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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Apr 7, 2013
Codex USB, 2014
Watching the let's player miss obvious clues was rather frustrating.
I'm really just going to blame it on wanting more out of the game. My late night confusion turned into a sort of are-you-shitting-me mood once I began to realize that all the doors were just controlled by gay passwords from notes and nothing more.
Mar 30, 2012
Elevator Of Love
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Sega urinal game 'Toylets' goes on sale to general public, sink companion still missing (video)

In an effort to reduce male patron's messiness (and grab some cash from locales not necessarily associated with gaming) Sega's Toylets can now be found in restrooms across Japan -- and even in a handful of cities overseas. You won't need to make the laborious trek to your nearest bar or arcade to beat the high score any more, however, as Sega's now put the urinal games terminal up for sale to (Japanese) Joe Public. A sensor at the base will detect pressure and, er, volume which acts as the controls. A screen at eye level will show your progress, and you can expect several short-but-sweet games in the style of Rhythm Tengoku or Warioware. It all comes a price though -- you'll need to stump up 140,000 yen (around $1750) for the device itself and 10,000 yen ($125) a piece for games. The porcelain is (unfortunately) not included.



Jul 13, 2007
Finally a game platform in which Asians will lose out to the glorious Western Oppressors.

In before penis enlargement drug tests in piss olympic tournaments.
Mar 30, 2012
Elevator Of Love
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Hobbyist: The sanest path into games writing is to write about games for the same reason you play them. That is to say, for funsies. You’ll need a day job, but you still might make a bit of pocket money here and there. Going pro may seem like a fantasy come true, but like the high school cheer captain who became a porn starlet, you’ll be sick to death of the whole enterprise by your third gored anus.


I just write whenever I want and what I want. If the game is shit I'll mock it and have a good laugh about it. If it's really good and under the radar of Professional JournAAAlists I'll write something nice :hug:. Anus pounding avoided, and conscience is clear. No money necessary.


Mar 20, 2010
Yiffing in Hell

Ok, I must be blind (or my browser borked) because I can't see the comments. :oops:



Dec 5, 2012
Russ Pitts is pretty upset with the article:

We — all of us — should be ashamed for saying nothing. “George” and those like them are ignorant bullies. They are degenerate creeps and we are letting them run the show. It’s time that came to an end. We are better than this. We are better than silence.

And so I say to people like “George”: No. Bad.

You do not get to anonymously write hateful things and have them stand alone.

You do not get to threaten my reputation and not be held accountable.

You do not get to abuse the people I care about and expect me to stand idly by.

You will be addressed when you do wrong, because I have had enough of this bullshit.

And if you can’t deal with that, then “Don’t engage” me.

Not sure what to think. The article is implying he's a pedophile for a retarded reason, but I'm not sure what Russ thinks he can do about it.

Why couldn't "George" just call him a shitty writer?

Pedo or not? YOU DECIDE
Ninja Destroyer said:
Anus pounding avoided, and conscience is clear.


Feb 27, 2012
Ludonarrative Dissonance: The type of meaningless term that games press hipsters invent to fuel the personal delusion they’re engaged in anything but rote coverage of new and exciting shoot-the-man playthings. Nobody needed to invent a term to describe a likable action hero who racks up a body count big enough to fill one stadium per level; we already had one – likable action hero.

Related – Plante, Chris: Polygon’s henpecked editor-at-large is a man who once wrote an article decrying Bioshock Infinite, one of 2013’s masterpieces, on the basis that it was too violent for his wife to watch.
Not sure if serious.


Jul 13, 2007
Oh gosh, dozens of game critics will cry themselves to sleep tonight, because someone in the internet wrote an opinion piece.

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