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KickStarter Born Punk - cyberpunk point & click adventure game


May 3, 2018
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/insertdisk22/born-punk-a-cyberpunky-classic-point-and-click-adv



Just found it yesterday. Classic Point and Click Adventure in a dystopian danish Island.

Let us give you a bullet point list TL;DR of what we think makes Born Punk special, or rather, we think is noteworthy about our baby, before we delve deeper into the details:
  • Choices and consequences: often, it's possible to approach dialogs and puzzles from different angles. As a result, potential interactions with other characters, the difficulty to overcome certain obstacles, and the results of some actions will be slightly to majorly different.
  • A comprehensive cyberpunk universe: there's lots of background info to read and experience, which gets added to your PDA as you continue to interact with the gameworld. Lore nerds should be happy about this! Sometimes, in-game lore will also serve as a gameplay mechanic.
  • Full voice-overs: every character in Born Punk and every line will be voiced. Our main character's voice actress, Linsay Rousseau, previously worked on Elder Scrolls: Legends, Fallout 76, Sailor Moon, and for Blizzard!
  • Cyberspace: the main character can enter the global net and surf through a VR world full of weird online personas and deadly counter-measure programs - meaning that the 'hacking' part of the game will be a much more wholesome experience than a simplistic mini-game or quicktime-event.
  • Music: The main theme and various other tracks are composed by Jeff Kurtenacker, composer of Wildstar and choral arranger of World of Warcraft. Jeff is joined by two other musicians (Jeff Miller, Javier Morales) to deliver a bombastic soundtrack. (see below for more details)
  • Graphics/Animations: our graphics and animations are done by Indrek Plavutski, formerly of Wadjeteye's Blackwell: Deception! We try to capture the charm of the 90s, and mix in neat particle effects from today.
  • Veterans and newcomers welcome: Born Punk will not cater purely to nostalgic purists nor to hyper-modern tastes; we don't try to dumb things down to appease a streamlined gaming market nor are we trying to make things needlessly complicated just to stay true to the classics.
  • Let's be serious, it's funny: it's cyberpunk, but with a hopeful, often humorous undertone. Point & click adventures without at least a bit of humour are unthinkable!

Really hope this turns out to be good.
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May 3, 2018
I really should have updated this thread because I am genuinely excited for Born Punk

Now it's really starting to look great





Dec 27, 2017
That voice acting, tho

Not like much could be done with those awful lines of dialogue.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
GOG confirmed: https://www.kickstarter.com/project...nky-classic-point-and-click-adv/posts/2720859

Happy New Year from Born Punk and Insert Disk 22! Also, news.

Hello there, General Backerobi!

With this most cringe-worthy salutation out of the way, for which I profusely apologise, let me wish all of you lovely people a great 2020! Humanity may be getting closer and closer to a true and proper cyberpunk future, but that shouldn't stop any of you from having a glorious, successful year full of health and satisfaction and love and point and click adventures. <3

Whilst we're here, have some Born Punk news as well!

GOG.com: we were quite surprised when GOG contacted us, before we even had a chance to contact them to get on their beautiful, DRM-free store. After a friendly phone call and sending them over a demo including Born Punk's first four chapters/sequences, they happily accepted our game into the GOG family. Which is not only incredibly nice and great, but will also put a lot of eyes on Born Punk on release, as they said they'd gladly promote our game on their store front as well as their social media accounts once the time comes. Hooray!

Release Date: Talking about release dates, a few backers have contacted me because they were confused about our planned release date. After all, it says *January 2020* on our kickstarter page. That confusion is all my fault. When I filled in the page details whilst preparing for our kickstarter campaign, I was convinced that the date I had to enter in that one particular field meant the date that we would start fulfilling the first backer rewards, like in-game characters; not our planned release date. Mea culpa, sorry for that! To clarify: if we stay on our current trajectory, a release at the end of 2020 is realistic. Not guaranteed, but realistic.

Store Pages and Trailer: We plan on launching our Steam page in January, shortly followed by our page on GOG. All the other store pages will follow over the course of the year. Here's our trailer; it is unlikely that this is its final form as I will update it as we finish new trailer-worthy material (and knowing myself, I may just scrap it and go LET'S DO IT ALL AGAIN!) but here you go. Hope you enjoy! Spoiler Alert: CATS. [TRAILER LINK]

Voice Actor for Grandmaster Flashdrive: We think we've found the PERFECT Grandmaster Flashdrive. Flash was always supposed to be a very wacky and silly character. I mean, how could a futuristic android nerd who pretends to be an 80s gangsta rapper not be? That meant that Flash would have to be played by an extraordinary voice. And that voice is Clint Morrison. Here, have a listen! He's great, isn't he. :)

Voice Actor for Mariposa: Our serious high-society lass Mariposa has found her voice actress as well. Diana Silva is going to play the Cuban-born CEO of Mitsotomo Bornholm. Diana is not only a perfect fit and a native Spanish speaker, but also a VERY lovely person. My wife and I had the opportunity to meet her last week when she was vacationing in down under. I can't find her audition file right now, so I hope you'll believe me that she's going to be a grandiose cyberpunk executive!

Last but not least, please do enjoy a few atmospheric shots from the scene we just finished.

Have a very very good one, and cheers from Australia!

Falko and the Insert Disk 22 team


Born Punk launches Steam page - help the cyberspace-kittens out by wishlisting it, please!

Hello, backers!

The TL;DR for those with no time for this nonsense: we're launching our Steam store page today. The more people, backers included, click on 'wishlist' on our page as soon as possible, the better Born Punk's discoverability; meaning, more eyes on our baby! If you would like to help us out by wishlisting Born Punk (even if you don't want it on Steam), please click here: HERE!


And now for those with a little bit more time: we've spent the last few weeks getting everything ready to make sure we can release on all the platforms that we want to release Born Punk on. As we wrote in one of our Kickstarter updates, GOG contacted us and said that they would love to have us on their store. The contract was signed a week ago. We got our Nintendo Switch developer account and they 'greenlighted' Born Punk without any issues. Our Playstation and Microsoft developer credentials are pending, and our mobile ports still have time, which leaves one more major platform/distributor to cover... Steam!

We are proud to be able to present to you our Steam page, and would be honoured if you would do us a favour (I know, as if backing Born Punk and reading this babblegabble isn't favour enough already). A game's success on Steam is partially driven by the number of 'wishlists' that it receives, especially in the first hours/days of its presence on Steam. Therefore, it would be absolutely FANTASTIC of you if you could visit the page and wishlist Born Punk, even if you don't want to own the game on Steam. Don't worry, we still have all your details and know which platform or platforms you prefer.

Doing so will help us out greatly with Steam's discoverability algorithm. When it sees that a lot of people are wishlisting our game, it is more likely that it will be recommended to other Steam users. Perhaps we could even make the 'Top Upcoming Games' list, at least for a few hours! Hey, dreaming big never hurt anyone. Okay, that's a lie. But still.

Last but not least, we apologise if you're getting this e-mail twice from different sources. If this happened to you, sorry, won't happen again!

That's all, folks. Thank you for your attention, your service, and all the fish. :)

Falko and the Insert Disk 22 team
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Farewell into the night

I think, Ii'm going to check it out. I like adventure games.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth

There's been a demo of this since July: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/979480/view/2975175813413890185

Born Punk Steam Demo is live!
Demo introducing main character Mariposa is now available to download

Hello there, dearest hopefully-maybe-soon-customers of this benevolent, not-evil and certainly not dystopian game development studio!

We're happy to announce that the Steam demo of our game is now available to download. To access it, just head over to the Steam store page; you should be greeted by a big green button prompting you to download the demo.

We hope you will enjoy this little peek into how the events that will unfold in the game started. This demo's main purpose is to introduce you to the vibe and atmosphere of Born Punk - it is light on spoilers, and light on puzzles as well. Prior to release, there may be another, more gameplay-heavy demo.

Feedback is of course appreciated. :)

Have a lovely day!

Falko & the Insert Disk 22 team



Insert Disk 22
Dec 13, 2004
Hey there, KKK members! This oldfag right here (who's survived many generations of Codexers by lurking in the shadows) made a game, and said game has just launched.

First, my blood sacrifice. I plastered RPGCodex all over our in-game walls.


And now, let the shilling commence. Here's the link to our Steam page, and our GOG page.

Here's our trailer:

A bit about our story, taken from our store page:

Bornholm. Today, a quaint island in the Baltic Sea. In 2155, a sprawling metropolis able to compete with major world powers. Thanks to the Space Elevator, a technological marvel built by Bornholm's corporate consortium, The Conglomerate, few nations on the planet are more influential both in industrial matters and space exploration.

In Born Punk, the player slips into the role of three people (well, two people, depending on your stance on artificial lifeforms) living on the island: Eevi, a corporate combat hacker turned bartender down on her luck; Mariposa, the CEO of Bornholm's biggest corporation; and a malfunctioning android who calls himself Grandmaster Flashdrive.

The three characters have one thing in common: they all, one after another, get possessed by strange entities of unknown origin and even less known intentions. They must work together - and sometimes against each other - to find out of the nature of those beings, what they want, and why they seem to think that their 'mission' is of vital importance for the future of humanity.

Again, from our store page, some of the game's attributes that we think make us stand out:

* A classic point-and-click adventure experience: we're very proud to feature our own distinct style, but we are also definitely influenced by games like Monkey Island or Beneath a Steel Sky and try to please both veteran afficionados of the genre and newcomers alike with a traditional pixel-art appearance and a streamlined, modern approach to game design
* Movement everywhere: you won't feel like you're walking through a still life painting; Born Punk's world is alive and full of animation, soundscapes and small details to discover
* Choices and consequences: often, it's possible to approach dialogues and puzzles from different angles. As a result, interactions and dialogues with other characters, the difficulty to overcome certain obstacles, and the results of many actions will vary greatly depending on what the player chooses to do
* Full voice-overs: every character in Born Punk and every line (our game features 120,000 words) is voiced by professional voice actors. Yes, that includes the cat.
* Bombastic music: the main theme and various other tracks are composed by Jeff Kurtenacker, composer of Wildstar and choral arranger of World of Warcraft. Jeff is joined by a merry band of synthwave musicians to create a genuine and emotional cyberpunk/sci-fi soundtrack with a Nordic twist
* Let's be serious, it's funny: Born Punk is science-fiction with heavy cyberpunk influences; but we're also boasting a hopeful, often humorous undertone. Point & click adventures without at least a bit of humour are unthinkable to us!
* A comprehensive universe: there's a slew of background info to read and experience, all of which becomes available in your PDA as you interact with the game world. Sometimes, in-game lore will also serve as an optional gameplay mechanic.

The game even has changing relations with some of the NPCs, which obviously makes it an RPG.

Hope you'll enjoy, Kodexers, if your black souilless hearts are capable of such.

El Pollo Diablo

Nov 4, 2011
I see a distinct lack of any mention of puzzles in your feature list. Are there actual engaging ones or is this another one of those "people play adventure games for the story" affairs?
Mar 14, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
I played the game for a while. My general opinion so far: it's decent. It's an old-school adventure p&c game. With proper inventory, puzzles, lots of active points. The puzzles aren't very challenging so far, but I wouldn't say this game is just about the story. Not all puzzles are based on using things from the inventory, there are more interesting ones. Some puzzles expect the player to read the dialogues and other texts carefully, as they contain important clues. I like the backgrounds, the character sprites tad less, but the animation is quite good. Of the negatives so far, I'll highlight the excessive amount of text. In particular, the game has a sort of Codex, similar to the BioWare games, which gives a huge amount of exposition. But, in principle, you don't have to read it (although it did contain clues to one of the puzzles). And, well, as for writing, it's ok-ish. The story is intriguing. The humor is quite moderate -- which is a plus for me -- still some of the jokes are too silly, and there are many references that seem cheap. (Electronic Farts? really?) I'm also not sure I'm sold on the main characters. Of the three, I like only one so far, but your perception may differ.

To sum it up: the game is worth the money. I may give my final verdict later. I hope it gets even better from here on out.


Nov 11, 2014
Water Play Catarinense
Finished it. Too easy, too short and the plot is also meh. The biggest problem is that 99% of the puzzles are single room only(you can only leave the room if you finish the puzzle and everything you need is in that room). The 1% has the characters saying "that is the thing we need".

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