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Fallout As someone who loved playing Fallout New Vegas, is there any point in checking out FO3 or FO4?

Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
fallout 3 gives you a lot of space to tackle encounters out in the wasteland
I played Fagout 3 as a straight-out shooter (because it is a shooter, calling this piece of shit a RPG is an insult to the genre) and it isn't great, to put it mildly.

Most of the enemies in the game have "melee-AI", meaning that they will rush straight to your location with disregard to anything and everything around. Early game it creates some problems since you're not well armed and can't deal enough damage, but you just retreat or camp and it's fine. Late-game, when you become overpowered, it just free kills, meaning that enemies will rush you and die to critical headshots in VATS. This is true even for some enemies with ranged weapons, by the way.

Others, most notably, Enclave soldiers, have "range-AI", meaning that they will not rush you and will use the cover somewhat and fire at you from there. This brings up other problem since AI in Fagout 3 is telepathic and always knows your location after you've been spotted; this means that enemy will always shoot right at you and maneuver or deception is largely useless, you just outhealth your opponents.

Suffice to say that any kind of coordination or cooperation is completely absent from the enemy's AI, each AI acts as a completely independent unit. Forget anything about enemy maneuvering to get the advantage or trying to pin you down, or doing anything relatively smart.

Fagout 3 is the definition of stale popamole. Can't say anything about Fagout 4, I didn't touch this trash


Jan 22, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
I liked Fallout 3 but it was the introductory game for me to the Fallout series. Some stuff was really boring (like the ufo dlc) but overall I really liked the atmosphere.
Huh, you liked 3's atmosphere?
A single location in Fallout is superior to any dumpster fire made by Bethesda: The Glow.
I know Mark is a copycat (there's a thread at NMA talking about this, but I'm not gonna get the trowel and backpack to do an archaeological expedition, to find that ancient thread), but I still enjoy The Glow's track.



Nov 20, 2019
P.S. If you only get one DLC, get Point Lookout.


Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I haven't played Fallout 4 mainly because of Fallout 3. The thing with Fallout 3 is that the first time i played it was years ago and i didn't really stick with it - i do not think i went much further than megaton and TBH i do not even remember what my thoughts were. A few years later i played New Vegas, which became my favorite/one of my favorite (depends on the mood) RPGs so after spending several weeks doing absolutely nothing aside from making playthroughs with different characters (i think i played it like 6 or 7 times) i decided to give Fallout 3 a try again and... well, it is a game. I played the entire game and its DLCs (got some GOTY edition) because i wanted to see the entire thing (i paid for the thing and i'm going to have my fun) and while there were some fun moments, for the majority of the time i was thinking what a waste that was and how FNV would do things better. Also FWIW i didn't like its supposed "better open world" or whatever people call it, to me the world felt like a theme park whereas the FNV world despite its emptiness felt more like a real place.

So basically the biggest issue i had with Fallout 3 was that i played New Vegas before making a serious attempt to play it. Then again i probably wouldn't have made a serious attempt to play Fallout 3 if it wasn't New Vegas and the only thing i knew about Fallout 3 when i first played it (before New Vegas - i mean the one i abandoned not long after i started the game years before NV) was that there were some fans of the older games that didn't like the changes (though i didn't pay much attention much beyond that).

Personally i think that if you liked FNV try to play at least the first Fallout. It isn't too long as a game and is quite close in tone with FNV. If you like that, also try Fallout 2, though how much you will like that one depends on what you liked from Fallout 1: Fallout 2 is basically way more of the same, but this includes both the positives and the negatives.

it has genuinely good dungeon design

Dammit JarlFrank, you're going to make me buy Fallout 4... it is still expensive though, not going to risk it.

I still find it hard to believe that Obsidian is the same company that shat out The Outer Worlds

Same company, different people.

What i find it hard to believe is that said different people are/include the people that made the original Fallout, Arcanum and VtMB.
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A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
What i find it hard to believe is that said different people are/include the people that made the original Fallout, Arcanum and VtMB.

TOW sold well. And that's all that matters.

At the end of the day, as a developer you choose between cold hard cash, or the vague, ephemeral pride of having created a "good" game, whatever that means.

Most people take the cash.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Dammit JarlFrank, you're going to make me buy Fallout 4... it is still expensive though, not going to risk it.

I got the complete collection during a sale for about 15 eurobucks or so.

While the quest design is mostly meh and the writing is pretty dumb, at least it's not as bad as Fallout 3 (there are people on the internet who claim Fallout 4 raped the lore, but these very same people think Fallout 3 was good... I don't know what they're smoking, Fallout 4 is much closer to Fallout in atmosphere than Fallout 3 was). The basebuilding element can be completely ignored. I turned the gas station you find at the start into my home base, built some crafting stations there to improve my armor with, and that's that.

If you play it like your typical Elder Scrolls game, that is exploring the world and doing sidequests you stumble upon rather than following the main quest, it's pretty enjoyable. You do need some mods to fix the HP bloat at higher levels, but once you got those, you're set. The landscape is pretty varied and there are several really well-designed locations that make use of verticality and multiple angles of approach. Shootouts in old factories populated by raider gangs are fun: you climb up the various ramps and ladders while being shot at from above and below, seeking cover and trying to take out your enemies one by one.

It's not a good Fallout game (but it's a better Fallout game than Fallout 3), it's not a good RPG, but it's a fun explorefag experience.


Apr 21, 2012
Potatoland aka Prussia
TOW sold well.
Of course it did. The Outer Worlds looks like Fallout 3 fucked Overwatch without a second-hand condom, that's like catnip to modern... audiences...

But I would be interested in Overwatch porn.

I couldn't care less about TOW porn.

If you spend 10 more years watching porn, you will look for TOW porn, just after "three midgets and donkey" porn. It should be called "leveling up in porn mastery".

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Dammit JarlFrank, you're going to make me buy Fallout 4... it is still expensive though, not going to risk it.

I got the complete collection during a sale for about 15 eurobucks or so.

While the quest design is mostly meh and the writing is pretty dumb, at least it's not as bad as Fallout 3 (there are people on the internet who claim Fallout 4 raped the lore, but these very same people think Fallout 3 was good... I don't know what they're smoking, Fallout 4 is much closer to Fallout in atmosphere than Fallout 3 was). The basebuilding element can be completely ignored. I turned the gas station you find at the start into my home base, built some crafting stations there to improve my armor with, and that's that.

If you play it like your typical Elder Scrolls game, that is exploring the world and doing sidequests you stumble upon rather than following the main quest, it's pretty enjoyable. You do need some mods to fix the HP bloat at higher levels, but once you got those, you're set. The landscape is pretty varied and there are several really well-designed locations that make use of verticality and multiple angles of approach. Shootouts in old factories populated by raider gangs are fun: you climb up the various ramps and ladders while being shot at from above and below, seeking cover and trying to take out your enemies one by one.

It's not a good Fallout game (but it's a better Fallout game than Fallout 3), it's not a good RPG, but it's a fun explorefag experience.

Its enjoyable shooter with some nice moments when you got onto vertical buildings and DLC on Island, and side quests and also got Brotherhood which was not bunch of White Knights. Power armor is finally walking tank too. Just ignore completely search for your middle aged Father son and most of bases building (I got only one made with security perimeter made of junk and two towers with Machine guns, mainly to not got jumped why crafting). Just install some modes for HP bloat as its really annoying later on but you will probably got bored before finale of game like I did.


Jan 6, 2014
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many if not most issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?

Cleveland Mark Blakemore

Golden Era Games
Übermensch Developer
Apr 22, 2008
I just finished a complete playthrough of Fallout 3 with all DLCs followed by Fallout New Vegas with all DLCs.

FNV is definitely the best game, although Fallout 3 is amazing. I can't understand how people would play any game for a hundred hours that is the expansive open world of Fallout 3 and then call it a bad game. FNV is simply better and since FO3 is so good, that is saying a lot.

I then tried to start new games in Fallout 4 and Fallout '76. I would describe both games as unplayable. I can't get more than 15 minutes into either one without getting so bored it seems like continuing on is just a waste of time. Once you get past the eye candy these games are simply unplayable they are so bad.

After the first quest in FO4 in Concord, the instant Mama Murphy began to speak you realize this game is an abomination by millennials who destroyed the Fallout IP as surely as they have destroyed everything else. The game is so soulless and empty it could only have been authored by millennials. Fallout '76 has more beautiful eye candy which manages to keep you interested for roughly ten minutes before you realize you never, ever want to touch this game again. Both games remind you of how great Fallout once was and what pure decline and fail looks like. Thanks Todd Howard.
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Apr 21, 2012
Potatoland aka Prussia
, although Fallout 3 is amazing. I can't understand how people would play any game for a hundred hours that is the expansive open world of Fallout 3 and then call it a bad game.

Aaaaaaand grimoire unistall.bat initiated.

F3 is a game that one can spend 100+ hours on that, as it is a theme park with fallout in name. If the game was called Washington 2287 or smth I would not mind and think about it as a game, where you can explore big, open, post nuclear world and shoot stuff and level up from time to time. But they stolen assets, characters and organizations from F1-2 and made something shitty with them. And dialogues... ARGH!

Go. Shoot. Enjoy silly dialogues (oh moira, SO MUCH FUN!). Don't think.


Jan 30, 2007
As a Fallout fan? No. But I've had a lot of fun playing Fallout 4 using the Wasteland Survival mod. It's meant to be played on survival mode and it makes the game a lot harder. The perks are toned down a lot, enemies are toughened up. Level scaling is removed. Ammo is scarce. Stimpaks are really scarce. Power armor is really rare (the starting set you get isn't even complete).

Scarcity and difficulty make a huge difference to the experience of the game. It makes so many mechanics and items that you'd just ignore not only useful but vital. You really feel like you're struggling to survive in a PA wasteland. It's tense and awesome. It works well with a mod to make nights darker (essential really, night in FO4 is a joke) and a flora mod (there are lots of both of these). I also like to turn the crosshair off and aim with my irons only. Using a no VATS mod seems like it would be good with this too, but I haven't tried it myself. You'd need to find one that didn't conflict with the perk changes in Wasteland Survival. I just chose not to use VATS, but it would be better to have it modded out to remove the temptation.

It's still not Fallout, but when viewed as its own thing (a survival shooter) it's actually a sublime experience. Unmodded it's a game for little kids, even on survival mode.

Edit: I think I was using a separate mod to further tone down loot. So Wasteland Survival, darkness mod, flora mod, loot reduction and a VATS remover if you can find a good one.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
As always, with Bethesda games the side-content is often more interesting than the MQ, and both FO3 and FO4 are like that too.

Something about the way the Bethesda game worlds are designed with the copypasta clutter and skills and all that, makes everything kind of interchangeable and weirdly impact-free (kind of weightless, meaningless - difficult to put a finger on it), which is not conducive to big main quests, but it does form a decent backdrop to just wandering around doing random shit.

Who can forget things like stumbling on the lighthouse quest in Skyrim? That's the sort of thing Bethesda is actually good at.
May 30, 2021
I can't stand Fallout 3 or New Vegas.

New Vegas is a slightly better mass murder simulator. But that's not exactly a strength when all your npcs look the same and wish for a nuclear winter.

I really hate all the legion, house, and ncr factions.

The only thing New Vegas did above and beyond expectations was the cazadors, geckos, and the readdition of traits.

New Vegas is ultimately just FO3 with better writing and ability to throw spears. The crafting system is also incomprehensible.

What New Vegas did worse since the original games is it adopted FO3's soy idea of every location being triangulated by recognizable landmarks.
This completely destroys all sense of freedom and immersion and reminds me how limited and dull of an rpg experience I can expect. Dinosaur, Rollercoaster, etc

I'm making my own game. It's as big as fallout 3 if not as big as fo1/fo2. It has more features than fo3 and fnv. But it only has a couple crappy quests atm.

edit: FO4 is a better looking FO3 while being less of an rpg than fo3 pretended. I'd say compared to New Vegas FO4 looks way better and is way is more immersive visually. It is however an inferior fallout game in all other ways.
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May 28, 2021
I thought the Fallout 3 hate here was an exaggerated meme but apparently people really do dislike literally the same game as NV because it doesn't live up to the literary je ne sais quoi of LONG DICK JOHNSON.


Oct 1, 2018
I thought the Fallout 3 hate here was an exaggerated meme but apparently people really do dislike literally the same game as NV because it doesn't live up to the literary je ne sais quoi of LONG DICK JOHNSON.
Being unable to look at games beyond their superficial qualities and recognize fundamental design differences puts you on par with the average redditor.


Nov 21, 2010
Codex Year of the Donut
Eh, like everyone I played Fallout 3 when it came out. Liked exploring, and liked locations like the aircraft carrier. Also still remember one area where there is a sniper shooting at me and there are essentially land mines everywhere. That I actually enjoyed. As an exploration game with guns, running around shooting things, it was addictive, unless you are expecting Quake in the Wasteland. As a replayable RPG, there isn't much there. You max out almost all relevant stats pretty quickly, think the only variation in playthroughs was weapon focus.

But there is too much that once I start dwelling on, make me not want to return to Fallout 3. The start and the ending are unforgivable. The start is too much Bioshock Infinite. The ending is too awful in it's own special way. The only thing that draws me back is 3-Dog. I'm working on a mod that allows him to join your party and instead of forgetting to tune him in, he comments real time about everything you do! "Did you pick up some shoes? Or cashews? No, you looted some booze!" So, it's going to take a lot of work to have a line like that for every inventory item out there, but I'm sure it will be worth it.


Jan 1, 2021
Enjoyed my time in FO3 (did not complete though). However, you could easily tell that Bethesda was already on its way to "dumbing down" the Fallout series for mainstream appeal. From what I've heard and read about Fallout 4 and FO76, the transformation was complete :negative::argh:

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