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Things that make you automatically reject a game?

What makes you dismiss an otherwise interesting game?

  • Total voters


Jul 15, 2008
Clunky interface, shitty music if game has any. I like listening to original soundtracks, but if they are shit I won't play the game.


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
9. Too much additional software (not necessarily DRM) infesting my comp during the install: Steam, GFW, Net Framework, etc. In DOS era shit was optional at least. Unistalled DOW2 due to this. No big loss I guess.
Not to nitpick or anything, but STEAM and GFW are DRM schemes...

Anyway, DRM will automatically prevent me from buying a game, but it will not neccessarily make me reject it.
So far I've only I've only outright rejected one game: DS3.
So it's probably "other": horrendous controls/UI. Especially if one of the reasons of them being horrendous is that the devs put no effort at all into the port and fail to provide even the most basic PC standards.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I don't give the slightest fuck whether the game is 3rd or 1st person, whether it's turn based or real time. Or, well, yes I do give a fuck because sometimes I'm more in the mood for one type of game while other times I'm in the mood for another.
But I play all kinds of games. Combat system and perspective aren't things I'm strict about. I don't care if the game is 1st person or third person as long as it's a good game.

If it has excessive DRM I don't buy it but pirate it instead, with a nifty little crack that disables all the horrid DRM.

But... well... usually Anime artstyle makes me dismiss the game immediately for some reason.

Johnny the Mule

Jun 23, 2011

Its not about WHAT
Its about fucking HOW


Jan 24, 2011
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
1. Art style: Anime retardation. I've played through some JRPGs so I can take a moderate amount of it. But japanese voice overs of cutesy girls are vomit inducing. I can't finish e.g. Disgaea because of those.
2. Others: MMO


Dec 13, 2011
I voted DRM and others.

Maybe it's more to do with the times and the decline, but usually hearing of a sequel with a drastic change of publisher/developer/team setup from the earlier, better games will make me dismiss a game now. The Thief, Ultima and Fallout series are particular ones to spring to mind for me where the case is true. I am sure there are plenty of cases where this doesn't apply.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
I voted art style but nowadays I'd feel very stupid for rejecting a good game because of that. Also voted other: shallow mechanics and standard fantasy settings.

But to be honest I play all sorts of shit, I just might not pay for it if it has something that offends me.


Mar 28, 2009
When games try too hard to immerse me or impress me such as by trying to seamlessly install the tutorial in the beginning. Fuck you devs, I know this is a game, I don't need to be tricked into thinking that the beginning dude asking me to try and walk around to test my reflexes isn't really a retarded attempt to show that WASD is used to control my character. Despite this, I still played a lot of Skyrim LOL


Jul 31, 2011
The Desert Wasteland
9. Bad Interface

Interface, interface, interface.

If I can't remap my keys, invert the mouse, or quickly identify what the on-screen GUI elements do I quit the game almost immediately.

This is why I could never stand the Gothic series. I spent 3 different occasions over the years doing everything in my power to like Gothic I. The interface is so horrific, that after two hours of diligently trying to 'adapt' to the game, I just couldn't do it. This is also why I've never been able to get past the 1st stage of System Shock I, terrible interface. This problem isn't necessarily exclusive to old games either. You can play The Bard's Tale or Wasteland, games written almost 30 years ago, and they still have very clean easy to navigate interfaces. The first and most important consideration of a game is the interface. This is why the latest trend of console bastardized cRPGs suck so hugely, because the interface is tacked on as an afterthought, or worse, the game itself was designed around the console controller. :huge sad face: :cry:

Edit: As others have mentioned, interface includes camera problems (DIAF NWN!), motions sickness inducing headbobbing (what idiot thought this up?), and poorly implemented FOV(console ports especially). Horrible stuff.

10. Tedious or Slow Travel

Lack of travel scaling on huge maps is unbearable.

A game needs to have some kind of fast movement scaling (Skyrim: Foot, Horse, Fast Travel). This is why I can't play games like Darklands. While Darlkands is an interesting game, I couldn't handle the unbearably slow movement and lack of ability to speed it up. Especially in dungeons. I don't care what the mechanic is, haste, levitation, or flying (Might & Magic), there needs to be fast travel scaling as the size of the map increases. I have quit many so-called 'great' games over this issue alone. As a footnote, runspeed is almost always the first mod/powerup I choose in first person RPGs like Deus Ex etc. for this very reason. Any first person RPG that requires a lot of back tracking and slow running (I'm looking at you Deus Ex : HR) is unbearable to me these days.
Jan 7, 2007
an otherwise interesting game
- Engine (buggy/underperforming). MoTB/MoW/F:NV.
- Design (sloppy/retarded/inconsistent). MoTB/MoW/F:NV.
- Child-molesting DRM (requiring constant stable connection, mostly). One-time activations or DVD checks I can deal with, as long as the game is good. But getting dropped out of play or being unable to save because of a connection problem? Fuck off and take your stupid dog with you. Can't recall a game with that kind of DRM I'd regret not playing, though - so no biggie, so far, I guess.

Additional background software also annoys the fuck out of me: a game has to be pretty majestic to make me suffer that shit.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Insufficient poll options.

Also, does "reject" mean "don't buy" or "don't play"? Because excessive DRM-fests are definitely rejected by me in the former sense, but not necessarily in the latter sense.


Aug 4, 2007
Insufficient poll options.

Also, does "reject" mean "don't buy" or "don't play"? Because excessive DRM-fests are definitely rejected by me in the former sense, but not necessarily in the latter sense.

In the case of DRM it means "don't buy".
I haven't pirated a game since my Amiga days, but if anything will make me pirate a PC game it's the constant internet connection scheme, or only be allowed to install the game a limited amount of times. But I agree with what someone else said, there hasn't been a game interesting enough for me to pirate yet (maybe Skyrim once enough good mods have been made). And I really don't want to join the Dark Side of torrents and wares...


Jan 2, 2012
When games try too hard to immerse me or impress me

bethesda, bioware and all the majestic stuff shit are deeply linked to this;


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
6: Excessive DRM requiring online activation

9: POPAMOLE sticky cover shooter lameplay catering retards.

10: Franchise rapes that belong to a totally different genre from the first games.

#9 is really a huge no. It doesn't matter how "good for what it is" a shitty cover shooter is. As a fan of the old fast paced first person shooters and after a gigantic frustration in a try of Alphail Prototurd I simply outrightly refuse to even try such kind of inevitably shit game. It doesn't matter if other things are done "right"(which more oftenly than not they aren't in the minds of anyone but a mouthbreathing fanboy), sticky cover is an automatic "stay away" sign for me.

As for #10 cash-grabs are usually total shit and full of fail. Both out of principle and because I expect nothing good from them, I'll refuse purchasing coming trainwrecks like Thi4f, the coming Ultima sequel that will prove even fantasy games can be made into cover shooters*, Syndicate POPAMOLE Edition etc.




da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Well, I dont buy games that are made or published by Ubisoft. Not even torrenting or demoing, not even reading a news article about them. Total boycott. Fuck em and their DRM and overpricing bullshit. Same for Activision. Fuck Call of duty, Kotick and Infinity ward. People buying their shit are like those same fuckers that buy Xboxes to play shooters and buy new iPhones every fucking year. Same shit released over and over again. IMO, the leaders of the :decline:

Oh and no Anime bullshit, as soon as a see some spiky hair i close the tab. And Im also boycotting since last month EA Origin service. Non-existant costumer service, finding help there is like searching for water in middle of Sahara. And I still want my fucking 15 euros back motherfuckers. Origin never again.

For the most part I'll buy anything that looks and plays fun, I love playing games with quirky, new, innovative mechanics even if the end it turns out its shit and buggy. But atleast I tried it.
Apr 4, 2007
Monthly fees for one game. Fuck that shit. I get to pay to be in a gameworld with a bunch of other people, most of whom I'd rather not interact with? I don't play vidya gaymes to socialize either, so I don't want to pay extra for it.

Other than that...there aren't really any sort of singular deal-breakers before playing the game. It's more a combination of many factors that steer me away from trying something out. Same with once I'm playing it. I'll play a popamole, anime game if it's fun enough.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Just overall mediocrity I think. I'm the kind of person who can suffer through a lot of retarded/broken crap if the game similarly excels at something else. To exemplify, I like Morrowind more than Skyrim, because the former's cool gameworld and atmosphere make up for all the broken mechanics; while Skyrim does a lot of things competently, but excels at nothing, and ultimately just devolves into total mediocrity once you get past the novelty. Or MotB - the graphics were shit on a technical level, performance was pretty bad, camera and interface were awful, and the combat overall revolves around mages spamming aoe - and I still had a blast with it because the story, c&c, setting and art design were good enough to make the flaws negligible.

In Codex terms I guess I simply can't stand BanalShitBoring games, at all.

Also, Bioware games, but that's an extension of the above, I think.


Feb 19, 2008
9) Action RPGs. I can't stand single player action RPGs.

Admittedly, my reasons are idiosyncratic; in the past I played this genre at a high level in a competitive player vs player environment. It was very challenging and a high level of precision was required to win.

Playing in that sort of environment really exposed the fundamentally shallow nature of the single player games in this genre. It's really just mashing buttons. Since I'm not the type to play RPGs for the story, I see no interest in this genre in single player. And I don't have time for competitive multiplayer anymore.

You could probably say the same for a number of genres. Playing competitively online makes single player pale in comparison. But for me, this is less of a problem for turn based and RTWP games. They're still far more shallow in single player, but at least they have far better pacing to make up for it. 7 hour Hearts of Iron multiplayer sessions are my idea of hell.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Within reason, there should be no single factor that makes you disqualify a game. A game's quality is the sum of all of its features, strengths and weaknesses. All legendarily bad games were bad in many different ways. That's the definition of a bad game.
Jun 25, 2011
Well, there are no factors that will make me dismiss a game altogether if present alone. There are however some that will make me more or less sceptical, things that will keep me from buying the shit, and a few that will make me very sceptical.

Stuff that makes me very sceptical (although these are usually the expressions of lots of smaller problems):
* Third person cover-based shooters. Why? Cause all the ones I've played have sucked, and I haven't seen much indicating the existance of a good one yet. In most genres I've been able to find at least one good game, but here the best ones have been mediocre action games that had no business being sold at full price.
* A fanbase trying to defend a game only based on it's multiplayer mode (games that have single player campaigns, that is). Why? Same as above.
* Free-to-play-pay-to-win kind of shit. Not common except for free MMOs so it's usually not something I have to contend with.
* If it carries a monthly fee with it, I'm usually out.
* I have this one friend of mine, and let's just say that if she likes a game I'm probably not going to give two shits about it.
* Obvious console port with no effort put into porting it.
* Obvious franchise rape or cash grab. A lot of these are easily rtecognizable without having played them.

Stuff that just makes me a little sceptical:
* Obvious console port with some effort put into porting it.
* Game is based on a movie or other popular franchise.
* Game is anime shit.
* Game is cutscene driven.
* Game has retarded fanbase.
* Game features a plot where a bunch of preteens run off to save the world.
* Game's female cast is obvious eye candy (twice as shitty if combined with the above one).
* Graphical design looks retarded.
* Concept of game seems retarded.
* The hype machine comes rollin'.
* Lack of keymapping.
* Game has EA stamp on cover (especially when based on a movie or popular franchise).

Stuff that makes me not want to buy the shit:
* Game comes with DRM.
* Game needs steam (coupled with above, but deserves special mention).
* Game only for sale in a download format and isn't VERY cheap. If I'm gonna spend any significant amount of money on a game, it better come in a box with a nice manual.

So yeah. If I get sceptical enough just by the impressions I get without trying it, I probably wont'r give a shit. I don't want to spend my time playing shitty games, so I often judge books based on how sceptical the cover makes me.


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Just remembered another factor that by itself will prevent me from even trying a game:

Over the hip camera.

It's a plague spreading from the consoles, far worse than any of their other diseases.


Jan 2, 2012
-1000 interest penalty when confronted with a MMO or a competitive game that's not a FPS.

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