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The Witcher W3EE - Overhaul mod to TW3 that fixed everything that was wrong with vanilla game.


Mar 28, 2014
one thing ive noticed in W3EE and that Ghost mode mod. when you wound that werewolf enough, the AI breaks and it stops attacking and just starts running around in a passive state. I swear wolves and dogs are the only enemies in that game that act in a consistent, aggressive manner.

It does run around more but it then uses that lunge attack which is harder to defend. I don't think it is broken AI. Monster just changes tactics.

I decided to do it later. I will have to stock up on bombs to deal with those fucking wolves.


Apr 20, 2019
So i noticed theres a "alternative dodge frames" released for W3EE... has anyone tried any of the options?

I don't want to make the game much easier, but I still feel like some iframes are necessary because of the bullshit hitboxes and animations on some enemies.


Nov 5, 2007
Iframes are a crutch of bad design. They lead to nothing but dumbing down of the combat.


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I've been considering starting a third playthrough of Witcher 3, this time with the EE mod. I'm not 100% sure I'll like it but I'll give it a try.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
I've been considering starting a third playthrough of Witcher 3, this time with the EE mod. I'm not 100% sure I'll like it but I'll give it a try.
even if you turn off all the EE combat changes, I still think its worth it just for the alchemy system


May 25, 2015
on the back of a T34.
actually alcemy (and pretty much everything else) where better in versions of the mod before 4.0,potions had very long durations and you could make them in bulk(also you could merge it with the best alcemy mod called primer).now they went full retard simulationist approach where you need actual bottles/bomb cases and a crapload of ingredients to make anything.combine this with the very limited inventory space and you have yourself a nightmare.only potions that are rubedo/nigredo/albedo and rich in everything are worth the hussle but you need to kill high lvl enemies for them.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
actually alcemy (and pretty much everything else) where better in versions of the mod before 4.0,potions had very long durations and you could make them in bulk(also you could merge it with the best alcemy mod called primer).now they went full retard simulationist approach where you need actual bottles/bomb cases and a crapload of ingredients to make anything.combine this with the very limited inventory space and you have yourself a nightmare.only potions that are rubedo/nigredo/albedo and rich in everything are worth the hussle but you need to kill high lvl enemies for them.
I watched a bit of an LP of an EE-modded Witcher 3, and my main point of uncertainty is - do I even need alchemy? The player uses only swallow before going to fight, also uses corrosive or poison oil on the sword, and that's all I've seen him use.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
actually alcemy (and pretty much everything else) where better in versions of the mod before 4.0,potions had very long durations and you could make them in bulk(also you could merge it with the best alcemy mod called primer).now they went full retard simulationist approach where you need actual bottles/bomb cases and a crapload of ingredients to make anything.combine this with the very limited inventory space and you have yourself a nightmare.only potions that are rubedo/nigredo/albedo and rich in everything are worth the hussle but you need to kill high lvl enemies for them.
I watched a bit of an LP of an EE-modded Witcher 3, and my main point of uncertainty is - do I even need alchemy? The player uses only swallow before going to fight, also uses corrosive or poison oil on the sword, and that's all I've seen him use.
its like usual. there's aways that small handful of potions that are always good & then you got a bunch of crap that falls into the "Maybe ill try this potion out next time" I really like how they changed the blizzard potion. time slows down everytime the monster is about to do an attack, which is way more useful than vanilla
Jan 7, 2012
actually alcemy (and pretty much everything else) where better in versions of the mod before 4.0,potions had very long durations and you could make them in bulk(also you could merge it with the best alcemy mod called primer).now they went full retard simulationist approach where you need actual bottles/bomb cases and a crapload of ingredients to make anything.combine this with the very limited inventory space and you have yourself a nightmare.only potions that are rubedo/nigredo/albedo and rich in everything are worth the hussle but you need to kill high lvl enemies for them.

I played for about an hour before going into the mod settings and setting inventory size to the maximum possible. Then another 2 or 3 hours before setting the number of ingredients harvested to several times normal.


May 25, 2015
on the back of a T34.
though gathering materials/crafting potions/oils/bombs etc feels like a waste of time,the only potion you will ever gonna need is the swallow (which in the first place you shouldnt even need because you DONT really want to get hit in this mod).everything else adds some negligible %5-10 to random stats that you wont even notice.plus now if you have high toxicity some debuff randomly triggers that blinds you for a few seconds while draining your vigor plus making you unable to run for 3-4 minutes wtf.
what about armors/weapons you say?well you thought right,its another colossal waste of time.spent hours to gather the ursine set climbing all the fucking mountains,annoying also in the vanilla but at least you got some good armor out of it.in the mod the witcher sets dont really stand out from random armor pieces,nor from the tiers themselfs exept the grandmaster on which i cant comment because i havent got there yet (and which the mod devs are too lazy to post about).relic swords are a waste of time/money,they cost 700-800 crowns to craft and exept 2-3 swords dont give any noticeable increase in dps,just some -+%5-10-20 to random stats that supposedly you can make builds with.
to be honest though heavy armor does make a difference in fights,at least against random group of mobs.with a quen up you will get hit for very little hp so you will be combat effective for much longer.also it gives high poise with which you can whirlwind through low "level" group mobs ending the fight in seconds than going on parrying them all 10 drowners for 10 mins.
flat world with flat character.


Apr 20, 2019
though gathering materials/crafting potions/oils/bombs etc feels like a waste of time,the only potion you will ever gonna need is the swallow (which in the first place you shouldnt even need because you DONT really want to get hit in this mod).everything else adds some negligible %5-10 to random stats that you wont even notice.plus now if you have high toxicity some debuff randomly triggers that blinds you for a few seconds while draining your vigor plus making you unable to run for 3-4 minutes wtf.
what about armors/weapons you say?well you thought right,its another colossal waste of time.spent hours to gather the ursine set climbing all the fucking mountains,annoying also in the vanilla but at least you got some good armor out of it.in the mod the witcher sets dont really stand out from random armor pieces,nor from the tiers themselfs exept the grandmaster on which i cant comment because i havent got there yet (and which the mod devs are too lazy to post about).relic swords are a waste of time/money,they cost 700-800 crowns to craft and exept 2-3 swords dont give any noticeable increase in dps,just some -+%5-10-20 to random stats that supposedly you can make builds with.
to be honest though heavy armor does make a difference in fights,at least against random group of mobs.with a quen up you will get hit for very little hp so you will be combat effective for much longer.also it gives high poise with which you can whirlwind through low "level" group mobs ending the fight in seconds than going on parrying them all 10 drowners for 10 mins.
flat world with flat character.

Have you tried ghost mode mod?


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
I prefer FCR3 to W3EE or Ghost Mode. Imo, the latter two go slightly overboard with the amount of changes they make. FCR3 makes the game a little more challenging and immersive while not straying too far from the vanilla experience.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I've done a full playthrough with Ghost Mode and it was good. EE seemed to radical at that time, and it GM was more compatible with other mods I wanted to use,

a cut of domestic sheep prime

I prefer FCR3 to W3EE or Ghost Mode. Imo, the latter two go slightly overboard with the amount of changes they make. FCR3 makes the game a little more challenging and immersive while not straying too far from the vanilla experience.
I've done a full playthrough with Ghost Mode and it was good. EE seemed to radical at that time, and it GM was more compatible with other mods I wanted to use,
while i understand this sentiment, the vanilla experience was so flawed, I can't see sticking close to it as a good idea.

every sword gets outdated 5 minutes after you pick it up, if a monster or human is just a couple of levels higher than you then it turns into a boss fight, the game is almost completely linear in its quest progression for no reason and it's not very challenging either.

w3ee fixes all of this. I wish it would do it with a normal point buy system and without autistic quen/water explosions that I need to hand-mod out myself, but it's one of those mods I wouldn't want to play without.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
I prefer FCR3 to W3EE or Ghost Mode. Imo, the latter two go slightly overboard with the amount of changes they make. FCR3 makes the game a little more challenging and immersive while not straying too far from the vanilla experience.
I've done a full playthrough with Ghost Mode and it was good. EE seemed to radical at that time, and it GM was more compatible with other mods I wanted to use,
while i understand this sentiment, the vanilla experience was so flawed, I can't see sticking close to it as a good idea.

every sword gets outdated 5 minutes after you pick it up, if a monster or human is just a couple of levels higher than you then it turns into a boss fight, the game is almost completely linear in its quest progression for no reason and it's not very challenging either.

I never had an issue fighting enemies a couple of levels higher than me. As far as the game being linear, that's only the main questline, and it's obviously because they're telling a story. It's really no different from most other RPGs in that aspect.

w3ee fixes all of this. I wish it would do it with a normal point buy system and without autistic quen/water explosions that I need to hand-mod out myself, but it's one of those mods I wouldn't want to play without.

W3EE is fine if you really want most fights to be longer and more challenging. For me, TW3 is too long a game to be played that way. I want something that tweaks it a bit not tries to make it Dark Souls.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

I never had an issue fighting enemies a couple of levels higher than me.
uh huh. you didn't notice how fighting a level 9 bandit at level 6 suddenly made it 2x as difficult to kill him?

All enemies receive a health bloat in addition to their higher skills and health based on level in vanilla.

So it's not just that you are facing a more skilled opponent, the game punishes you for going in certain areas too soon - not based on lore, but based simply on what the devs decided the level would be for that area/quest.
As far as the game being linear, that's only the main questline, and it's obviously because they're telling a story.

The main questline is non-linear. It's only forced to be linear by the broken RPG mechanics. Play it with w3ee and you'll understand that you were originally meant to be able to do the main quest in any order and still have it make sense. It only bottlenecks at meeting Siri and then it becomes linear for real.

And yeah, sidequests are somewhat non-linear, but there's a needlessly forced progression that makes little sense.

Heart of Stone has you fighting level 30 drowners. Why are they so powerful? Are they special drowners? No. Just level 30. So the content is gated until you are level 30. For no reason. (I mean, you aren't fighting dragons, you are fighting ghosts and outwitting a demon.)

The same for swords and armor. The weapon from a random bandit in the late game will be 1000x better than your starting gear made by witchers for witchers. Why? Lore? No. Arbitrary and poorly thought out game mechanics.

It's really no different from most other RPGs in that aspect.
Most poorly designed RPGs, true. It feels more like a cellphone game than an actual CRPG. You end up picking up a new sword every 5 to 15 minutes with little incentive to craft. The biggest offender in this regard is the quest sword you get made by a master swordsmith which is probably outclassed by random weapons by the time you get it.

And btw, speaking of swords, swords are the only thing that matter in vanilla. You don't need skills, armor or potions. All you need are dodge, basic quen and the best sword you can qualify for (according to your level, since level is the only limiter).

Your damage is 99% what sword you have. That bit where Geralt says that the sword isn't as important as the man wielding it is bogus in vanilla. Skills only make a fraction of the difference.

If you were level 100 and had all the skills maxed out and turned on somehow, you still wouldn't do much damage with the starter sword.

Vanilla is broken and dumb. The only reason you should continue to use it is if trying new things frightens and confuses you, or if you enjoy laughing at horrible game mechanics.

(Or if you're retarded. If you're retarded please rate my post as "cool story bro" so I know for the future thx.)
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Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
I still remeber the first time I finished that armorsmithing quest in vanilla and I was all excited to see what kind of light, but durable armor I would get rewarded with. Only to be handed some generic witchhunter heavy armor that was level 36. By the time I finished the game I still couldnt wear it


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
I never had an issue fighting enemies a couple of levels higher than me.
uh huh.
As far as the game being linear, that's only the main questline, and it's obviously because they're telling a story.

The main questline is non-linear. It's only forced to be linear by the broken RPG mechanics. Play it with w3ee and you'll understand that you were originally meant to be able to do the main quest in any order and still have it make sense. It only bottlenecks at meeting Siri and then it becomes linear for real.

And yeah, sidequests are somewhat non-linear, but there's a needlessly forced progression that makes little sense.

Cool story ;)

It's really no different from most other RPGs in that aspect.
Most poorly designed RPGs, true. It feels more like a cellphone game than an actual CRPG. You end up picking up a new sword every 5 to 15 minutes with little incentive to craft. The biggest offender in this regard is the quest sword you get made by a master swordsmith which is probably outclassed by random weapons by the time you get it.

And btw, speaking of swords, swords are the only thing that matter in vanilla. You don't need skills, armor or potions. All you need are dodge, basic quen and the best sword you can qualify for (according to your level, since level is the only limiter).

Your damage is 99% what sword you have. That bit where Geralt says that the sword isn't as important as the man wielding it is bogus in vanilla. Skills only make a fraction of the difference.

If you were level 100 and had all the skills maxed out and turned on somehow, you still wouldn't do much damage with the starter sword.

Vanilla is broken and dumb. The only reason you should continue to use it is if trying new things frightens and confuses you, or if you enjoy laughing at horrible game mechanics.

W3EE isn't the only mod out there that tweaks those things. If it's the mod you prefer, cool. I tried it though, and and it felt like an unnecessary slog to me.
Jan 7, 2012
Your damage is 99% what sword you have. That bit where Geralt says that the sword isn't as important as the man wielding it is bogus in vanilla. Skills only make a fraction of the difference.

If you were level 100 and had all the skills maxed out and turned on somehow, you still wouldn't do much damage with the starter sword.

What Geralt says is true though. If you were level 100 all you'd have to do is go punch a drunk or open a random barrel to find a level 100 legendary witcher sword, while a level 1 witcher with a level 100 witcher sword can't figure out how to hold the thing.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

I never had an issue fighting enemies a couple of levels higher than me.
uh huh.
As far as the game being linear, that's only the main questline, and it's obviously because they're telling a story.

The main questline is non-linear. It's only forced to be linear by the broken RPG mechanics. Play it with w3ee and you'll understand that you were originally meant to be able to do the main quest in any order and still have it make sense. It only bottlenecks at meeting Siri and then it becomes linear for real.

And yeah, sidequests are somewhat non-linear, but there's a needlessly forced progression that makes little sense.

Cool story ;)
Is that what you say when you're proven wrong and have no counter argument? Seems kind of petty especially when it concerns a video game, but ok. Not like I'm not being petty in return. :M
It's really no different from most other RPGs in that aspect.
Most poorly designed RPGs, true. It feels more like a cellphone game than an actual CRPG. You end up picking up a new sword every 5 to 15 minutes with little incentive to craft. The biggest offender in this regard is the quest sword you get made by a master swordsmith which is probably outclassed by random weapons by the time you get it.

And btw, speaking of swords, swords are the only thing that matter in vanilla. You don't need skills, armor or potions. All you need are dodge, basic quen and the best sword you can qualify for (according to your level, since level is the only limiter).

Your damage is 99% what sword you have. That bit where Geralt says that the sword isn't as important as the man wielding it is bogus in vanilla. Skills only make a fraction of the difference.

If you were level 100 and had all the skills maxed out and turned on somehow, you still wouldn't do much damage with the starter sword.

Vanilla is broken and dumb. The only reason you should continue to use it is if trying new things frightens and confuses you, or if you enjoy laughing at horrible game mechanics.

W3EE isn't the only mod out there that tweaks those things. If it's the mod you prefer, cool. I tried it though, and and it felt like an unnecessary slog to me.
This may have had more to do with you than the mod, but to each his own.

Tbh, I wish the character progression system were handled differently and I don't care for the way the designer tried to punish users based on the whims of his autism about quen, but I still think it's the best attempt at salvaging TW3 out there.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

What Geralt says is true though. If you were level 100 all you'd have to do is go punch a drunk or open a random barrel to find a level 100 legendary witcher sword, while a level 1 witcher with a level 100 witcher sword can't figure out how to hold the thing.
You're missing the point. Read what you just wrote: your damage would still depend on finding that "legendary Witcher sword" (really at level 100 any sword would do).

But that vs the 35 damage starter sword? No contest.

And I am obviously speaking about sword damage, not damage with fists or magic, though these are mostly based on level and not skill.

Btw, how would everything being based on level be any better? It makes the skills trivial.

Actually, I guess you could say that level really is the only thing that matters, since you are artificially limited in every way by your level. You can't equip weapons or armor based on level, fights are made much more difficult based on level, damage is based on level.

Regardless, broken game is broken and that's my point.

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