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Expeditions: Conquistador Discussion Thread


Dec 28, 2013

I'd like to offer my thoughts on E:C since upon reading the gamescon interview it seems to me the devs pay some attention to what's said here. I'll try to talk about EVERYTHING I think was important in the game.

The positives:

  • the health being 100 for everybody (except for the odd few occasions and the skill) this thing alone makes the game feel way more realistic, I absolutely want this in the next game. I don't remember if they said they'd keep it. It's fresh, there's no HP bloat, I don't remember the last game that did this. You know what to expect from the enemies later in the game, it's easier to understand how good an attack value is because the context remains the same for the whole game. It makes your soldiers feel like soldiers rather than special persons of interest and foretold destiny and the same goes for the enemies.
  • by not being a sociopath like Bubbles, I understand what they meant (in the gamescon interview) by the grit in the text and making you aware what it is you're doing when you're being evil, taking the murderous choices in the text adventures. At the beginning of the game, I had no idea what the personality traits would mean so I just took some racists because I love that somebody even had the balls to put them in a game in this day and age. It's also wonderfully historically accurate and it shouldn't probably be even mentioned but here we are today where this is something worth mentioning. I thought it would be fun to play a bad guy and murder everybody but the text actually showed me killing people, ordering my men to kill women and children and doing bad things to most of the time innocent bunch of indians in a trading outpost. I couldn't get over that and had to stop doing it because it felt wrong. Good job, I'll go and kill all the dogs, cats, special elves, niggers and children if I can in the newest immershun simulators like Skyrim or Fallout 3 or whatever but your game made me stop roleplaying a bad guy because I didn't like the feeling of it. It wasn't cartoony or funny, it was realistic and even though there was no judgement from the side of the game, I didn't like the feeling.
  • authentic music, while admittedly sounding low-budget, was also a breath of fresh air. REAL MELODIES IN MY 2013 RPG?? AUTHENTIC SOUNDING INSTRUMENTS? WHERE'S THE JEREMY SOULE FAKE STRINGS? Surely I must be dreaming!
  • pretty good writing - short, to the point and some really good humour. Just about the right length, too, which is important. I hope they keep their writers on a short leash and make sure the game isn't overbloated with meaningless text as some parts of SR:HK or even worse, the fucking Pillars of Eternity. What you have is great, don't fuck it up by being overconfident. Describe what's happening that we can't see, describe it with some colour and expressively but don't let the player go around the world reading dry exposition and life stories of useless asshole NPCs.
  • the game feels authentic in so many aspects, the realistic dialogues, the overall writing, the music, plenty of Spanish words that some of the time I even didn't know what they meant so it didn't feel that much of a token mention, realistic character traits, wonderful narrator who couldn't pronounce half the words he was reading - the opening narration got me hooked immediately and this never happens to me, I almost skipped HK's intro- the themes, the indians being assholes same as the white people etc. What I'm trying to say is that authenticity is the maybe the most fun element of the game. I'd like Viking to feel as good or better, don't cheapen or dilute the setting, make it more real, let me believe I learn at least a tiny bit by playing the game, let me believe I'm seeing something real. Basically, make it the opposite of what shit like Skyrim feels when it comes to the norse mythology.
  • gorgeous character portraits (some more than others, the indians were way worse than the Spaniards) clearly inspired by historical paintings, don't skimp on these for the next game, please. Again, make them more authentic and less stylized if possible.
  • the text adventures were well done, frequent enough so that they'd have a real impact on the game and not just a token random shit like in Pillars of Eternity
  • plenty of options in the dialogues, only a few times I wanted to do something I wasn't offered to do. The language used in the responses was wonderfully expressive, too. No dry shit or hipster pretend high fantasy like in Pillars of Eternity. I hope it stays at least the same for the next game.
  • the camping was great, I liked how the game forced you to improvise sometimes when somebody got hurt or you got so much meat you couldn't eat all or a person of important skill was missing from the party, I definitely hope to see more of this rather than less, that's why I'm really worried about if the character development is too homogenized in the sequel.
  • failure is an option - great, I thought I was totally fucked when my A team got mutilated in the first battle in the attack on the port in the first map and I had to battle the cunt rebel right after that. After a few tries with my level 1 soldiers I decided to actually see what happens if I surrender and it worked, I could go on with the campaign. I hope there were different rewards based on who wins because I never managed to beat the two battles in a row to see the outcomes.
  • good options menus with plenty of sliders for everything! I want some nasty shit to happen to the player if they're not careful, like people dying or tons of stuff being stolen, people getting sick and it seems a good way to offer this in the sliders or some steps in the menu, because I don't believe you'll be brave enough to make it the base experience in case some fucking retard journo plays the game and gets killed by some rats in the first turn. The custom options are good but I still care more about a tight artistic vision for the game so they should serve as tuners not to change the experience completely in what can only be a lazy way if it's done with some slider. (see the Skyrim difficulty slider)
So this is what I really liked about the game. In part 2 I'll post what I didn't like and also attempt to make a list with some paragraphs.

Jack Dandy

Feb 10, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Ditto ditto ditto Cadmus
Hope you have the same music guy this time around! The soundtrack was fantastic. Dogma is an amazing theme.

I'm still getting "likes" from time to time on the ExConq OST I uploaded to youtube :P
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Oct 26, 2012
New North Korea
Codex 2014 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
  • the health being 100 for everybody (except for the odd few occasions and the skill) this thing alone makes the game feel way more realistic, I absolutely want this in the next game. I don't remember if they said they'd keep it. It's fresh, there's no HP bloat, I don't remember the last game that did this. You know what to expect from the enemies later in the game, it's easier to understand how good an attack value is because the context remains the same for the whole game. It makes your soldiers feel like soldiers rather than special persons of interest and foretold destiny and the same goes for the enemies.

  • pretty good writing - short, to the point and some really good humour. Just about the right length, too, which is important. I hope they keep their writers on a short leash and make sure the game isn't overbloated with meaningless text as some parts of SR:HK or even worse, the fucking Pillars of Eternity. What you have is great, don't fuck it up by being overconfident. Describe what's happening that we can't see, describe it with some colour and expressively but don't let the player go around the world reading dry exposition and life stories of useless asshole NPCs.

  • gorgeous character portraits (some more than others, the indians were way worse than the Spaniards) clearly inspired by historical paintings, don't skimp on these for the next game, please. Again, make them more authentic and less stylized if possible.

  • the text adventures were well done, frequent enough so that they'd have a real impact on the game and not just a token random shit like in Pillars of Eternity

  • plenty of options in the dialogues, only a few times I wanted to do something I wasn't offered to do. The language used in the responses was wonderfully expressive, too. No dry shit or hipster pretend high fantasy like in Pillars of Eternity. I hope it stays at least the same for the next game.

  • the camping was great, I liked how the game forced you to improvise sometimes when somebody got hurt or you got so much meat you couldn't eat all or a person of important skill was missing from the party, I definitely hope to see more of this rather than less, that's why I'm really worried about if the character development is too homogenized in the sequel.

  • good options menus with plenty of sliders for everything!
+1 to all of these (even though I largely agree with everything). The changes to camping is something I'm also a little bit concerned about as well.


Dec 28, 2013
Part 2 - the negatives:
- my computer sounded like an airplane taking off with the GPU fan on max speed all the time for no reason, bad performance in general for what is quite an ugly and simple looking game. I got a shit PC but this doesn't happen with Div:OS, PoE or Shadowrun which achieve a better aesthetic with lower hardware requirements.

- the overworld doesn't look good at all. It's way too empty, and I'm not only talking about items or stuff to do but empty as in you can come across a few screens of a plain grass fields. While to some degree it really evokes the feeling of exploration, I wish they toned it down just a tiny bit, introduced some better landscape, this shit looks seriously amateurish like somebody took some terrain height tool and randomly sprayed it across the map like I used to do with the Warcraft 3 or Stronghold map editor. It can be vast and empty without being boring and ugly I would hope.

- it's also too abstract which I think was a defense against having to show too much detail, so ok it's an abstraction but it remains boring, especially the items like chests and treasures. Can't they look more realistic? Do they really have to shine and be huge? I'm already scanning the map like crazy because of the camera system, surely I would notice a decently modeled chest or a pig or something, no need to make them into a mario-esque power-ups because then they start to feel like stupid power-ups you gotta be picking up all the time. It's of course true but can you sugarcoat it a little? Something simple like Homam3 or 4 before they went full retard, at the very least.

- the travel/camp ratio is off, I don't like having to fiddle with the camp setting after getting literally nowhere in the previous turn, but I understand you guys know this already. From reading the interview I also got the impression that an adventure day is 1 big day until you get to the map border where you camp but Jonas seems to be saying that's not true. Can you elaborate how it will work? It sounds like a step in the opposite direction where the camping will be almost an afterthought. I'd really like that you'd properly balance the length of the adventuring day instead so that I can actually manage to do something in 1 day and then the camping would feel like a welcome respite instead of a chore, especially after having done it approx 300-400 times already.

- the character development is not good enough. What the fuck why are the last 3 ranks the same for every character? I don't care that it's linear and you can't really change anything or make them unique but if I go through the trouble of leveling up my racist asshole pikeman that I care about I want to get something cool while still having the incentive to level up my slutwhore pious priest to see HER new skill, not to mention the high level skills weren't interesting or even that good. I'd be totally happy if each class had a 100% unique skill progression, nothing more. Sure you can make it even better by actually making a skill tree not a skill trunk. This seems obvious so I suppose it was on account of some time pressure or budget or something.
Basically, as you are well aware, the character progression stops near the start of the second map which sucks ass and makes everything more of a chore.

- the fortress, while better than that useless shit ruin in Pillars of Eternity, still has plenty of flaws, namely:
- it comes way too late in the game for the player to actually gain something from using it
- in order to buy something there or commence building a structure, you have to travel to it, which combined with the short adventuring day, the insane decision to put it to the far corner of the map where you have no reason to be going ever and the relative uselessness of it makes it not worth the effort
- I was intrigued by the text telling me that it would draw people to the stronghold but because it was such a chore to get it built up, I never got all the soldiers to overthrow the dirty indians on my own. I learned this was possible after having finished the game, I think it's absolutely a great idea but it was really hindered by the fortress being so far away. The purpose of it should be a place you like to visit, feel at home, care about, get some nice bonuses and friendly marketplace and you should LIKE to be visiting it often just to see what's new. I can't think of a better solution than making it an essential hub in the centre of the map or something similar to the quest hub in SR:DF because if you let the players build shit in it from some menu, it will end up like in PoE where you just dump your useless money into it and go check it once or twice at the end of the game just to be disappointed nothing matters and there's no use for the stronghold. I like the idea of a homebase but it needs lots of work to be worth working on at all.

- the class balance for combat purposes is not good enough. I don't need everybody to effective as everybody else but:
- the scholars are a waste of a combat slot, especially combined with the rest of the mechanics. I don't think that the buffs are really worth it when the enemy HP is fixed and a damage done to a character is SO valuable. It's not like you need to buff up your party to take down a 300 HP enemy dragon. I wouldn't mind having some characters suck in the combat if they had a different purpose, but I don't like dumping the XPs into these useless classes just to get their main stat to 10 and then let them sit in the party doing tinkering or herbalism forever while their level-up bonus is a combat skill. This could be solved by adding some non-combat skills or traits to these useless classes so there'd be a reason to level them up rather than the obligation of researching 1 passive skill to let you walk more on the map because the adventuring day is way too short.
- the hunter is kinda ok, they could get some better skills though
- scouts and soldiers are fun enough, they need to have more diverse uses imo and different high level skills
- the natives are weird, you get them later and they don't seem worth leveling up because their attack values are inferior to your soldiers', who are already also leveled up and most importantly, you never know when will the game take them away from you again. I must say though that while I was worried about this for most of the game, it never happened to me that I couldn't keep a unit in my party unless it was fairly well telegraphed in advance that they'll be leaving at some point. After some retrospect, I think the devs did a good job in this regard, even game you the options to tell them to stay in your army and shut the fuck up for some morale malus. Good stuff, on the next playthrough or in the sequel, I'll trust the devs more with these recruitable characters.

- the combat mechanics:
- AoO are fine imo
- combat skills not so much, they feel way too gamey and abstract, like the guard skill. I had the biggest problem with the trap skills/items actually, they felt totally stupid, especially the barricades, torches and huge fields of caltrops. They were fun to use and I don't really know of any solution, but I'm hoping for something that makes more sense in the context of the game for the sequel. I get it that caltrops are a part of the setting with the traps and stuff but sowing them with the godhand onto the battlefield like that doesn't seem right. At least have the characters plant those in the tactical preparation round, that would be a great improvement and I think I read somewhere that's what they'd do in the sequel.
- the balance between shooting and stabbing is so so. I think there should be a way to increase your accuracy for some classes to get it higher. I used Walk Your Shots but rarely felt it made a huge impact. Or any. Yeah, after 4 rounds, you hit the guy almost for sure, same as you'd probably hit him after 4 tries anyway.
- the level-up passives were not fun enough. I think everybody knows this already. Taking a weapon passive seems like a waste, the defense and offense bonuses are totally tiny, I think they are like 5 points? that's 5 equipment if I'm correct? That's not really worth it, imo, 5% extra damage reduction for only 1 level-up and you're done with improving your defense is not fun. Again especially combined with the low set health of everything which in itself is great, but it should be an opportunity to make lots of interesting skills and stats because it should be easier to balance around it rather than having to account for killing a 30 HP spider and 400 HP dragon with the same character in the same game. You should get plenty of movement related skills, accuracy related skills, attack status related skills, to diversify your options if not to do more damage, something that adds another layer in the combat not just +1 this +5 that.

- the enemy variety and the combat area variety was at the lowest point where it still wouldn't get boring but there's lots to improve just by simply adding more stuff

- using your tactics or diplomacy skills to set up an ambush seemed like the worse option because your characters would be scattered all around the map instead of a good formation where you can heal the front line and protect the back line, so this I think is pretty counter-intuitive to use your skills to get the worse initial setup. I really liked that with the right use of skills you could shoot a few guys before the battle began, that was awesome and fun and made thinking about the text adventures have a real impact on stuff you really care about

- on that note, I must say that thinking things through in the text adventures really paid off to me and I was rewarded for doing what I thought was the best tactical or strategic decision, no nonsense stupid shit like using a rubber duck onto a dildo to create a time machine like often happens in shit adventure games or shit RPGs for that matter

- the tinker skill and the crafting skills were not good enough.
the recipes for traps you get too randomly, I'd prefer to just buy them or get them on a level-up, I'd like to be able to do something about my equipment with the tons of useless shit I find around the map.
Researching the AXE and PICKAXE(or what was it called) skills was a waste of time, same as researching the cart for more steps on the map, because firstly you don't need any more wood or metal, you need more oil and rope and secondly, 3 more steps is nothing, if it were 50% that'd be worth it. Good skill concept but shit content.
This makes the tinker classes totally underused, shit for combat and good for making 2 kinds of traps. Better teach them hunting cuz you can always use that.

- the trading mechanics are ok but they're underused because every trader has about the same amount of everything. It's not like you find a trader that really needs medicine and sell him tons of it to get gold and then sell the gold to a poor bunch of indians to get their weapons. It's all roughly the same everywhere. There were like 1-2 places that really lacked some goods but also didn't have anything to sell.

- the paper map isn't all that good. It's pretty, but I'd rather it be pretty and just a little bit more accurate or useful. I don't need big quest markers or arrows but just a bit more detail. I'd also like there to be some passages through the mountains or forests, at least 1 so that if you trek for 5 days into some corner of the map but find only a forest with a blinking quest marker on the other side of it, you don't need to journey for another 5 days and then go around for 3 to get there. How about some mechanic to cut your way through the forest maybe? Because you can't see shit so you're going blind in the general direction of the destination and stuff like this annoyed me halfway through the game. Maybe that's the intention so whatever, I don't think it's all bad but I'm not sure it's totally necessary. Funnily, it happened to me that I got stuck in the same place 3 times in a row because the overworld map looks so fucking bland I couldn't tell whether I'd been here already or not. Maybe that'd be a good solution to make the map less empty so you could actually remember the places you had explored and you wouldn't be getting stuck traversing an untraversable mountain range more often than once. It all ties in with the short adventuring day and the terrain penalties.

That's all that I can think of now. I hope somebody finds it useful.

I just remembered another thing: The A Team and B Team dynamics in this game.
- I like it, it makes me care about my soldiers. I'm not sure it's a good idea to give the XP to everybody, you'd need to really ramp up the skill trees to make the units interesting then. I prefer it this way where I need to watch out for my main squad but also give SOMETHING to that useless idiot asshole 2nd scout I'm not using because he just might save my ass some day. I think this will be lost if everybody has the same XP.
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Sep 20, 2010
Thanks for the feedback. I think pretty much all of it is being addressed or going to be addressed, and the report mentions a few of them.

From reading the interview I also got the impression that an adventure day is 1 big day until you get to the map border where you camp but Jonas seems to be saying that's not true

You won't be able to travel across the campaign maps in 1 day, it'll take perhaps some weeks, and time will only progress as you move. Camping is very much in the forefront of this decision. We didn't want the player to have to camp every other minute, which is why you can now keep moving, at the risk of making your followers fatigued (Which carries some penalties with it). We want to make camping a little less frequent, but also more meaningful.


Dec 28, 2013
Thanks for the feedback. I think pretty much all of it is being addressed or going to be addressed, and the report mentions a few of them.

You won't be able to travel across the campaign maps in 1 day, it'll take perhaps some weeks, and time will only progress as you move. Camping is very much in the forefront of this decision. We didn't want the player to have to camp every other minute, which is why you can now keep moving, at the risk of making your followers fatigued (Which carries some penalties with it). We want to make camping a little less frequent, but also more meaningful.
aha ok. that sounds like you agree with me on everything and will now create the perfect game for me:)

I still don't understand - so you can keep running around in real time with each step giving fatigue to the party and you can decide when you've had enough? something like that?


Sep 20, 2010
Not quite. When on the map and having selected a destination, it'll show the path as well as recommended areas in which you camp. You can pause/resume travelling at any time, and every time you pause, it'll generate camp spots where you can choose to camp (Doesn't have to be in the recommended areas). Every follower can go x amount of hours without resting, after which they will become fatigued. If you choose not to stop at the recommended camp areas, and keep moving, followers will start to become fatigued one by one. So it's based more on what each individual follower can take, rather than piling on more and more fatigue. Hope this cleared it up somewhat. :)


Dec 28, 2013
Eh ok so the final effect will be what...? Resting as much as previously if I want to have an optimal, combat-ready army? Will the fatigue be a combat relevant debuff? Will it be on a scale like "if Thor the Hunter goes another step he has a chance to get -1 movement penalty" where the dice is rolled every step or will he whine and get sick in some random text adventure for example? This sounds like it could add another nice attrition element to the game or it could make you rest all the time like in E:C, depending on how you balance it. Will there be a well-rested bonus?

Another question, will there be a chance to heal your party in towns for money? (hopefully lots of money) I was expecting to be able to do it in the church for example, it was a little bit disappointing.


Sep 20, 2010
The final effect will be that if you want an optimal, combat ready squad, you'll rest when its recommended, but you don't have to. Sometimes, it might make more sense to not make camp if you need to get somewhere fast, or if you want to avoid enemy patrols on the world map.
Fatigue will be a combat relevant debuff, where some of the stats are affected, making them a little weaker and a little drowsy. We'll probably also have an event or two that plays into fatigue as well (For instance if all your followers are fatigued). We don't have a buff for well rested, but we do have one for being well fed, as cooking is now a skill and features heavily during camping.
As for paying for treatment, I think yes, we'll probably have something where you can get your people healed for money.


Angelic Reinforcement
Dec 28, 2013
In your face
Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Pathfinder: Wrath
I am sure this has been asked before, but - did you have a specific reading list, history books and the likes to rely on for the 'historically accurate' part of the game? Do you have a specific person in charge of the history element or is distributed equally (artists take care of armor accuracy, writers to make the writing consistent etc.) ? Really curious how that works. I assume if you decide to make a game in a historical setting you probably have a bunch of history nerds in your studio, right?

In case you relied on books, I'd appreciate a reading list :) Asking for Conquistador & Viking.


Sep 20, 2010
I can't remember exactly for Conquistador, as Jonas was very on top of most of the research for that game. We do have a couple of books in the office about Aztec culture though (One on their society and one on weapons, daily life, I think) but I don't remember the names. I know Jonas read some of the primary sources, but again, I don't know the names. Other than that, it was lots and lots of Wikipedia reading. For Conquistador, we were such a small team, everyone kind of had to be on top of their own thing.
For Viking, I try to help give as faithful references as I can to the artists, or elaborate certain aspects I've only seen written. But as with Conquistador, it's hard finding actual references that aren't damaged by time, and we often have to rely on reinactments, or artist interpretations. Because of this, we also lend ourselves some artistic leeway, but we always try to stay grounded and authentic. Most of the historical accuracy goes through Jonas or me, I'd say. I've started reading the sagas, but also have a couple of books on my desk at work, for stuff like weapons, armour, buildings, tools and overall history. The books are:

Exploring the World of The Vikings by Richard Hall
Vikinger i Krig by Hjardar and Vike (Norwegian book translated into Danish)
Viking by Williams, Pentz and Wemhoff


Jul 7, 2015
Heard Gwyn Jones were a pretty good scholar when it came to Vikings, unusual for a Taffy I thought, read a few of his books and he seems to know his shit.


Mar 2, 2015
Ok. I finished the game yesterday. I let it mature in the backlog far too long.

I don't want to repeat Cadmus's points, as my impressions are pretty similar, but I would add one thing - tie the text descriptions a little more to the visuals.

For example: "his daughter hands him the spear", but the model is a standard civilian model holding a knife.
Or when Esteban is first introduced to the player, the portrait shows him wearing a breastplate, but the event text says that he is bare chested, or in a shirt (can't remember exactly).
I understand what limitations this is coming from, so perhaps consider changing the descriptions slightly, so they don't diverge that much from the visuals presented alongside.

Looking forward to Vikings.
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Sep 20, 2010
That was precisely one of the reasons why we wanted to have the exploration and the combat share the same gameplay layer :) I hope we get do more like this, but already it's a lot more "real", in the sense that they're there on the screen, talking to each other.


Mar 2, 2015
Glad to hear that.

It's nice to see you still checking your older game thread ;)


Logic Artists
Apr 1, 2015
Hey, Avonaeon Atomical your game just killed my GPU. Thanks a lot, guys. Good job. I will remember to avoid anything you make.

This is unfortunate news. There was a similar report when the game launched in 2013. We patched and haven't had report of it happening since. Sorry to hear that.



Jun 17, 2012
Hey, Avonaeon Atomical your game just killed my GPU. Thanks a lot, guys. Good job. I will remember to avoid anything you make.

If any application can "kill" your GPU, your GPU has issues. Modern GPUs will shut down when they reach dangerous temperatures. Not an excuse for bad coding practices, but if the only thing standing between you and your GPU melting is a shitty program, you have bigger problems.


Logic Artists
Apr 1, 2015
how do you explain the
"god" in the volcano and the magic mind controlling skull?

  1. "god" in the volcano - fumes from the volcanic emissions + wizard of oz type situation.
  2. the magic mind controlling skull - superstition has driven people to believe and do a great many things.
If you're asking out of concern for realism perhaps of greater concern are the Amazons (who are from ancient Greece but share name with the rainforest and river), Fountain of Youth, and El Dorado. What we're going for is historical authenticity. It means realism is not meticulously followed and allows the creatives to take liberties that they otherwise wouldn't to tell what we hope is a great story.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Not really askin for concern of realism. It is actually you guys add these things, and frankly did bit expect to see the devs directly responded like this :)

Just like to hear people's opinion and how players rationalize these seemingly supernatural events in a mostly grounded game.

I just theorizing and discussing


Jan 1, 2015
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Are all classes except soldiers and scouts useless in combat or am I missing something?


Jun 7, 2015
A few years late to it, but I have finally tried this game. Loved it. Really, it now has a place in my heart close to where "Darklands" and "King of Dragon Pass" are. Look forward to playing Vikings.

My only vocal criticism: It might seem silly, but one of the things that bothered me was the way women were presented in the game. It isn't just ahistorical: it completely makes no sense in the setting. 16th century spaniards did not enlist women in the army and would probably mostly find the idea of a woman fighting alongside men bizarre. And yet half of the recruitable followers are women(soldiers, doctors, hunters, you name it) and in the game world women in positions of authority within the military are common.

I understand concerns with the "politically correct", female gamers and so on and so forth, but other than the amazon(a fictional character based on legends) and a couple of the characters presented(the nun for instance) everything is off the mark.

Anyway, at least with vikings you have something to work with regarding that(the shieldmaiden legends).

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