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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Sep 19, 2006
Lumpy said:
Calling someone a moron is an insult, no matter how true it is.

And where did I call him a moron? All I did was present the evidence that he's a moron. Nowhere in any of my posts did I directly insult him.


Sep 11, 2005
KreideBein said:
Lumpy said:
I told him that he is a moron because that's all he ever does

So I phrased that incorrectly. But even so, what's being disputed is my ESF post, not my post here. So that's really just a red herring.
Yes, but your post here did give the impression that you outright insulted someone on the ESF.
Otherwise, I really have no idea why whatever happened to you did happen, and what moderator could be so cruel as to do such a thing.


Sep 19, 2006
Lumpy said:
KreideBein said:
Lumpy said:
I told him that he is a moron because that's all he ever does

So I phrased that incorrectly. But even so, what's being disputed is my ESF post, not my post here. So that's really just a red herring.
Yes, but your post here did give the impression that you outright insulted someone on the ESF.
Otherwise, I really have no idea why whatever happened to you did happen, and what moderator could be so cruel as to do such a thing.

Did you even bother to read the part of the thread in question?

Lord Chambers

Jan 23, 2006
Jasede said:
Well, nigger is special because the word has an offensive history. But it seems many PC nazis abroad and here already get worked up if you call a black person a "black".

Like, do you really not understand that words are culturally defined and carry connotations even if you prefer to ignore them? It means something to be black, other than just that your skin is dark. You can argue that black should only refer to color, but the fact is that black refers to a race. Race, you will hopefully agree, has meaning in contemporary society. That's why PC nazis point that out whenever your non-black ass is throwing around the term however you want. To people who are black, it could remind them that, once again, they are understood as being a color first and a person second, which I'm told, sucks. I'm white and live in whiteville so I generally aren't aware of having a race. But I bet if people kept trying to define me as white I might get tired of getting lumped in with other white people. Even when those categorizing me so innocently inform me that they are solely referring to my skin color.

Someone a century ago said "they get worked up if you call a nigger a 'nigger,'" and was just as confused as you as to how such a cut-and-dry word was geting construed to be some big deal.

You are part of the same historical process now. Some people are making a big deal out of other words, words you still want to use. A century from now, you may very well find that you've been using words that have offensive histories just like nigger.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Since I am too tired for a witty, Codex-worthy retort, I will simply concur. Nigger-lover!


Nov 23, 2005
not Eurofagistan
If you live in whiteyville then shut the fuck up - maybe if you actually lived around black people you might see the need for words identifying members of different races.


Oct 15, 2005
The other side of the mirror
Who gives a shit what colour someone is? Pink, brown, yellow, tan, purple with blue spots -- it's all bullshit. Just another way of labelling people, putting them in little pigeon-holes. Same that goes for the crapshoot that is religion -- Sikh, Muslim, Jew, Christian, whatever: just more labels to apply to people.

I don't know any "black people" -- I only know individuals. If they're friendly towards me, I don't care what shade of human their skin is. And If they're not friendly, or are people I don't know, then I care even less what colour/race/religion they are.


Oct 15, 2006
Just a city called Sirius.
OverrideB1 said:
Who gives a shit what colour someone is? Pink, brown, yellow, tan, purple with blue spots -- it's all bullshit. Just another way of labelling people, putting them in little pigeon-holes. Same that goes for the crapshoot that is religion -- Sikh, Muslim, Jew, Christian, whatever: just more labels to apply to people.

I don't know any "black people" -- I only know individuals. If they're friendly towards me, I don't care what shade of human their skin is. And If they're not friendly, or are people I don't know, then I care even less what colour/race/religion they are.
What he said.

I Would post my thoughts, but you pretty much already did. so...


Oct 25, 2006
OverrideB1 said:
Who gives a shit what colour someone is? Pink, brown, yellow, tan, purple with blue spots -- it's all bullshit. Just another way of labelling people, putting them in little pigeon-holes. Same that goes for the crapshoot that is religion -- Sikh, Muslim, Jew, Christian, whatever: just more labels to apply to people.

I don't know any "black people" -- I only know individuals. If they're friendly towards me, I don't care what shade of human their skin is. And If they're not friendly, or are people I don't know, then I care even less what colour/race/religion they are.
Sometimes labels are necessary. If some white dude has a gun, and is the only white dude around, I'm not going to say:

"Good gosh, that man of European decent with the blond hair and blue eyes has a firearm!"

I'm going to say:

"Fuck! That white man has a gun!"


Jan 19, 2006
The geological, topographical, theological pancake
Yes, you can uses those terms in order to quickly identify a person in an area where there are quite a few different skin tons, ethnic origins, etc. For instance, I was suppose to meet up with my cousin (through marriage) Marcel in Amsterdam the other day. I had never met him before and had gotten ahold of him through chat so I didn't hear his voice (which can sometimes be revealing due to accent). All I knew is that he was wearing a black t-shirt with blue jeans and was driving a green Volkswagen. Do you have any idea how many people there are at any one time at the Amsterdam train station? Fucking tons. I saw a white skinned, black skinned, brown skinned, an man of some asian descent who all matched that very very vague description. I probably should have been more specific in my questioning, yes, but a quick "I'm black, I'm white, very tan" would have made the tracking down process much more easy.

I did find him, but it was one of those, he's looking around and I'm looking around and he's looking at me and the strange are you who I'm looking for faces, and akward are you... question.

Even for myself, I just tell people to look for the Irish guy...because I do look like the stereotyped pale white, red headed, freckled Irish person (despite there also being a large population of Irish who are dark tan with brown or black hair). People who take this stuff too seriously have either become jaded because of too much first hand racism, or they don't have enough of a sense of humor to turn a stereotype to their favor.


Sep 28, 2006
Bloom County
Sylvanus said:
People who take this stuff too seriously have either become jaded because of too much first hand racism, or they don't have enough of a sense of humor to turn a stereotype to their favor.
They don't have to in the U.S. It's the law, teh win for affirmative action.

Nigger: I hear blacks in the U.S. call each other niggers all of the time, however if you are not one be wary of calling them one.
Jul 30, 2006
Being a big gay tubesteak hahahahahahahahag
cutterjohn said:
Sylvanus said:
People who take this stuff too seriously have either become jaded because of too much first hand racism, or they don't have enough of a sense of humor to turn a stereotype to their favor.
They don't have to in the U.S. It's the law, teh win for affirmative action.

Nigger: I hear blacks in the U.S. call each other niggers all of the time, however if you are not one be wary of calling them one.

My modern studies teacher spent an entire hour explaining that they call each other "nigga" instead of "nigger". She demonstrated this by rapping "yo yo yo, yo yo ma nigga bitches".

I wish I was kidding.


Sep 28, 2006
Bloom County
Admiral jimbob said:
cutterjohn said:
Sylvanus said:
People who take this stuff too seriously have either become jaded because of too much first hand racism, or they don't have enough of a sense of humor to turn a stereotype to their favor.
They don't have to in the U.S. It's the law, teh win for affirmative action.

Nigger: I hear blacks in the U.S. call each other niggers all of the time, however if you are not one be wary of calling them one.

My modern studies teacher spent an entire hour explaining that they call each other "nigga" instead of "nigger". She demonstrated this by rapping "yo yo yo, yo yo ma nigga bitches".

I wish I was kidding.
Actually IME they use both: distinctly pronouncing ther er, and leaving it of... Could be a regional thing too as there are still SOME regional difference in the U.S. although they seem to be rapidly disappearing, likely partially due nationally broadcast/published shows, papers, etc. and the horrendous influx of immigrants legal and otherwise. It's becoming much more common to find Spanish, Chinese, etc. where not more than a decade ago it would not have existed. It's getting to be almost as bad as Canada with the French on everything... (go ask a Canadian about that... }:)


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ
Yes, you can uses those terms in order to quickly identify a person in an area where there are quite a few different skin tons, ethnic origins, etc.

My modern studies teacher
Why in the world are you taking "modern studies?" Why haven't you murdered this waste of matter?

Black pronunciation is not regional, it's cultural.
Jul 30, 2006
Being a big gay tubesteak hahahahahahahahag
kingcomrade said:
Admiral jimbob said:
Why in the world are you taking "modern studies?" Why haven't you murdered this waste of matter?

The alternatives were geography and history.

....yeah? So you had a choice between geography, history, and modern studies and you chose modern studies?

When it comes to learning about dead people, hills and living people, I'll take living people.
What's so bad about modern studies, anyway?


Jan 20, 2006
I would've taken history.

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