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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 romances

Who will you romance in Baldur's Gate III

  • Total voters


Sep 5, 2017
Pathfinder: Wrath
What's up with all the elfwanking options?
If Dragon Commander proved anything, it's that Larian knows how to make saucy dwarven waifus ladies.

Max Edge

By the way, there is mod which fulfill your fantasies:


And if you have incest-cuckold fantasies, install this:


Chloe grew up near Neverwinter in a small orphanage. She claims to be the bastard offspring of Akadia, goddess of air and speed of movement, and a mortal man. Though she has no proof of her heritage, her supernatural speed and skill certainly give it some credibility. Chloe is driven by some inner urge to improve her skills constantly, spending hours a day practicing whenever she can. You wonder how she manages to fight so well when most would be fatigued from this constant practice, but she simply gives you a friendly smile and says it's simply due to daily practice and not to her divine heritage. She feels a certain kinship to you and Imoen, due to your similar divine parentage....
bla bla Mary Sue bang your sister.


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
And if you have incest-cuckold fantasies, install this:


Chloe grew up near Neverwinter in a small orphanage. She claims to be the bastard offspring of Akadia, goddess of air and speed of movement, and a mortal man. Though she has no proof of her heritage, her supernatural speed and skill certainly give it some credibility. Chloe is driven by some inner urge to improve her skills constantly, spending hours a day practicing whenever she can. You wonder how she manages to fight so well when most would be fatigued from this constant practice, but she simply gives you a friendly smile and says it's simply due to daily practice and not to her divine heritage. She feels a certain kinship to you and Imoen, due to your similar divine parentage....
bla bla Mary Sue bang your sister.
25 dex? Even though I hate it when they give cripples as NPC, 25 dex seems a bit over the top...

Harry Easter

Jul 27, 2016
I bet there will be at least one NPC(or even your companion) try to bang a mind flayer.

I'm in. But it has to be consensual, otherwise it doesn't count. But we will have one of those Dragonborn (or what their name was), after all those people having the hots for Red Prince :D.

Max Edge

And if you have incest-cuckold fantasies, install this:


Chloe grew up near Neverwinter in a small orphanage. She claims to be the bastard offspring of Akadia, goddess of air and speed of movement, and a mortal man. Though she has no proof of her heritage, her supernatural speed and skill certainly give it some credibility. Chloe is driven by some inner urge to improve her skills constantly, spending hours a day practicing whenever she can. You wonder how she manages to fight so well when most would be fatigued from this constant practice, but she simply gives you a friendly smile and says it's simply due to daily practice and not to her divine heritage. She feels a certain kinship to you and Imoen, due to your similar divine parentage....
bla bla Mary Sue bang your sister.
25 dex? Even though I hate it when they give cripples as NPC, 25 dex seems a bit over the top...

She is more than your ordinary Mary Sue. Chloe is so powerful, that she is nearly like main character. She has conversation with every companion a try interrupt into most important plot dialogues. Ah, and her creator call herself "Chloe bitch".


Nouveau Riche
Apr 19, 2012
The only correct answer is a modded companion. Tyris flare from golden axe transported into world of bg is best bg 2 waifu mod. Fade mod pretty good too if one doesn’t like strong barbarian gals and want a more classic romance.

But until we get some companion mods for bg3 i guess i’ll go for whichever elf isn’t my sister.


Jan 10, 2011
So would a futa half-elf half-drow, fighter/mage/cleric, sister cover all the checkboxes? That aside what about half-elf and half-dwarf cleric of the forge, tan complexion with decent abs?


Oct 10, 2015
Barrel body figure is a thing of niche interest, I agree.

Maybe the dwarf lovers just want a rude, ruff woman to dominate them.

I wouldn't know since I don't think I've ever romanced any dwarf girl in any media.

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
This thread is dedicated to the discussion of the most important aspect of any RPG game. Romances.

I've heard that there's a clone of Imoen in the current FR lore. I hope she will be in the game. Maybe someone can create Imoen Clone Romance Mod.
New devs are elfphobe that allow you to genocide them.
Also larian base is in belgium and there is a legal problem: as belgian you can only romance minor age characters but outside belgium isn't legal.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
I'm just waiting (impatiently) for the outlawing of any kind of human romances in games. Then Larian will be in own waters.

Lagole Gon

Nov 4, 2011
Retaken Potato
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Pathfinder: Wrath
Justify it however you want; it's still incest.

It's not. You can pick any race for CHARNAME, so bhaalspawns are not related biologically.

It's still spicy though.
Jizz is still jizz. Even if it's divine jizz.


Except it's not.
Bhaal can turn into a dwarf and it will be sturdy dwarf jizz.
Or he can turn into an elf and it will be herbal elf jizz.
Or he can turn into magical golden rain.

This is wrong and perverted. Gods transcend mortal bodies. The jizz of Bhaal transcended his mortal body. The game specifically states that Bhaals essnce is his jizz. This means that his DNA is transferred with his jizz irrespective of what body he is in. So your CHARNAME is still fucking his sister. Or otherwise engaged in incest.
Why do you think it worked out with Sarevok in TOB? And forget about all that crap Beadog introduced.


It's not genetic. That's CANON!


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
And if you have incest-cuckold fantasies, install this:


Chloe grew up near Neverwinter in a small orphanage. She claims to be the bastard offspring of Akadia, goddess of air and speed of movement, and a mortal man. Though she has no proof of her heritage, her supernatural speed and skill certainly give it some credibility. Chloe is driven by some inner urge to improve her skills constantly, spending hours a day practicing whenever she can. You wonder how she manages to fight so well when most would be fatigued from this constant practice, but she simply gives you a friendly smile and says it's simply due to daily practice and not to her divine heritage. She feels a certain kinship to you and Imoen, due to your similar divine parentage....
bla bla Mary Sue bang your sister.
25 dex? Even though I hate it when they give cripples as NPC, 25 dex seems a bit over the top...
It seems absurd at first glance (and it kind of is), but if you look at the actual benefits of 25 Dex, they aren't that impressive. 18 Dex is the sweet spot. Going from 14 to 18 Dex grants you +4 AC (well -4 because it's 2nd Ed, but I digress), while going from 18 to 25 Dex gives you... two more points of AC. It's not the astronomical increase that equivalent increases in Strength give you. And 18 Dex is achievable by almost any race by default.

The only other benefits are thieving skill bonuses (who cares) and ranged attack bonuses (only a +3 bonus, nothing to write home about, especially on a Kensai).

So it's absurd, but not quite as powerful as it might seem.

By comparison, going from 15 to 25 Strength grants:
  • 7 more THAC0 (to-hit)
  • +14 damage per hit
  • A carry weight increase from 120 to 1600 (lol)
Last edited:


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
The only correct answer is a modded companion. Tyris flare from golden axe transported into world of bg is best bg 2 waifu mod. Fade mod pretty good too if one doesn’t like strong barbarian gals and want a more classic romance.

But until we get some companion mods for bg3 i guess i’ll go for whichever elf isn’t my sister.
Fade is fucking retarded.


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Why do you think it worked out with Sarevok in TOB? And forget about all that crap Beadog introduced.

Wait what? Did Beamdog change Sarevok?

It's been a while, but I think I was referring to the one and only time I played SOD and Beamdog made out that Sarevok let you win in the final battle. And that you shared the same soul - that you were twins or something - which I assume is why you could resurrect him.


Edit: This shit was still fresh/damaging my brain at the time, as I had recently played SOD. But the game was so forgettable, that I can barely remember anything about it now.

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