equal, RTwP would win simply because it's what PS:T used and thus what fans of PS:T will default to for a successor. "Ultimate test"? Not really.
I am personally starting to lean towards phase-based but it depends on the outlines they present. It's not really the most important decision since it'll be such a combat-light game.

Wander what it does... if its still functional, "alive". Partially or fully.
Seems like some pathways of a settlement are around it.
The Bloom, as Fargo puts it, is "a literally living city whose grasping tendrils creep through other dimensions"


Apr 18, 2008
So 3D RTwP confirmed.

Methinks that regardless of if it's 2D/3D, keeping a painterly, stylized style like PS:T's would be a priority.

Yes, well, I hope they know that with 3D it would mean closer camera, more polys and much more detailed texturing than what they show from W2 so they can at least get the chance to get close to Torment's graphics.


Apr 18, 2008
Speaking of "other dimensions", I hope this game explores more of this concept than Torment did the "other planes". I mean getting to places where there's really different shit going on that affects the gameplay too.


Fans of Planescape? So someone is a FAN of Planescape only if you prefer RtwP?
And im not a fan of Planescape if i think Tb would be better?



Dec 31, 2007
As for 2D/3D, I think it is important to realize that as a question of style there's a lot you can do in 3D with a fixed camera angle that makes it reminiscent of 2D, so it's not like picking 3D means it'll be a completely different style from PS:T. Methinks that regardless of if it's 2D/3D, keeping a painterly, stylized style like PS:T's would be a priority.

All IE (and most of the "isometric" 2,5D rpgs) used 3D backgrounds pre-rendered into 2D and stylized a bit afterwards. You can easily add 3D objects to these backgrounds to give them movement and life. Characters will be 3D models obviously. If you're going for a fixed camera position, that's the way to do it. I really can't see a reason for using actual 3D, unless you're going for full camera control.

Not to mention that since they're still in pre-production they can use Obsidian's P:E tools for this.

I've yet to see a 3D isometric rpg where I'm satisfied with the camera control. In 3D I find it's always better to navigate the world with an OTS or FP camera. If DA did one thing right it was the camera controls, where you could use OTS for navigation and wider isometric for combat.


May 24, 2012
Awaiting the inevitable Wasteland 2 crossover. Is that a Scorpitron I see hiding in those inter-dimensional nightmare tendrils?

Also, count me in for the turn-based army. If there is combat, it might as well be enjoyable.


Jun 4, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
Where's the codex fundraiser corrupt bribery donation prompt for Turnbased Torment Successor?


A droglike
Oct 20, 2012
Tied to the mast
Not really. TB vs RTwP is mostly a decision of preference.
Creepy DAO apologist: "Combat should be as easy and fast as possible so I can get on with my dating sim romances the story." != "I prefer RTwP. TB is too static and PST was also RTwP..."

I expect the majority of backers (that actually cares) will favor RTwP but that doesn't really say anything about storyfaggotness. Good story and good combat are not inherently mutually exclusive. Most people, given the choice, would choose both.

Came out in 1998 or thereabouts. People like infinitron mostly never played it. None of the fans liked that it was rtwp. I imagine they are realizing from fan feedback the overlap between torment and project eternity fans consists of inaneatron and brother none and a few other people who are totally undiscriminating fanboys of every single RPG that comes along.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
People like infinitron mostly never played it.


Problem? :smug:

project eternity fans consists of inaneatron and brother none and a few other people who are totally undiscriminating fanboys of every single RPG that comes along



Oct 11, 2012
Not really. TB vs RTwP is mostly a decision of preference.
Creepy DAO apologist: "Combat should be as easy and fast as possible so I can get on with my dating sim romances the story." != "I prefer RTwP. TB is too static and PST was also RTwP..."

I expect the majority of backers (that actually cares) will favor RTwP but that doesn't really say anything about storyfaggotness. Good story and good combat are not inherently mutually exclusive. Most people, given the choice, would choose both.

Came out in 1998 or thereabouts. People like infinitron mostly never played it. None of the fans liked that it was rtwp. I imagine they are realizing from fan feedback the overlap between torment and project eternity fans consists of inaneatron and brother none and a few other people who are totally undiscriminating fanboys of every single RPG that comes along.
Pay a visit in Twicher forums. They love P:T more than the Wicher like Mrowak said. I don't believe they had a problem with RTwP.
Torment hadn't good combat because combat was an afterthought, not because RTwP. IWD was RTwP as well and had very good combat


A droglike
Oct 20, 2012
Tied to the mast
I obviously knew you played it dumbass, but most of your co-retards have not. Why are aspies so terrible with reading comprehension? This is why you will always make less money than normals, communication skills do matter.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Torment was always entirely story-driven and combat was just filler content anyway. Can't think of single truly meaningful or necessary combat encounter. :oops:
Killing the first zombie in the mortuary did an excellent job setting the tone for the game.


A droglike
Oct 20, 2012
Tied to the mast
As for witcher fans, there's no doubt 90-99% of them never played torment. Forums are not always a good indicator, I see the same five guys posting on every forum who must be like 50 by now. Many times registered on forums of a company they hate just to complain. Anyone who played it back then doesn't want rtwp pause, just read back a few years on the codex before everyone was a faggot like inaneatron and you will get some idea.

This game simply won't get funded if they go for rtwp. PE only got so much because they could jump on the biowhore bandwagon, but torment never had any successful rape mods so it's not going to get that market.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
Torment was always entirely story-driven and combat was just filler content anyway. Can't think of single truly meaningful or necessary combat encounter. :oops:
Trias? I can't think of anything else.

Well that doesn't mean that it cannot be done. I always claimed that if your gameplay is good enough you can tell great story through it: in fact in gaming gameplay is the primary mode of telling a story - everything else may just add flavour to it. Else the game is nothing but a glorified visual novel.

So I don't see why they couldn't add a good combat for a change - one which will convey hardship, tension and challenge - to the heroes and the player as well.

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