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Bethesda General Discussion Thread

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I've only watched half of it so far, but from what i've seen from a mechanics analysis perspective it is the best video i've seen so far - not just about Oblivion - as he goes into detail and puts things into perspective by mixing his playthrough with his analysis. His writing analysis is also very good, though i've seen other videos with good writing analysis, just not mixed with other aspects of the game. He also puts some bits about the game's development history, but he didn't focus much on that side (though as i wrote i only watched half of the video).

Overall i think if anyone is interested into the design aspect of games, be it from a development perspective or just from an enthusiast perspective, this is one of the best videos to watch as it covers several topics, even if you are not interested in Oblivion itself (though it helps if you do since the entire thing is mixed with the playthrough, but i think it is a good thing as it puts everything into perspective).

Yeah it is long but (again from what i've seen so far) it isn't too padded - for all the content it has, i don't think it could be shortened much without losing value. And it is split in several parts so you just treat it as multiple videos / episodes anyway.


Jun 22, 2020

What's going on here
Todd won't accept MCA outdoing him again after FNV, this time with ladies. But when he finally found a willing fangirl, he realized Kriemhilde could snap him like a twig. Now he just drinks to forget. Sad.
FNV was more of a John Gonzales and Josh Sawyer effort than an MCA effort. Gonzales is somewhere in an indie studio in Barcelona, MCA is fresh outta getting MeTooed and Josh is working on his woke passion project. Meanwhile, Todd just sold Skyrim for 7 billion dollars last year.
Now, tell me


Feb 5, 2013
This is what too much Skyrim does to a man, folks.


"Skyrim IRL" TikTok Star Arrested For Murder Of Wife Could Face Death Penalty


Ali Nasse Abulaban, the Tik Tok star accused of fatally shooting his wife and another man in an East Village apartment last week, has pleaded not guilty to murder charges.

Abulaban was reportedly arrested and charged for killing his wife, 28-year-old Ana Nasse Abulaban, and 29-year-old Rayburn Cardenas Barron at the Spire San Diego luxury apartment complex.

As reported by Times Of San Diego, Abulaban is alleged to have used a handgun to murder the pair. Being charged with multiple murders also means he could face the death penalty if convicted and prosecutors opt to push for capital punishment.

According to the San Diego Police Department, officers were called to the apartment around 3:10pm last Thursday (October 21). The victims were found lying dead in the living room. Abulaban was stopped by police later that day with his five-year-old daughter in the car.

Deputy District Attorney Taren Brast claims that Ana Abulaban was pushing for a divorce, alleging that a prior incident of domestic violence with her husband in which he pushed her was part of the reason behind the attempted split.

Ana Abulaban is said to have asked her husband to move out of the apartment they shared together on October 18. However, Brast believes he made a copy of the apartment key without her knowledge. Brast also alleges that Abulaban used the copied key to get into the apartment on October 21 to vandalise the place and install an app on his daughter’s iPad that would allow him to listen in on his wife’s conversations

Upon hearing his wife with another man in the apartment via the app, Brast says Abulaban drove back there from the Mission Bay hotel where he was staying and shot both victims.

Abulaban fled the scene and picked his daughter from school, according to Brast. It’s believed he told her that he “hurt Mommy" at some point. He also allegedly confessed to the shooting to his mother over the phone, and then again to detectives.


Oct 28, 2020
That man is committed :salute:

Sahih Muslim
Book 017, Number 4194:

'Abdullah b. 'Abbas reported that 'Umar b. Khattab sat on the pulpit of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Verily Allah sent Muhammad (may peace be upon him) with truth and He sent down the Book upon him, and the verse of stoning was included in what was sent down to him. We recited it, retained it in our memory and understood it. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) awarded the punishment of stoning to death (to the married adulterer and adulteress) and, after him, we also awarded the punishment of stoning, I am afraid that with the lapse of time, the people (may forget it) and may say: We do not find the punishment of stoning in the Book of Allah, and thus go astray by abandoning this duty prescribed by Allah. Stoning is a duty laid down in Allah's Book for married men and women who commit adultery when proof is established, or it there is pregnancy, or a confession.


Apr 29, 2011
I don't see why he should get the death penalty for giving them eternity together.


Apr 30, 2020
Last edited:


Jan 27, 2021
Not here
This is what too much Skyrim does to a man, folks.


"Skyrim IRL" TikTok Star Arrested For Murder Of Wife Could Face Death Penalty


Ali Nasse Abulaban, the Tik Tok star accused of fatally shooting his wife and another man in an East Village apartment last week, has pleaded not guilty to murder charges.

Abulaban was reportedly arrested and charged for killing his wife, 28-year-old Ana Nasse Abulaban, and 29-year-old Rayburn Cardenas Barron at the Spire San Diego luxury apartment complex.

As reported by Times Of San Diego, Abulaban is alleged to have used a handgun to murder the pair. Being charged with multiple murders also means he could face the death penalty if convicted and prosecutors opt to push for capital punishment.

According to the San Diego Police Department, officers were called to the apartment around 3:10pm last Thursday (October 21). The victims were found lying dead in the living room. Abulaban was stopped by police later that day with his five-year-old daughter in the car.

Deputy District Attorney Taren Brast claims that Ana Abulaban was pushing for a divorce, alleging that a prior incident of domestic violence with her husband in which he pushed her was part of the reason behind the attempted split.

Ana Abulaban is said to have asked her husband to move out of the apartment they shared together on October 18. However, Brast believes he made a copy of the apartment key without her knowledge. Brast also alleges that Abulaban used the copied key to get into the apartment on October 21 to vandalise the place and install an app on his daughter’s iPad that would allow him to listen in on his wife’s conversations

Upon hearing his wife with another man in the apartment via the app, Brast says Abulaban drove back there from the Mission Bay hotel where he was staying and shot both victims.

Abulaban fled the scene and picked his daughter from school, according to Brast. It’s believed he told her that he “hurt Mommy" at some point. He also allegedly confessed to the shooting to his mother over the phone, and then again to detectives.

One less retard on the planet.



Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
"Your honor, it wasn't me. The player character ran past, cast a Frenzy: Humanoid spell on me, and bunny-hopped away."


Sep 20, 2014
Microsoft doesn't care where you buy your GamePass.

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