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Call of Duty 4


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ
TRIGGA DISCIPRINE, one of the sillier fetishes and nerd rage fuels among hobbyists and whatnot. It grew out of a desire for shooters to combat the Brady Center for Communism's depiction of guns as horrible weapons of devastation designed to maim any children who approach within a hundred feet buffer zone of it.

Jeff Graw

StarChart Interactive
Nov 27, 2006
Frigid Wasteland
The Lawnmower said:
The infinite spawning enemies is terrible not because it makes the game hard, but because it ruins the gameplay and makes it pointless.

Shooting enemies from good cover is pointless; they'll just respawn shortly.

Throwing grenades into a building is pointless; the building will be full again in a few seconds.

The best tactic? Just run. Don't bother shooting enemies, just run forward till you reach a check point. That's the easiest way (indeed, the only way on higher difficulties) to progress. And that's stupid.

And in most parts of the game there's nothing particularly hard about doing it, either. It just ruins the gameplay.


Anyone who likes CoD4 shouldn't be here. It's the Oblivion of FPS games, only worse.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
COD4 is actually a pretty decent shooter. It's just a logical progression from 1 and 2. Since I really enjoyed these games, I wasn't surprised that I liked COD4 as much as I did.

Oh, and the mp was awesome.

Jeff Graw

StarChart Interactive
Nov 27, 2006
Frigid Wasteland
Hlaf Life/ Unreal Tournament 99

It's funny how many people, even here, can't see how infinitely respawning enemies and automatic healing are bad ideas in a military FPS. It's like trying to explain to the IGN fucktards that level scaling and the persuasion mini-game in Oblivion suck.


Feb 3, 2008
Jeff Graw said:
Hlaf Life/ Unreal Tournament 99

It's funny how many people, even here, can't see how infinitely respawning enemies and automatic healing are bad ideas in a military FPS. It's like trying to explain to the IGN fucktards that level scaling and the persuasion mini-game in Oblivion suck.
The Codex is as much mainstream as any forum in its tastes, atleast when it comes to non-RPGs. :D

Incidentally, I just wonder how you feel about the fact that there are fans of Quake IV here, including some who consider it one of the best shooters ever.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I got quite a bit of issue with the respawning especially when my teammates just march headfirst into the broadcasting station right into an arab meat grinder. Hello? Tactics much? The moment I step in. Woohoo trigger spawns. Bang Bang Allahuakbar.


May 11, 2007

All i can say is whoever buys stuff like CoD4 or Bioshock really deserves Fallout 3.

Just like Jeff Graw i dont get how people can have high standards for the one genre of games (choices, consequences, not beeing handholded/railroaded, replayability, interacting with your environment blah blah ) and then buy and enjoy the exact opposite for other genres, i.e. the most possible dumbed down pieces of crap available on the market.


Feb 3, 2008
Re: ...

ricolikesrice said:
Just like Jeff Graw i dont get how people can have high standards for the one genre of games (choices, consequences, not beeing handholded/railroaded, replayability, interacting with your environment blah blah ) and then buy and enjoy the exact opposite for other genres, i.e. the most possible dumbed down pieces of crap available on the market.
Because you can not rationalize taste in games.

People don't necessarilly have defined set of criteria by which they end up enjoying a game. It can be as simple as a game managing to "click" with a certain player, even if he can't determine the how or the why of it.

Fact is that there is no defined formula, no rule set in stone, no strongly established principle that determines how enjoyable a game can be.


Jan 11, 2006
The White Visitation
Jeff Graw said:
Hlaf Life/ Unreal Tournament 99

It's funny how many people, even here, can't see how infinitely respawning enemies and automatic healing are bad ideas in a military FPS. It's like trying to explain to the IGN fucktards that level scaling and the persuasion mini-game in Oblivion suck.

OK, I happen to love both those games. I agree that they'd be examples of two of the best FPS games of all time. Still, to say that CoD4 is "dumbed down" or full of "bad ideas" is taking things way, way too far. Take a step back. FPS games are shooters. They're stupid by definition. It's not like Half Life and UT are shining examples of subtlety and artistic brilliance.

Half Life was a game that demonstrated fantastic level design, went for a "modern day" setting, and was the first to really exploit scripted sequences. It had boring stretches. It had first-person jumping puzzles. The final alien levels were awful. UT was a multiplayer shooter that had great action mechanics, fun weapons, and a few well designed levels. It had flaws, too, including a couple poorly balanced weapons. Neither of them were particular "smart"... neither of them were perfectly designed.

Complaining about CoD4 versus Half-Life is like complaining that The Matrix is worse than Die Hard because the Matrix has plot holes. Get over it. They're fuckin action.

What's happening with Fallout 3 is Bethesda has completely changed the heart and soul (and mechanics) of the Fallout games. Infinitely respawning enemies does not change the heart and soul of a FPS. The point is to kill guys and, guess what, CoD4 lets you kill guys. I beat the game on Veteran and the only time I ever sprinted forward for the sole purpose of hitting a checkpoint was during the ridiculously hard sequence in the underground silo in the last level. Throughout the other 10 hours, I played tactically and it worked fine thank you.

Jeff Graw

StarChart Interactive
Nov 27, 2006
Frigid Wasteland
Castanova said:
OK, I happen to love both those games. I agree that they'd be examples of two of the best FPS games of all time. Still, to say that CoD4 is "dumbed down" or full of "bad ideas" is taking things way, way too far. Take a step back. FPS games are shooters. They're stupid by definition. It's not like Half Life and UT are shining examples of subtlety and artistic brilliance.

You know what, you're right. A great shooter just doesen't have the same artistic caliber of a great RPG. In that way they aren't aren't comparable, and in order for FPSes to approach RPG standards they need to become RPGs themselves; enter Dues Ex.

Castanova said:
Complaining about CoD4 versus Half-Life is like complaining that The Matrix is worse than Die Hard because the Matrix has plot holes. Get over it. They're fuckin action.

That's where you go wrong. FPS games aren't just mindless action, there is also a thinking component there. It's not just about good reflexes and aim, it's about awareness, and dare I say, immersion. Automatic healing is fine if justified (Halo -> shields, Crysis -> Nanosuit) but breaks suspension of disbelief if used in the wrong setting. This is the minor complaint, respawning enemies is the kicker. Having enemies respawn, especially in areas that you've already cleared like in the CoD games destroys any sense of situational awareness. It's like if gravity suddenly reversed, it's unnatural, and it's easily felt. The thinking component, and the primal thrill of the hunt, has been battered, beaten, and raped out of the game. The rules have been so fundamentally changed that any normal human being should feel off put by the experience. I think to enjoy CoD 4 you need to be some sort of genetic aberration that is so degenerate that his basic instincts have become out of this world to what they should be. You say Fallout 3 is worse because Bethesda is changing the soul and feel compared to the previous games. Well, Infinity Ward changed the soul and feel of CoD 4 compared to what millions of years of evolution tells us it should be. I'm sorry, but what is the greater sin again?

Wyrmlord said:
Incidentally, I just wonder how you feel about the fact that there are fans of Quake IV here, including some who consider it one of the best shooters ever.

What, besides the vehicle sections, was so bad about Quake 4? Sure, it's not the best FPS, but I really enjoyed how the game transformed from a sleek modern shooter into some insane doom wad that throws everything but the kitchen sink at you as the game progressed :wink:


Jan 11, 2006
The White Visitation
Respawning enemies is against "millions of years of evolution"??? WTF are you smoking? You do realize that UT features respawns, right? How about the option to remove friendly fire? How's that for evolution? Respawning enemies is annoying, sure, but CoD's implementation doesn't change the core mechanics of a "cinematic" FPS.. in fact, I barely even noticed respawns. Are you sure you aren't just ridiculously slow at moving through the game?

Dire Roach

Feb 28, 2007
Machete-Knight Academy
Err... I'm pretty sure enemies DID stop respawning after a while in the sections where you were able to take your time killing everything in sight. Also, I never saw an enemy spawn right in front of me or in any area I had already cleared. Perhaps I lucked out in my experience of the game?

As for healing and suspension of disbelief, how is CoD2-4's Halo-esqe system any harder to suspend disbelief for compared to walking over first-aid kits and healing a crippling gunshot wound in the blink of an eye as in most FPSs? Or the use of health stations to bring you back from "almost dead" to "good as new" and being able to run, jump, and shoot at full capacity after the HEV suit administers morphine on you in Half-Life? How would you have preferred they had handled it?

Jeff Graw

StarChart Interactive
Nov 27, 2006
Frigid Wasteland
Castanova said:
Respawning enemies is against "millions of years of evolution"??? WTF are you smoking? You do realize that UT features respawns, right?

Multiplayer deathmatch FPS vs. military shooter. Duh.

Dire Roach said:
As for healing and suspension of disbelief, how is CoD2-4's Halo-esqe system any harder to suspend disbelief for compared to walking over first-aid kits and healing a crippling gunshot wound in the blink of an eye as in most FPSs? Or the use of health stations to bring you back from "almost dead" to "good as new" and being able to run, jump, and shoot at full capacity after the HEV suit administers morphine on you in Half-Life? How would you have preferred they had handled it?

I'd have preferred the R6/Ghost Recon style of not being able to heal, but then the game would be R6/Ghost Recon, wouldn't it? In any case, for a military FPS both walk-over medkits and regenerating health are bad, but regenerating is worse. It's a lot harder to heal during a firefight if you need to search for a medkit (and at least a medkits actually heal wounds, last I heard when people get shot they don't spontaneously heal; quite the opposite) , with regenerating health you just need to find cover for a few seconds. Lame. In any case, regenerating health is just the small sin, it's the respawning enemies that's is the kicker.

Dire Roach said:
Err... I'm pretty sure enemies DID stop respawning after a while in the sections where you were able to take your time killing everything in sight. Also, I never saw an enemy spawn right in front of me or in any area I had already cleared. Perhaps I lucked out in my experience of the game?

There were a few sections, but in most sections the respawn seemed limitless. I also haven't seen enemies spawning in front of me, but they do spawn in cleared areas all the fucking time. You'd have to be blind not to notice.


Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
COD4 is the best FPS I've played in a long time. Perfectly optimized, looks absolutely great, has a dramatic storyline and overall amazing shit happening in the game.

I stopped playing Half-Life1 when I found myself in yet another airduct. I stopped playing Half-Life2 at some generic warehouse followed by yet another child-oriented physics puzzle.

I'd trade all the lengthy "hours" those games offered put together for the 5 hours of pure distilled fun that COD4 offers. In the end of the game (and in the Shock & Awe mission) I actually felt something.


Nov 15, 2005
Wait, this thread is about the single player?

CoD is about headshotting an angry 12 year old and hearing his high pitched whine about fucking faggot cheating hackers.

Crysis had better SP, though it's multiplayer was the worst I've played in years.

Comrade Hamster

Jun 7, 2007
The Manstructoplex
Infinitely spawning (not respawning) enemies was very noticeable, but it didn't break the game for me. CoD was always an over-the-top shooter to me, and while I don't like some of the innovations that CoD4 brought to the single-player campaign, it was still good to me overall.

The_Pope said:
CoD is about headshotting an angry 12 year old and hearing his high pitched whine about fucking faggot cheating hackers.
If you play on the proper servers with good admins, you don't have to worry about that. In any case, I prefer the Gold Source and Source engine mods for multiplayer: Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat.


Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
The_Pope said:
Crysis had better SP, though it's multiplayer was the worst I've played in years.

Crysis had less scripted/on rails SP. Calling it "better", however, is a stretch. Gotta love those tough Koreans that took the superman feeling out of the supersuit.

That, and the renderer was overhyped and bloated. There's a reason why they can't port that engine to consoles... they can't figure out how to unbloat it. COD4 and Gears of War PC both had visuals on par with Crysis, but at 3 times the framerate.


Jan 11, 2006
The White Visitation
Jeff Graw said:
Multiplayer deathmatch FPS vs. military shooter. Duh.

And? From a cohesion standpoint, respawning is MORE of a ridiculous feature in a multiplayer deathmatch since it's the same person coming back from the dead! In CoD4, any new soldiers coming in are just that - NEW soldiers. You know, in the real world, they refer to them as reinforcements.

It seems like your gig is to come into threads spewing bile over anyone and everyone and passing it off as logic. You didn't like respawns... I'm guessing because you suck at shooters and it frustrated you? That's the only explanation for your butthurt.

Jeff Graw

StarChart Interactive
Nov 27, 2006
Frigid Wasteland
Castanova said:
And? From a cohesion standpoint, respawning is MORE of a ridiculous feature in a multiplayer deathmatch since it's the same person coming back from the dead! In CoD4, any new soldiers coming in are just that - NEW soldiers. You know, in the real world, they refer to them as reinforcements.


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