Beerfags pushes left as the ball runner is free -
Yhetee with a stunning blow on Badguy.
Will the Norse delay the TD or score early? The injury is starting to pile up..
Robo Ky with a turn-ending tackle as Finn fails to slip away.
Anji Mito Blitzes! Where is he going?!
Gets only a push - REROLL!
Only a block! Tense! That ball could've gone out of bounds if he succeeded.
The rest of the Knights aren't even nearby to support him...
Oh boy, looks like there's a party in the Finn's mouth...
And everyone is invited...
Oh, the humanity!
He's finn-ished for this drive. Turn over.
Blitz! They're going to try and free the ball!
Anji gets pushed aside, Beerfag's ball is free!
No delay?
1 - 0 for the Beerfags! Knights coach still keeping his composure - there's still time. But how about that? A short kick - a botched dodge, a play that largely ignored the ball - rerolls spent on 'star blocks' and multi-gang fouls galore - leading to injuries and knock outs. And a sudden solo blitz - burning the final reroll - forcing the TD to be executed a turn earlier- it's almost as if everything is planned by the Knights up to this point. Now let's see if they can execute the next phase.
Whoa, where are the line man?
Chipp Zanuff, Zappa, both veteran catchers are in the game, paired up with two rookie ones ... Otto and Tristan. Are they going to go for speed runs or a long bomb against two disturbing presences?
Looks like it's ready.
Kick off!
Out of bounds, Hans gets the ball!
Tristan sallies forth!
Zappa gets into the danger zone. Two receivers are already on TD range.
Killer Ky with the blitz.
Sigur tries dodge - but Ky's tackle catches him..
Chipp Zanuff - goes to swap field ... This is funny, are they giving up on the left channel?
While rookie catcher, Ottu goes left -
Robo Ky with a dodge.
Anji Mito goes left!
Only Badguy left on the center -
Pushes the line man moves one tile up!
Hans, the trigger man - what are his options as the turn ends...
Beerfags have to stop the receivers and get that disturbing presence spread better.
Ky goes down, but no injury.
A blitz on the rookie catcher!
Only gets a push!
On the other side, Otto dodges - and stays on his feet.
Sol Badguy eats a claw sandwich and goes down.
The other Yhetee succeeded in repositioning himself, covering the right receiving options with its disturbing presence.
This is gonna be tough - a -1 penalty to catches made in this area - and tight marking ... Knights will have to make a hole somewhere...
Meanwhile, Anji gets pushed to the line, limiting the receiving option on the left...
Hans with a very hard choice to make in the next two turns...
What will it be?