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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Hopefully someone asks him which publisher is paying him a dollar an hour for posting BS or if he's just doing it from the "goodness" of his heart.


Jul 13, 2007
"Own what you play"? Thad guy is so disconnected from reality, did he miss the bit where we lease the games we supposedly buy? Is he reporting on some Twilight Zone gaming industry? We control the industry? Gaming belongs to us? Dohoho.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
MCA Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
It's called "Pretend credibility". They write such pieces to create such an illusion, then go back to slobbering over publisher cock.


Jul 13, 2007
Also, here's a thought: why are gamejournos constantly creating apologetic articles that are supposed to tell us how gaming is good, and speak as though gaming is good as a given? If it's so good, you're not supposed to write articles about how good it fucking is, it should be goddamned self-evident. And if you are writing articles "in support of gaming" all the time, then does it therefore mean that gaming needs such articles, and therefore, isn't actually in such a good spot after all? After all, it does say something when people point at a puddle of shit and people say that HEY BUT LOOK THERE IS A CRUMB OF GOLD IN IT as opposed to people saying that LOOK, THERE'S A CRUMB OF SHIT IN THAT PILE OF GOLD.

So yeah, gamejournos, make up your mind. Is gaming good by default, and is it in a good position? If so, stop fucking trumpeting about it. "King isn't naked! King isn't naked!" indeed.


Jul 13, 2007
"Where is the Incline?", Codex asked.
"It's with the Nerds", answered the Sexy Nerd Girl.
"It's with the Dudebros", said the BROBERT clone.
"It's with the Hipsters", said the Indiefag Weeaboo.

I chose my own kingdom... I chsoe ROOFLES MORANS!!!


May 7, 2012
Assassin’s Creed III won’t hit shelves for another few days, but there’s already Assassin’s Creed IIIErudito Packs’ in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 stores.
You can buy a variety of these mysterious packs in the following amounts:
20 Erudito Pack = 80 MSP ($1 USD)
50 Erudito Pack = 160 MSP ($2 USD)
155 Erudito Pack = 400 MSP ($5 USD)
380 Erudito Pack = 800 MSP ($10 USD)
925 Erudito Pack = 1600 MSP ($20 USD)
As of this moment, no word on what exactly these are for has surfaced. I’ve reached out to Ubisoft for comment.
One clue may come in the form of the Facebook game Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy. At one point if you “liked” GameStop on Facebook you’d receive an Erudito Network which would grant you more XP, Florins, and other goodies.
Erudito is also a part of the Assassin’s Creed lore, functioning as a mysterious oppositional figure (or figures) to Abstergo Industries.
Ubisoft has already stated their interest in pursuing the free-to-play model, touting in-game stores as a way to improve games’ profitability.
VentureBeat reported earlier this year that Ubisoft’s chief financial officer Alain Martinez said free-to-play will play a role in all upcoming Ubisoft titles.
“There will be free-to-play on consoles,” Martinez said. “But in the future, with games like Watch Dogs, we could see more opportunity for $60 games to learn from the free-to-play model. The next generation will offer more and more item-based content,” Martinez. “This will benefit our games’ profitability.”

This is because, as Ubisoft’s worldwide director of online Stéphanie Perotti puts it, “Free-to-play is a very flexible business model. The player has the capability to spend more than in a traditional model.”
It will be interesting to see where Assassin’s Creed III takes this concept. Will we see new skins for multiplayer or other minor boosts, or will single-player items and arsenal be affected by your extra purchases?
There’s a right way and a wrong way to do F2P, of course, and it’s often not an easy balance to strike.
When you tack an in-game store onto a $60 game you need to tread very carefully indeed to avoid going over to the dark side.
Mass Effect III included its own multiplayer micro-transactions, and that model seems a likely one for Ubisoft to emulate.
We shall see.
Update: My best guess here is that these are packs for multiplayer only. I know a lot of people are worrying they’ll be for the single-player game, but I’d just hasten toward caution there. I think the multiplayer scenario makes more sense for Ubisoft and would be much less worrisome for players.
Micro transactions in a $60 mediocre package. Ubisoft really knows how to peddle shit to my sad ass countrymen.
In My Safe Space
Dec 11, 2009
Codex 2012
Dudebros are the opposite of nurrrds. Therefore dudebros are the incline.
:decline: Nurds | KKKODEX :incline: KKKODEX | Dudebros :decline:
Is it clear now?

While the savage apemen in the Revenge of the Nurds were still more sympathetic characters due to their vitality, in the end, they were just another side of the decline.

is this an attempt at bloberting?
No, I was possessed by the savage apeman spirit after watching the beginning of the Revenge of the Nurds. No, actually, my pre-existing mental state made me resonate more with the savage apeman spirit.


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
"Where is the Incline?", Codex asked.
"It's with the Nerds", answered the Sexy Nerd Girl.
"It's with the Dudebros", said the BROBERT clone.
"It's with the Hipsters", said the Indiefag Weeaboo.

I chose my own kingdom... I chsoe ROOFLES MORANS!!!

"Is a man not entitled to the brofist of his post? No, says the Tranny in Texas. It belongs to Nomask. No, says the Rance LP'er over in the JRPG Discussions. It belongs to Rape. No, says the Expert in RPG Discussion. It belongs to Classic CRPG's. I rejected those answers. Instead I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose General Discussion. A forum where the newest Drog-alt would not fear Retardo, where the Decline poster would not be boundby petty morality, where the trolls would not be constrained by the perverts."


Jun 18, 2010
Is a man not entitled to the brofist of his post? No, says the Tranny in Texas. It belongs to Nomask. No, says the Rance LP'er over in the JRPG Discussions. It belongs to Rape. No, says the Expert in RPG Discussion. It belongs to Classic CRPG's. I rejected those answers. Instead I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose General Discussion. A forum where the newest Drog-alt would not fear Retardo, where the Decline poster would not be boundby petty morality, where the trolls would not be constrained by the perverts."

Is it madness to build a cesspool on top of retardoland? I say it is madness to build it anywhere else!

All Derp things

Of this earth


Through GD


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
Is a man not entitled to the brofist of his post? No, says the Tranny in Texas. It belongs to Nomask. No, says the Rance LP'er over in the JRPG Discussions. It belongs to Rape. No, says the Expert in RPG Discussion. It belongs to Classic CRPG's. I rejected those answers. Instead I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose General Discussion. A forum where the newest Drog-alt would not fear Retardo, where the Decline poster would not be boundby petty morality, where the trolls would not be constrained by the perverts."

Is it madness to build a cesspool on top of retardoland? I say it is madness to build it anywhere else!

All Derp things

Of this earth


Through GD

Would You Kindly


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010

I'm surprised to see him even talking about it.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
i thought he didn't want to be related to this racist site or some shit.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Only because we have such a shitty reputation no PR person would consider sending us bribes :incline:

I still recall the Prestigious Codex Magazine label from CDP. :lol:
Is the Codex gonna start an E-Mag now? Time seems ripe bros. Subscription at 1kwabux/month.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
MCA Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
oh gawd. IF a publisher DID ever do a thing where they sent a game and a press kit (goodies) DU would just fucking RAPE them with an article.

I hope some stupid publisher does...... but were are blacklisted by all of them (the AAA ones). :(


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Guild Wars 2: Botting and KKK
Which is better and why? DISCUSS!

Because I love Guild Wars 2, this is a column I don't want to write. But because I love Guild Wars 2, this is also a column I have to write. And it's long overdue. Because when Guild Wars 2 dies for me, it won't be because of dwindling activity, or a sometimes shaky ingame economy, or the resurgence of World of Warcraft. It won't be because of Borderlands 2, or because of the new content for Rift, or the awesome Diablo 3 patch. It won't be because my friends are busy playing the latest holiday releases. It won't even be because something happened that caused my framerate to drop precipitously while simultaneously taking longer to render characters in my line of sight. Guild Wars 2 and I have weathered these things.

No, it will be because of all the Rangers running around with their bears. More precisely, it will be because developer ArenaNet isn't doing anything about it.

Eight Rangers Ranging

They wore the same outfits. But wait, where was their guild tag?​
If you play Guild Wars 2, you've probably seen identically clothed Rangers and their bear brigade. The first time I saw this, I thought it was some sort of guild thing. Lord of the Rings Online had hobbit-only guilds, for instance. I thought it was like that. The Rangers all had the same pets. They were the same race. They wore the same outfits. But wait, where was their guild tag? And why were they named things like Kfhfghgb, Jgfhftgf, and Lhvcnbvb? Who names their characters Kfhfghgb, Jgfhftgf, and Lhvcnbvb?


Something's not quite right here...

These obviously aren't real Rangers. These are fake accounts. (Well, as fake as any account that requires a $60 retail purchase.) These are bot accounts, probably running with some sort of multibox setup, or a hack that tells them to follow a lead Ranger, or they might all be automated. They run a path around a circuit calculated to pass through regular monsters respawns, or maybe they're just parked in front of a recurring event. Their identical outfits aren't outfits at all, but a lack of outfits to minimize repair costs. They're farming gold to be sold online for real-world money. They're probably Chinese.

Certain areas, certain quest chains, certain dynamic events have turned into parades, led by an automated gold farmer.​
It's unlikely any of the Rangers will fall, but if they do, actual players will often revive them. Sometimes because they don't know any better, or sometimes because, hey, you get experience points when you revive someone -- even a fake someone. In some cases, players will revive dead bots because they're riding the bots' coattails, following their path, participating in whatever circuit or event is being farmed. Certain areas, certain quest chains, certain dynamic events have turned into parades, led by whichever automated gold farmer has set up shop.

Not Funny Anymore

These groups were kind of funny at first, in a "Oh, look how obvious the bots are," kind of way. It stopped being funny a week later. Yet another week later it was annoying. Now, two months after launch, it's an ugly blemish. It's like graffiti, or trash left lying in the streets.


Are you seeing this, ArenaNet?

It's affecting my experience, and I can only imagine what it's doing to the player-driven economy.​
That it remains is a sign of ArenaNet's negligence. I don't use that word lightly. I don't presume to know what goes on behind the scenes of an MMO, or how hard it is to keep bots out of a game. But I do know when the developers need to do more to police their game. The situation in Guild Wars 2 has gone long past this point. It's affecting my experience, and I can only imagine what it's doing to the player-driven economy. It's a parade of bears and under-armored Rangers in honor of ArenaNet's indifference.

Please Hold for a Customer Support Representative

I might normally be willing to give ArenaNet's team the benefit of the doubt that they're doing their best to address this issue. Unfortunately, I don't have much confidence in their customer support. Early on, I ran across a character named Goebels. I reported him. Maybe ArenaNet is okay with that. It's their call, and I'll probably never run into him again, but I'd like them to at least know about it. That character is still on the server.


Botters are basically the same as racists and Nazis, right?

You might think Goebels is allowed because the actual Nazi spelled his name with two B's. You'd be wrong, because there's also a character named Goebbels on my server. You can type names into the guild-invite window to see whether it's a valid character name. It's how I know Kfhfghgb, Jgfhftgf, and Lhvcnbvb still have their accounts, which they've gotten to level 40 as I write this the day after reporting them.

What kind of game allows a guild called Koon Slayers and the guild tag [KKK] to play unchecked?​
This lackadaisical approach to offensive names isn't an isolated issue. A few weeks after launch, some folks in my guild noticed a guild called Koon Slayers, with the guild tag KKK. We reported them. A month later, a thread about the same guild appeared on Reddit. The poster claimed he had reported them several times as long ago as August to no avail. An ArenaNet representative apologized for not taking action. They had missed the poster's reports, the representative said. What kind of game allows a guild called Koon Slayers and the guild tag [KKK] to play unchecked for nearly two months despite numerous players reporting it? Guild Wars 2, that's what kind of game.

So what hope is there for ArenaNet taking action against blatant bots when it can't even be bothered to take action against blatant racism? We, the players, are doing our part as best as we can, ArenaNet. We're trying to help. There is no reason that characters like Kfhfghgb, Jgfhftgf, and Lhvcnbvb should ever see 40th level. Yet I've seen -- and reported -- plenty more that are higher level. This is inexcusable, and we shouldn't have to put up with it. It's time to be swift and decisive. You've made a grand, grand game and you're not protecting it. You're not protecting those of us who love it. Get your act together, ArenaNet.


Damn, and I wanted to create Mein Fuhrer the Mesmer


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
What kind of game allows a guild called Koon Slayers and the guild tag [KKK] to play unchecked?
You know, if I was japanese I would go on a crusade suing & protesting agains every game/cartoon/comic/movie/joke that uses a Atomic Bomb, saying how it offends me, how it was one of the worse slaughters in history and yet everyone is cool about making jokes on it...

Now, if you make a joke on KKK & jews... "NO, JUST NO, YOU DON'T JOKE ON THAT BRO! YOU CROSS THE LINE, PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF IT! Now let me get back to killing muslins in Battlefield/Call of Duty. Lol, I headshoted that Iraqui family, where's my victory Mtn Dew?"


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Chink in Armor is my next warrior alt.

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