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Game News Baldur's Gate 3 Community Update #18: Baldur's Date - August 31st


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
Tried the early access this weekend, to see how it was shaping up... It's a fucking reskin of original sin 2, including the retarded trap/elemental surface/ fireball.

So much of it is original sin series that I would feel robbed to pay full price for it

Nazrim Eldrak

Oct 2, 2015
My heart
I am not pleased by this new trailer. I had higher hopes for the Absolute than some drama queen old elf.
It is not certain that he is the absolute. It could be that he serves the Absolute.
He is one of three antagonists.
He may be devoted to Myrkul.

What bothers me the most in the trailer is that the antagonists could be like lantern antagonists.
I saw in a YouTube video that villains like this are super useless, meaning you could replace him with a lamp and nothing about the story would really change because the lamp does nothing but exist.


Apr 28, 2021
To this day, i find DD their best game.
You could see the potential behind the implementation, see what was holding it back.
You'd have thought that given money and experience, they'd end up making an Ultima 7 squared.
Maybe that isn't to everyone's taste, but.. it would be something nonetheless. And awesome for me.

And now they're on their way to become the new Bioware.
Well done Swen! Guess you had it in you after all, lol
Female red elves with dicks, non binary dialogue, romances, shallow music and PG-friendly content. What more can a man ask for.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
If you're gonna buy quite watching these trailers. If you ain't gonna buy.... quit watching the trailer.

If you just watch trailers... well, what can I say. You'll prolly watch it. Isn't this game just another sex romp alien fuck harem game?
Jan 21, 2023
If you're gonna buy quite watching these trailers. If you ain't gonna buy.... quit watching the trailer.

If you just watch trailers... well, what can I say. You'll prolly watch it. Isn't this game just another sex romp alien fuck harem game?
You can fuck the elf girl at the very least.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
If you're gonna buy quite watching these trailers. If you ain't gonna buy.... quit watching the trailer.

If you just watch trailers... well, what can I say. You'll prolly watch it. Isn't this game just another sex romp alien fuck harem game?

But the aliens are ugly here.

The only one that looks remotely "realistic to setting" is the githyanki, and I think they have cloacas or something.

Why is it that Faerun has been in medieval stasis for thousands of years but everybody looks like a zoomer wet dream now?
Jan 21, 2023
If you're gonna buy quite watching these trailers. If you ain't gonna buy.... quit watching the trailer.

If you just watch trailers... well, what can I say. You'll prolly watch it. Isn't this game just another sex romp alien fuck harem game?

But the aliens are ugly here.

The only one that looks remotely "realistic to setting" is the githyanki, and I think they have cloacas or something.

Why is it that Faerun has been in medieval stasis for thousands of years but everybody looks like a zoomer wet dream now?
When the gene pool is not diverse enough, that thing is bound to happen.

Mirrors real life too.



Apr 28, 2021
When the gene pool is not diverse enough

They taught you that in Liberal High?
Or was it a lesson you learned in a culture of non-whites? By total fucking coincidence that is, we're sure.
Give me a break..

KeighnMcDeath it's just shit talk.. you're right of course, but you may occasionally just want to bitch about it. Even so however, you may be underestimating folks; i doubt this trailer got a lot of views in here. I don't even have to click play to know it's shit and i'm sure i'm not the only one that refrained from doing so.


Aug 20, 2022
When the gene pool is not diverse enough

They taught you that in Liberal High?
Or was it a lesson you learned in a culture of non-whites? By total fucking coincidence that is, we're sure.
Give me a break..

KeighnMcDeath it's just shit talk.. you're right of course, but you may occasionally just want to bitch about it. Even so however, you may be underestimating folks; i doubt this trailer got a lot of views in here. I don't even have to click play to know it's shit and i'm sure i'm not the only one that refrained from doing so.
If you could, would you say you would go fuck yourself?


Apr 28, 2021
If you could, would you say you would go fuck yourself?

You mean like those nights your mother has her period?
Depends how horny i am. Why, are you volunteering? Not interested, your mother's got me covered, sorry.

Also, no need to derail it entirely. You have issues with me, my profile's open, PMs also an option.
Let's keep it loosely BGIII related?


Aug 20, 2022
If you could, would you say you would go fuck yourself?

You mean like those nights your mother has her period?
Depends how horny i am. Why, are you volunteering? Not interested, your mother's got me covered, sorry.

Also, no need to derail it entirely. You have issues with me, my profile's open, PMs also an option.
Let's keep it loosely BGIII related?
It's a simple yes or no question


Apr 28, 2021
It's a simple yes or no question

Simple can be misleading, i only do simple with folks i've long established a mental bridge with. You ain't one of them.
You want to culminate this into the edgiest/funniest reply ever, proceed without me or as mentioned, stop derailing and contact me to get it out of your system.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
So I'm assuming this won't be codex's GOTY 2023?
D:OS 2 had a ton of forum haters, it still won goty. BG3's only competition is Colony Ship.

The silent majority at work, as we saw with Elden Ring even after locking to poll to codex accounts.

But.... I think Colony Ship is going to nab 2023, unless it ends up horribly buggy or something, which I don't think it will.


Apr 28, 2021
I think Colony Ship is going to nab 2023

There are games that are very demanding and equally unforgiving; yet manage to retain your interest due to exceptional flow, pacing and atmosphere. Something of the addictive, keeping you hooked.
There have been games almost half as demanding on the player that failed (folks abandoning early or midway through) because the carrot just wasn't strong enough to overcome what would be inhibiting for most i guess?
In ITS' both their previous games? Just instinct, maybe totally wrong here, but you got that whiff of 'heavily systemic' right off the bat. It overshadowed the carrot so kept people away or made them disinterested. If the same 'feel' is there in CS? I've a feeling it will need to stand firmly in the first category to reach that high an acclaim.

As to D:OS 2, missed opportunity to be honest. Some idiotic decisions regarding armor and turns, sure, but bitching aside they weren't exactly detrimental to the experience, the local 'monocled' parade notwithstanding.
The writing and tone however? Coupled with inane quest fillers just to fill up the map? And compared to BG3, lol, even that writing was incline ^^
Will be amusing to see the kind of posters that do vote for BG3 next year. In many ways, it will prove a point or two i've been making, much to certain people's annoyance.


Apr 28, 2021
Infinitron you can call it lazy if you wish, but reinstalling a game and going through it just to find pieces of dialogue or story i can then screenshot and upload so you're satisfied.. is a bit too much to ask for.

So inversely, i'd simply say that even heavily edited (for maximum wow factor), what Larian has shown so far, just from screenshots, diaries and trailers has made me not just heavily cringe, but abandon all interest and real quick at that.
As am sure you recall, it took a hell of a lot more back then before i wrote D:OS 2 off :)
Just me, but i daresay i'm not far off the mark. They have hit a new low; new demographic to pander to, comes with consequences. In delivery, tone and of course context. That's without even going into non binary romances and all that; they do affect the story, no matter how superficially.

* Sorry for the multiple edits; as am also sure you recall, the more tired i am, the more i revert back to Greek..lish ^^


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I'm pretty sure almost every Codexer who's played it will tell you BG3 is a better game than D:OS 2 right now. The ruleset alone guarantees it. Consider that Solasta, a game with lol-tier writing, is considered worthwhile and fun by many (#4 in GOTY 2021) for the same reason.

And BG3's writing might enjoy a similar advantage. Faerun instead of Rivellon? Instantly better.


Apr 28, 2021
I'm pretty sure almost every Codexer who's played it will tell you BG3 is a better game than D:OS 2 right now. The ruleset alone guarantees it.

Sometimes you appear capable of grasping the tiniest of hints or implications, other times you appear as if blind to anything but the entire forest ahead of you; still find this paradoxical about you.
So since you appear to have missed my point, that's exactly what i meant :)

We slap a heavily modified ruleset (not even the best one) on and all of a sudden it's instantly a better game? Same combat mechanics, same engine, same mentality, same combat designers, but, what, instant transformation huh? And all the cringe, and so much more of it, not a critical issue anymore. Let's play this!
Conclusion or two to be made here, about a number of points. That i have been making.
* Could the combat be fun? Don't doubt it could, was fun enough in D:OS 2. Is that enough given everything else? Fuck no, sorry. There are, or should be, limits to how low one goes.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
And compared to BG3, lol, even that writing was incline ^^


I mean, it's a Larian product so I guess I'm not that surprised. And I will have to admit that DOS2's writing is far superior to DOS, so I imagined naturally they would up their game for BG3 given that it's a bigger IP with a bigger audience.

I'm pretty sure almost every Codexer who's played it will tell you BG3 is a better game than D:OS 2 right now. The ruleset alone guarantees it. Consider that Solasta, a game with lol-tier writing, is considered worthwhile and fun by many (#4 in GOTY 2021) for the same reason.

And BG3's writing might enjoy a similar advantage. Faerun instead of Rivellon? Instantly better.

Most codexers here don't really care about writing quality since RPGs have defaulted back to shit as a standard. But gameplay (faithfulness to 5e) and the addition of a level editor means that Solasta is well liked. Nobody cares about its abomination of a campaign and lizard people alien plot.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
did BG3 got a tranny gender patch or was it in the game from the start?
You could use male/female voices from the start of the early access, which was fine because it wasn't specifically endorsing trannyism and was present in BG1&2.

However, now you also get a gender identity. Happened a patch or two ago. Years of expecting some kind of content update beyond what was initially available to player and that's all you get before they announce no further updates until release. Just insulting, and they deserved the pushback they got for it.

That said, in terms of overall RPG design, the game is well-designed from what I've played of it. Puts Wrath of the Tranny, and nearly every RPG released since Arcanum to shame.

I don't think I can really endorse a purchase now that they openly support gender politics (I may forget about this later or change my mind if I see it's minimal in-game, but this is my general position on such things), and the story may turn out to be trash in the end - but what's available at the start in terms of writing, characters, quest design, dialog, is really quite well-done. Combat is more enjoyable than the Divinity series was, from what I played of it, and less reliant on gimmicks like barrels or environmental effects. And this is in spite of several missteps, like their lighting "upgrade" that makes every color look far too saturated, and the general epic-ness that is 5e high fantasy.
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