1. you can google skinner box, so i'll skip explaining that part.
simply put, there is an order of magnitude too many containers littered through FNV's maps, and they are full of crap that is designed for players to compulsively interact with. the carrot for this gameplay-extending and OCD-feeding stick is a dumbass crafting system wherein said junk can be combined into many permutations. non-skinner box crafting is baldur's gate 2 style, or underrail style. in the former it is rare and the ingredients are purposefully placed, while the latter is well thought out and thus tightly integrated into character building and gameplay.
A lot of the miscellaneous junk items in New Vegas have no crafting application. You either vendor them or you ignore them. They don't exist for you to "compulsively interact with" (sounds like a you problem tbh).
and a lot do. the crafting and itemization system is abominable, and feeds the compulsive tendencies of gamers
2. weapon damage scales with level, it's full blown retarded. you can always recast an argument as "well this isn't as bad or X or Y", but I don't owe obsidian excuses and said nothing of FO4 or Skyrim (neither of which I've played). the level scaling of damage in FNV weakens the impact of itemization, which was already total slop due to above crafting system and the replacement of handplaced loot with leveled item lists.
This is not correct. Weapon damage scales with your weapon skill, not your character level.
a distinction without a difference. you cannot significantly increase your weapon skill level without increasing your character level. also note that I did not say
character level.
3. most of the game's quests are written in such a way that they depend on the quest compass. NPC dialogue, journal entries, and the worldbuilding as a whole do not support questing in FNV with the quest compass disabled. This is Bethesda style, and distinct from other implementations where the NPC dialogue, journal entries, and worldbuilding as a whole do support playing with the compass disabled. For all their faults, Witcher 3 and DEHR do this, among others
I already agreed with you that this is a valid criticism, although I'm not sure it's entirely true that "most of the game's quests... depend on the quest compass." I'm happy to walk this point back if I'm wrong, but I think exploration and critical thinking will get you where you need to be in most quests. For example in
There Stands the Grass, you have to find the ghoul scientist in Vault 22. The quest marker will lead you to her, but you can also just explore the vault until you find her.
the fact that a quest is memorable to you as being able to be completed without the use of the compass proves my point more so than disproves it
you are responding to an argument no one is making
You talked about how you don't like New Vegas because of the level scaling but Alpha Protocol uses a much worse implementation of level scaling.
i'm not making arguments about hacking minigames, or the type of scaling in your quote. i'm talking about FNV's level scaling and it's deficiencies, to which your quote does not speak.
i get it: a lot of you love FNV. i think it's re-heated gamebryo gruel with a nuFallout veneer and all the expectations of 2010-era obsidian wrapped up into what is ultimately just a derivative bethsidian experience. AP and Pentiment are superior to it, and Pentiment is barely a game.
Oh yeah, forgot this game existed. Was it as bad as every other Obsidian game or just as bad as every other modern game?
its unironically their best game since alpha brotocol, only it's not (edit: really) a game
That would be NV, since it is their best game
sorry man, some of us just aren't into bethesda-style quest compass-led gameplay, level scaling, and skinner box crafting
>saying this while heralding ap l o l
sorry man, we're not all into the stuff you are