Tags: Black Crypt (PC version)
I'm about a week late on this, but per <b>Rick Johnson</b>'s <A href="http://www.rickmus.com/BlackCrypt/">GL Black Crypt page</a>, the test version of the remake is <A href="http://www.rickmus.com/BlackCrypt/download/GLCryptTest2-0.zip">ready for download</a> to the general public. So, go fetch it!
<blockquote>Well, since today is my birthday, I decided to give you all a present by releasing the initial test release of the GL port. You can <a href="http://www.rickmus.com/BlackCrypt/download/GLCryptTest2-0.zip">download it here</a>. This version may be rough, as it has had very limited testing. Please post on the message board if you have any problems. The sound code will be reworked at some point.
You must have a 3d video card capable of handling 1024x1024 textures. Most nvidia cards (TNT and above), ATI, and Matrox cards can handle this.</blockquote>
Woohoo! Old school dungeon crawling madness, here I come!
I'm about a week late on this, but per <b>Rick Johnson</b>'s <A href="http://www.rickmus.com/BlackCrypt/">GL Black Crypt page</a>, the test version of the remake is <A href="http://www.rickmus.com/BlackCrypt/download/GLCryptTest2-0.zip">ready for download</a> to the general public. So, go fetch it!
<blockquote>Well, since today is my birthday, I decided to give you all a present by releasing the initial test release of the GL port. You can <a href="http://www.rickmus.com/BlackCrypt/download/GLCryptTest2-0.zip">download it here</a>. This version may be rough, as it has had very limited testing. Please post on the message board if you have any problems. The sound code will be reworked at some point.
You must have a 3d video card capable of handling 1024x1024 textures. Most nvidia cards (TNT and above), ATI, and Matrox cards can handle this.</blockquote>
Woohoo! Old school dungeon crawling madness, here I come!