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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Never LET ME into a tattoo parlor!
Aug 18, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2

Larpers, larpers never changes.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Some good fun from the Escapisturd forums:


DnD has three things:
1. Role-playing
2. Emphasis on freedom in character building and combat.
3. Finding ways to piss off the DM.
So yes, I'd say that it is fair to judge RPGs by the way they handle combat and character progression. And Skyrim gave you complete control over how you build your character, so I'd call it a RPG. And faulting the game for not being able to react to what you do in the world? Technical limitations. Play a tabletop game if you want that level of interaction.

Older games are easier to create vast choices with because you can just write a line of text - Skyrim requires extra animation, voice work and stuff to make it work because of the resoueces.

techincul limtashunz

I guess budget limitations would be a better way to put it. But that is where the industry is at right now. What are you going to do?

Keep buying shit. It's what everyone likes these days.

Well if I am using a one handed sword, then why am I improving in-game with the skill?
I think that classifies as an RPG
What I like about Skyrim is I can control my character the way I want to, I am not limited to an area or am forced to swing my sword in a certain motion.


If Skyrim isn't an RPG then people stopped making big budget RPGs a long time ago.

I thought we'd been over why comparing RPG games to tabletop RPGs is fucking stupid. We know that current tech isn't going to match our imaginations. So far though, I'd say Skyrim is the closest yet, in terms of freedom at least. The problem is that you can't make that level of choice with voice acting and things, it's not feasible yet. I don't think it makes sense to go back to a Morrowind-style system, because that would be lazy. If progress is hard, going back to how it used to be because it's easier isn't going to get us anywhere in the long run. Just because Bethesda haven't gotten to the same point as traditional P&P rpgs yet doesn't mean that they never will.

Well arguing if it's good or not is something different, the point is it's happened. The RPG genre is much different today than it was 15 years ago, personally I prefer the ones from back then as well but for whatever reason they aren't as popular and the new style of RPGs have taken over.

People seem to think ROLE-PLAYING means leveling and stuff like that. Take a second and read this again: ROLE-PLAYING.
It doesn't get any more role-playing than Skyrim. You can be whoever you want and make choices you think your character should make. You don't have to do anything you don't want to if it suits you (or if that's how you interpret your character). TES games are the only games that embrace the actual definition of a role-playing game. You are your character and you have more freedom than in any other video game series.
Just look at what you can do in Skyrim. You're this Dragonborn character, right? You can be one of 10 races. But that's not the point. The point is, if you want to make a Dragonborn that doesn't give a fuck about being a Dragonborn you can do that. You don't have to do any of the main quests to have fun in this game. You still have this huge, beautiful open world where your character can do things he wants. Don't care about the civil war? Fine, don't join any of the factions involved. Find something else to do. No other game lets you do that. In other "RPG's" you have to progress through the story. One of my favorite newer RPG's is Dragon Age: Origins. But it's a linear game. It's not a real RPG because you don't have a choice in being a Gray Warden out to save Ferelden from The Blight. You must progress through the story when you play that game. And it's like that in most RPG's these days. They are still good games, but I think developers don't truly realize the meaning of the term role-playing. Bethesda does.

And, dear Codexers... we have a traitor among us.




Jul 11, 2010
Yeah, I've seen Anthraxus posting random Codex stuff on the Escapist before. Dunno who he is, though.


Jul 7, 2011
Older games are easier to create vast choices with because you can just write a line of text - Skyrim requires extra animation, voice work and stuff to make it work because of the resoueces.

Then maybe extra animation and voice work were the wrong moves bro.

What I like about Skyrim is I can control my character the way I want to, I am not limited to an area or am forced to swing my sword in a certain motion.

Yes, Skyrim is the only game in the history of crpgs to do this. Itsa special gaem.

I thought we'd been over why comparing RPG games to tabletop RPGs is fucking stupid. We know that current tech isn't going to match our imaginations. So far though, I'd say Skyrim is the closest yet, in terms of freedom at least. The problem is that you can't make that level of choice with voice acting and things, it's not feasible yet. I don't think it makes sense to go back to a Morrowind-style system, because that would be lazy. If progress is hard, going back to how it used to be because it's easier isn't going to get us anywhere in the long run. Just because Bethesda haven't gotten to the same point as traditional P&P rpgs yet doesn't mean that they never will.

I never played a PnP campaign where we could just run off in any direction and waste everyone's time. And please explain how Skyrim is closer to the mark than Daggerfall, Morrowind, Fallout, Divine Divinity, Ultima 7, Divinity 2, Gothic, Risen.

Well arguing if it's good or not is something different, the point is it's happened. The RPG genre is much different today than it was 15 years ago, personally I prefer the ones from back then as well but for whatever reason they aren't as popular and the new style of RPGs have taken over.

It's not a new style, it's a dumber version of shit that was already done 10-20 years ago.

People seem to think ROLE-PLAYING means leveling and stuff like that. Take a second and read this again: ROLE-PLAYING.
It doesn't get any more role-playing than Skyrim. You can be whoever you want and make choices you think your character should make. You don't have to do anything you don't want to if it suits you (or if that's how you interpret your character). TES games are the only games that embrace the actual definition of a role-playing game. You are your character and you have more freedom than in any other video game series.
Just look at what you can do in Skyrim. You're this Dragonborn character, right? You can be one of 10 races. But that's not the point. The point is, if you want to make a Dragonborn that doesn't give a fuck about being a Dragonborn you can do that. You don't have to do any of the main quests to have fun in this game. You still have this huge, beautiful open world where your character can do things he wants. Don't care about the civil war? Fine, don't join any of the factions involved. Find something else to do. No other game lets you do that. In other "RPG's" you have to progress through the story. One of my favorite newer RPG's is Dragon Age: Origins. But it's a linear game. It's not a real RPG because you don't have a choice in being a Gray Warden out to save Ferelden from The Blight. You must progress through the story when you play that game. And it's like that in most RPG's these days. They are still good games, but I think developers don't truly realize the meaning of the term role-playing. Bethesda does.

Hear that Troika? You and your stupid, linear ToEE based on a DnD module. Don't you know how wrong you were? Real RP is about saying "fuck you" to the GM and other players and going off on a whim to pick cabbage and pretend the game recognizes your non-conformist nature.

Hear that Larian and Origin? Your games may have freedom, but TES has freedom-er. There are maths and sciences to prove it.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
That video is a auto-win argument over decline of the western civilization... is like a popamole version of The Barbarian Invasions movie...

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