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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Apr 7, 2013
Codex USB, 2014
Liking pubic hair is fucking beta and a sign of a lack of sexual activity.










May 3, 2013
Jesus fucking Christ

What the hell did you have to go through to find those pics. The mental process you went through might be something worthy of analisis.


Apr 7, 2013
Codex USB, 2014
I'm not really into guys who are that hairy, though. There's a limit for me, but I was willing to cross it for the sake of posting gay porn on a forum.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I'm not really into guys who are that hairy, though. There's a limit for me, but I was willing to cross it for the sake of posting gay porn on a forum.
How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an Angel! in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Pubic hair waxing was a widespread practice before the prudishness of the 19th century. The whole middle east has always been doing this since times immemorial (it's even in the muslims religious books), the romans did, the greeks too. The crusaders also brought it back from the Levant when wax had been forgotten during the early Middle ages. Body hair are instinctively associated with masculinity, as there's a link between testosterone and the growth of body hair. Not to mention, its just more practical for oral sex purposes.
Liking pubic hair is fucking beta and a sign of a lack of sexual activity.

nice try, pedo


Jul 13, 2007
The other Villain guy had a better handle on how to get a tag with EXTREEEEME actions.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
The worst part is, those people actually think themselves clever!

I used to get more outraged about this, until I thought about who it is that actually posts on youtube about computer games. Most of us adults with jobs don't comment on youtube videos - we'll watch them, and send them on to friends, but it's a matter of sending stuff back and forth when you're slacking off in the office. You're not actually invested enough to log in and write comments in the thread beneath it - or even to read comments (if you're going to make a comment on it, the comment will be to the person who sent you the link, not on the youtube forum itself).

Now I'm only hypothesising here, but I suspect most teenagers don't get involved in these threads either. They're already involved up to the necks in their own social network, comprised mostly of people they know from real life. They'll be making comments to their friends on Facebook, not to the internet-at-random on Youtube or other public fora.

So this sort of youtube comment thread is made up of 2 groups of people. Overwhelmingly, most of the posters are kids, and when you take that into account it isn't that bad - you EXPECT kids to have shit taste for the most part, to follow the next big trend (in this regard, the tendency of some games to inexplicably 'hit the trend' among young kids and sell bucketloads is no different to how toys have been sold since well before I was a kid - I'm sure there were older folks shaking their heads at me and my peers' insistence on having to pester our parents into buying us every single Transformer, including all the ones that were just recoloured clones of each other). You also don't expect young kids to appreciate decent writing, or to understand why we enjoy FO1 more than FO3 - not because they're incapable of it (young kids will obsessively study and learn arcane game mechanics more than most adults, once they've been hooked on the game, or if it's the trend of the moment) but because it's unfair to even expect them to grasp the enjoyment of a game based on mechanics that they've never been introduced to.

That group doesn't bother me: I've got no business listening in to the conversations of primary school children, and I shouldn't complain if doing so leads my brain to melt at the inanity of kids being kids.

Then there's the other group - those people so pathetic, unemployed, deranged (sexually, socially or politically) or creepily obsessive that they hop onto forums to post to 'the internet in general' about computer games. Grown adults acting like 10 year olds, and who get violently angry when arguing with posters who actually ARE 10 year old kids.

We at the Codex fall across the 3 categories of 'deranged', of course:)

Even accepting that we're a part of this group, it's hardly going to be representative of the general market. It isn't going to be any more or less 'hardcore' per se, but it IS going to be completely retarded when it comes to interpersonal communication. And regardless of whether they have good or bad taste in games, their reasons for holding those tastes are far more likely to correspond to some poorly thought through but aggressively defended pre-conception of what all games must be like.

Youtube probably has an even higher proportion of kids than usual, while gaming sites and fora are more likely to house concentrations of deranged adults. But neither group is of particular cause for concern.

It's like discovering that the man caught masturbating with a cheese grater while peeping through windows at the residents of elderly care homes getting changed is ALSO a member of the rpgcodex. Before discovering that he's a codexer, such a person is understandably rather disturbing. But once I learn he's a Codexer, the appropriate response is one of relief - because it means that the number of masochistic publically masturbating creeps with a fetish for nude 80 year olds is no higher than what I already knew it to be beforehand. Similarly, there's no reason to be concerned by the discovery that kids and lunatics are acting like kids and lunatics when they post online.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
Pubic hair waxing was a widespread practice before the prudishness of the 19th century. The whole middle east has always been doing this since times immemorial (it's even in the muslims religious books), the romans did, the greeks too. The crusaders also brought it back from the Levant when wax had been forgotten during the early Middle ages. Body hair are instinctively associated with masculinity, as there's a link between testosterone and the growth of body hair. Not to mention, its just more practical for oral sex purposes.
Liking pubic hair is fucking beta and a sign of a lack of sexual activity.
I was being facetious. Trimmed is ok, too.

There's definitely an age and social construction element to this. A lot of us middle aged guys get actively weirded out by overly shaved/waxed pubic regions. For me it could actually be a deal-breaker. I'd never tell the girl, because I think it's a bit asshole-ish to make someone feel insecure about something in which there's plenty of guys who will have different views, but I just can't feel sexually attracted if there's no pubic hair - it makes me feel like a paedophile. Then again, I fall into the category of guys whose sexual attraction naturally aged with them - i.e. I was attracted to teenagers when I was a teenager, attracted to 20-somethings when I was a 20-something and so on, and I can't relate to the idea of being a grown man and still feeliing sexually attracted to girls young enough to be your daughter. That might explain part of it - but I also think there are sustantial variation in taste on pubic hair even within groups with similar attractions elsewhere. And historically, you're right in that it's been around a long time - but it hasn't been constant during that time. It's been a fashion which comes and goes, consistent with the idea that it's something which we learn to be attracted to or against.

I suspect much the same occurs with regard to whether male genitalia should be circumcised or not (from a bi male viewpoint, I know it does, but I suspect that's the case for straight women as well). I've known some women who find a lack of circumcision to be a deal-breaker because they just find the foreskin to be absurd to the point of killing their sexual attraction; I've also known women who believe the whole practice of male circumcision is a form of child abuse and a bodily mutiliation similar to (but less abhorrent than, due to the comparatively far lesser consequences) female genital mutilation.

Trying to put this stuff into one-size-fits-all biological necessities is absurd. Deal with the fact that people will have varying tastes in terms of pubic hair and whether your penis has a foreskin, and that a lot of people aren't going to care one way or the other, and that there's little point in altering your pubic appearance to something you're not personally comfortable with, because while you'll be more attractive to some people, you'll also just be putting off others (and again, I suspect that the overwhelming majority of people simply couldn't give a shit; I hesitate to associate any particular taste with a 'sign of a lack of sexual activity' - but loudly proclaiming about how you prefer a pubic appearance does seem to have that 'I'm embarassed about my lack of sexual experience' feel to it. If there's one thing I've noticed about men and women who happily have a lot of sex with a lot of people - i.e. promiscuous and also satisfied, as opposed to trying to compensate for daddy issues - it's that they have really wide tastes, and seem to find things to be sexually attracted to in partners with a variety of appearances, rather than finding things to put themselves off.)


Mistakes were made.
Jan 2, 2012
All this dongscussion made me remember this classic piece from ages past:


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