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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Sep 30, 2012
Codex 2013
Good riddance.
Now if only they took down the BFG edition too...

Not entirely good riddance. This means that new people are unlikely to play outstanding mods like The Dark Mod until it either gets ported over or goes standalone.


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
Doom 3: BFG

-worse, overly bright graphics
-excessive motionblur
-tiny fov
-still no coop in Pc version...
-no mod support
-censored Doom 2 secret maps


2012 release:

Did id "enhance" this game with RAGE technology?

is that supposed to be a keyboard?


Sep 30, 2012
Codex 2013
Jesus, the textures actually look better in the old game.

Typical Bethesda. Doing a hackjob to cash in on a franchise.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
First, a funny


Vivec's Sermons, Abridged
The Abridged 36 Lessons of Vivec: “Hello everybody, I’m Vivec, I am freaking awesome and this is my Guide for Cool People Who Want to be (almost) as Awesome as Me.. I’m so awesome in fact that I make daedic princes my bitch. No really. I even raped the God of Rape. And later we also made sweet love down the fires of Oblivion. Then I had some demon babies, I think. shit was so cash! Once, I betrayed the dude who saved me from a life as a sexy little boy whore in order to gain god-like power, but it’s okay because in the end I used the power to be an even more awesome guy and help all the poor people less awesome than me. My favorite weapon is my spear, Muatra. It’s named after my penis, which is named Muatra. Or maybe it was the other way around, I forget. The important thing is that since they’re both named the same thing, people are never quite sure which I mean when I’m talking about thrusting Muatra into someone. I think this is funny as hell. My friend Sotha Sil is pretty cool too (though not as cool as me) He got his legs chopped off in battle once, but instead of being all downer cripple-y, he built some god damn rocket legs instead! Rad, huh? I also hang out with Almalexia sometimes. She can be a bit of a bitch, but any chick who can keep her pussy tight after a thousand years (and a thousand cocks) is okay in my book.
Anyway later, I learned the terrible true secrets of Space, and when all of creation tried to tell me I wasn’t real and was a figment of some god’s wetdream, I just said ‘Don’t you know who the hell I am?! I’m Vehk, Warrior-Poet-GodKing of the Dunmer, High Lord Baron Priest Pimp of Moves Like This! I’m too fucking awesome _not_ to be real! So fuck all ya’ haters! AE CHIM CE ALTADOON I’m out!’ And then I went Super Chimer-Jin Level 3. And that is how Nirn was made, and why my hermaphroditic pussycock is the most awesome hermaphroditic pussycock there ever wa-. Oh wait… I mean, that is how you too can become (almost) as awesome as me! The beginning of the words is ALMSIVI. I give you this as Vivec”.

#Sotha Sil #Vivec #Morrowind #There #I saved you hours of reading

and now a depressy


Personally I don't know I never found morrowind that entertaining But it did have pole arms. pole arms are awesome That and you had more options which people like I guess
I could never get past the unfriendlyness of the start of the game I dont mind it being complex and having depth but can you not assume i'm some rpg god and at least tell me that the stupid strider can be used as a taxi before I run of and die in the wilderness trying to get to the first questmarker

You literally can't get out of the tutorial until this guy tells you to take the taxi to Balmora and gives you money for it


all my hate


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
So IGN keeps up the high standards of gaming journalism. Not a paid advertisement at all, no sirree!

However, while it may remind you of an old game it doesn’t feel like an old game. Gamers demand a lot more functionality of their third-person action games in 2012, and Absolution delivers it. A stable cover system. Far more user-friendly movement and shooting controls. Increased assists for less demanding players.

While the similarities between Absolution and Blood Money are clear, both of these games are very much products of their own times. Nowadays connectivity is a virtual must, and clunky controls are an instant turn off.

“Yeah, I mean, every game is a concession, to a certain degree,” says Marchesi. “This game here is probably the Hitman game that we have wanted to do all along, but now finally we have the tools and the technology to be able to do it.”

“No game is perfect, no game is ever going to have that 100 out of 100, but this is the best Hitman game so far, by a longshot, and it’s very much true to the legacy. It has all the elements of the old games. There’s no mistaking it.”

It’s a complex game; you have to be able to get to cover, you have to be able to escape from cover, you have to be able to pick up objects, get into disguises. So just figuring out where to put the different buttons has been a tremendous undertaking and has gone through so much playtesting and figuring out, ‘Okay, why don’t people understand this now? Why are you doing this? Why is this not natural to them?’
“As developers it’s super easy just to get snowblind at some point and feel like people just don’t get it, but the fact is they get it, we’re just not good enough at telling them.”


dog that is hovering, Wastelands Interactive
Jul 8, 2010
Jordan, Minnesota
Project: Eternity
but now finally we have the tools and the technology to be able to do it.”

It’s a complex game; you have to be able to get to cover, you have to be able to escape from cover, you have to be able to pick up objects
Wow, so sophisticated! Picking up objects! Who would have thought?!

just figuring out where to put the different buttons has been a tremendous undertaking

You mean, the Awesome! button, and the MAJESTIC! button? That seems like a whole lot of buttons to me.


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
So IGN keeps up the high standards of gaming journalism. Not a paid advertisement at all, no sirree!

However, while it may remind you of an old game it doesn’t feel like an old game. Gamers demand a lot more functionality of their third-person action games in 2012, and Absolution delivers it. A stable cover system. Far more user-friendly movement and shooting controls. Increased assists for less demanding players.

While the similarities between Absolution and Blood Money are clear, both of these games are very much products of their own times. Nowadays connectivity is a virtual must, and clunky controls are an instant turn off.

“Yeah, I mean, every game is a concession, to a certain degree,” says Marchesi. “This game here is probably the Hitman game that we have wanted to do all along, but now finally we have the tools and the technology to be able to do it.”

“No game is perfect, no game is ever going to have that 100 out of 100, but this is the best Hitman game so far, by a longshot, and it’s very much true to the legacy. It has all the elements of the old games. There’s no mistaking it.”

It’s a complex game; you have to be able to get to cover, you have to be able to escape from cover, you have to be able to pick up objects, get into disguises. So just figuring out where to put the different buttons has been a tremendous undertaking and has gone through so much playtesting and figuring out, ‘Okay, why don’t people understand this now? Why are you doing this? Why is this not natural to them?’
“As developers it’s super easy just to get snowblind at some point and feel like people just don’t get it, but the fact is they get it, we’re just not good enough at telling them.”
why do they have to do this amount of bullshit to market their game

of all things to brag about, "working movement and shooting controls"? like there was anything wrong in the other games

So not being a fan of FPS games anyway, do these new cover shooters even have strafing anymore, or maybe rolling or something? Or is it all, GET TO DA COVAH?
ME1 and 2 didn't have rolling, neither did HR ( :troll: ), for some reason

Gears of War always had rolling, and it's supposed to be the game that popularized cover shooting, or some shit

FPS cover shooters I don't think they ever had anything like rolling

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