So, as I understand it:
Australia is cracking down on free speech, as is America. Meaning you can't host the server in either country. Unsurprising but not exactly a new development. Solution: Host the site in some third world hellhole where nobody cares. That's still very much possible, because plenty of other sites do exactly that.
Alternative: Delete GD, ban foul language, hope you're not going to get fucked on some other technicality. Easier but hardly a good solution for anyone involved and also still dangerous to the owner of the site.
I find it odd that DU is making these discoveries
now when other sites have had to put up with the same possibilities of legal trouble long before.
DarkUnderlord I don't know where you got the idea from that anyone here expects you to "die on a hill" over anything. What "we" might expect is that you will at least put up token resistance to any foreign inquiry
if it should happen. So far it has not. Again, this is nothing new, other sites have done exactly that. You very much
should read up on the legal framework of things, even though you feel like it is too much work. Getting fucked over because of a website that allows wrongthink should come as no surprise to anyone.
e: The other thing is - Who here really spouted nothing but "I HATE NAGGERS SO MUCH OH MY GOD ALL NAGGERS MUST HANG!!!" constantly? There's far worse statements in GD - I should know because I made some of 'em - yet the hangup seems to be the word for negroes?