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Game News Legends of Elleria is about to POP


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Larkon Studio; Legends of Elleria

Looks like Larkon Studio is getting ready to push Legends of Elleria out of Early Access on Steam on April 1st. The mixed reviewed game is billed as a First Person Strategy Real Time Roleplay Extravaganza. It's so incredible, you'll have to wear diapers to play it! They also have a Discord Server so you and all your friends can count down the days. Here's a bit from the Steam Page:

Your first task is to escape your dying world to Ellaria, and rebuild your kingdom. Your task will not be easy, as your old enemies have followed you, and strange beasts populate this new world. Your greatest threat, however, will come from an entirely different world...

Old enemies with long attention spans are the worst kind. Absolute worst.

Spotted at Blue's News


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
I want a remake of the Eye of the Beholder games. Not a direct remake, but take the idea and modernize it. Bigger, badder, deeper. Either that or a remake of Descent to Undermountain. If you're going to do an AD&D game, I want a dungeon crawl in one of the coolest dungeons the setting has, and done right and done BIG.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Really dislike these kinds of games which don't know what they want to be. Is it an RPG? Strategy? 4X? Sim? Fuck off with feature bloat.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
Tags: Larkon Studio; Legends of Elleria

Looks like Larkon Studio is getting ready to push Legends of Elleria out of Early Access on Steam on April 1st. The mixed reviewed game is billed as a First Person Strategy Real Time Roleplay Extravaganza. It's so incredible, you'll have to wear diapers to play it! They also have a Discord Server so you and all your friends can count down the days. Here's a bit from the Steam Page:

Your first task is to escape your dying world to Ellaria, and rebuild your kingdom. Your task will not be easy, as your old enemies have followed you, and strange beasts populate this new world. Your greatest threat, however, will come from an entirely different world...

Old enemies with long attention spans are the worst kind. Absolute worst.

Spotted at Blue's News
The hyper links on the news piece are triggering me for some reason. One for the studio, game, then generic steam landing page, then steam game page, etc


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Really dislike these kinds of games which don't know what they want to be. Is it an RPG? Strategy? 4X? Sim? Fuck off with feature bloat.
The game wa meant to be a first person strategic RPG, in which you roleplayed the king of a small kingdom(like Mount and Blade, or Kingdoms, in a way). However, it got an identity crisis and shofted most of the strategy to an overworld hex map.
I didn't play the older version much, nor the new one, so I cannot tell whether it was the right call, but it triggered most of the old fans of the game.


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Idk bro. It looks like everything. One screenshot is like Total War, the other is like Oblivion, another is like Endless Legend.
A bit like birthright, X-COM or mount and blade actually!
Hybrids can work as long as you know which part to emphasize from each genre to make them work together.
I have tried the new build this weekend, but I only finished the boring WASD tutorial, and endured a few super long loading screens(I didn't put the game on SSD, though), so I don't have an opinion on the changes, but the tutorial is bad, and performances are mediocre so far (I don't have a very good rig, though).


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Kenshi for children?

See, this is why I don't mind games that throw in everything and the kitchen sink. Kenshi was a huge time sink for me. Sure, there's nothing telling you what to do at all in that game. You just play and what happens, happens. You can build a town, buy up a town, or just wander. And it was amazing.


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Kenshi for children?

See, this is why I don't mind games that throw in everything and the kitchen sink. Kenshi was a huge time sink for me. Sure, there's nothing telling you what to do at all in that game. You just play and what happens, happens. You can build a town, buy up a town, or just wander. And it was amazing.
I just found out about Kingdoms, in the same vein. It is still wonky and buggy, but the developer has no plan to release version 1.0 next week!
I played Legend of Ellaria more. I got locked into the prologue as the game failed to notice I had allocated my tutorial skill points.
Also, the performances are really horrible on my rig (it is not the best gaming machine, but still...).

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