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CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 + Phantom Liberty Expansion Thread


Dec 29, 2010
FYI I have impeccable track record of calling out NPC-s on this forum and they fuck off in timely manner. :smug:
Mar 3, 2010
If only the city could have online that would let people make their own stories with the city
Then let me tell you about this one tabletop RPG that is a lot like Cyberpunk 2077...
i discovered there's more than 3rd edition cyberpunk, there's another update, came out with the videogame. it's a cyberpunk game where everyone is good, it's even stated that fixers sell drugs and weapons only because they want for cartels to kill each other, they smuggle, deal and pimp for the greater good. there's not a single evil character in the whole game.


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
i discovered there's more than 3rd edition cyberpunk, there's another update, came out with the videogame. it's a cyberpunk game where everyone is good, it's even stated that fixers sell drugs and weapons only because they want for cartels to kill each other, they smuggle, deal and pimp for the greater good. there's not a single evil character in the whole game.

sounds like the cartels are evil tho?
Mar 3, 2010
only if you're not the boss, then it becames all a covert operation for when you'll dismantle it from the inside.
it's like discovering your childhood hero, the one who shaped your masculinity, likes to take it in the ass.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
1. "Old", is just handwaving, everything he says still stands

Actually no because most of what he says was about traditional Whitted raytracing which is actually inferior to rasterization and his skepticism on requiring billions of rays for better results was without taking modern developments on denoising algorithms into account - denoising by itself changes things considerably. The hardware he is criticizing is also way more limited than modern HW and was supposed to be something separate that cannot take advantage of the rest of a GPU while modern use of HW raytracing relies heavily on the rest of a GPUs functionality (e.g. denoising, building shading caches, variable rate shading, etc).

most of this Lumen stuff is very laggy temporal reconstruction that's unfit for action games

Carmack wrote that literally more than a decade before Lumen.

while Rage looks good enough, Order1886 is good enough even without remasters

Sure though at least Rage has issues with detail up close that it tries to mask by using a noise texture everywhere.

not to mention both have MSAA instead of that blurry temporal reconstruction that even makes Diablo2 resurrected unplayable to many.

This is irrelevant to what we discussed so far.

"Photogrammetry and megatextures are not really related," how do you know?

Because one is about scanning high detailed models, the other is about having gigantic virtualized textures used to bake smaller textures, lighting and other surface information into them to be streamed in realtime as you traverse the environment.

Photogrammetry and reverse modeling is improving hence uptick in "neural radiance field" publications, it's literally all over the place.

Maybe but this has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.


Nov 5, 2007


On a year-over-year basis, CD Projekt's revenues in 2021 fell by 58 percent, to just under PLN 890 million. Net profit fell 81 percent, to PLN 209 million.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
Life imitates art. (Metaverse's Somnium ounds very much like Mikoshi, etc., also a bit Ex Machina)

“Literally, if I die—and I have this data collected—people can come or my kids, they can come in, and they can have a conversation with my avatar, with my movements, with my voice,” CEO Artur Sychov told Vice. “You will meet the person. And you would maybe for the first 10 minutes while talking to that person, you would not know that it’s actually AI. That’s the goal.” - from RT article on Gab


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
It's probably influenced by Black MIrror s02e01 "Be Right Back" instead of Mikoshi.

Charlie Brooker (developer of the series) is an old gamer who used to write for one of the UK pc gaming mags (actually a great reviewer and very witty writer at the time), so I should imagine he was quite au fait with all the s-f/gaming tropes (particularly cyberpunk stuff) from the 80s and 90s and derived a lot of the BM themes from that prior knowledge.

A lot of these themes have been floating around basically since Douglas Hofstadter wrote Gödel, Escher, Bach, which was a tremendously influential book in the late 70s/early 80s (it was a regular topic of highfalutin' dinner table conversations in those days). That book introduced most of these common themes (particularly related to the possibility of "uploading" consciousness) for the first time in one neat bundle to a big audience.

I should think it's a common pool of ideas amongst big tech people since those days - anyone who was the least bit intellectually curious, into s-f and nerd areas in general, would have known Hofstadter, would have read Neuromancer, etc.
Last edited:


Dec 29, 2010

Feel free to hit up Sweeney on twitter about how he shouldn't develop UE6 for streaming,
Carmack about how RAGE looks bad for something made for PS360 (and how come missed some chance for revision because of some gamechanger Moonshot kool aid )
and while you're at it tell all zoomer kids to prepare and shell out for triple digit wattage hardware if they want 60 fps.
"Dis gon b gud."
Maybe but this has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
Spectacularly you bought up expense of development vs. megatexture and ilk (scans).


Nov 5, 2007
The stock will bounce back, as it did back when the game was originally delayed in the spring. Its sales are a more concrete indication of its success or failure, and 13+ million units, even on just the PC, is by no means a number that indicates a failed game.
The stock did not drop because the game was delayed in spring. That was a market crash.

Nah it will recover.
Any minute now.




the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
gave new toys a go.

gorilla arms finally help with STR checks
mono wire no longer is weird hybrid of COOL/brawl. Now Its DEX/blades. It recharges at acceptable rate while not swinging. Its better dmg than katana while offering some range. Although I dont have truly end game save to compare.
Whats interesting is that they are threated as tech weapons(could be true before). To maximize their potential you might want to go TECH for that reason. While being fully charged tech weapon it doesnt penetrate walls though. In general which feats work and which dont requite some testing. Anyway if tech armor bypassing applies to it its quite devastating Id say.

My main focus was throwing knives though. They are godly. Went high tech since upgraded iconics have better dmg and throwing knives are all about that single alpha strike. You will sneak rush whole armies while constantly throwing headshots. Feats for it are all over the place, like crafted item dmg boost from tech, blades +100% dmg to enemies on full health etc. Oh yeah, they get headshot multiplier too. And melee dmg boost from STR. Aiming with them is weird gets something to get used to. Sadly its nothing like soldier of fortune 2, you cant use them to kill enemy hiding behind the barell sine their trajectory is more of a straight line. Im fairly certain some auto targetting is in place even when disabling it. Perhaps its part of melee targetting so its doing some magic behind the scenes.

If you wonder - knife or mono wire for stealth - in my tests wire did 5k dmg while throwing knife headshot was 15k+ and at that time I could execute it from much greater range. You can have both though. 3 knives in basic slots and if you run out of - switch to wire. Also useful for bosses since you cant block with knife if you can throw it.


Glory to Ukraine
Jan 18, 2017
Failsaw, Failand
The stock will bounce back, as it did back when the game was originally delayed in the spring. Its sales are a more concrete indication of its success or failure, and 13+ million units, even on just the PC, is by no means a number that indicates a failed game.
The stock did not drop because the game was delayed in spring. That was a market crash.

Nah it will recover.
Any minute now.



I'm still laughing at gamblers who bought CDPR stock days before CP2077 premiere.
Nov 21, 2014
I didn't feel like waiting till 2023 for the next expansion, so I figured I'd start a second playthrough and go through some of the side content slowly. Started as a Nomad, ran over the sheriff and the guards with my car. Even though I hadn't even met Jackie at this point, he randomly spawned in my car and began spraying the locals. For some reason, the guards didn't open fire and just walked around yelling as I crashed into them one by one. Thought I'd found a pretty cool exploit when I picked up the rare loot they dropped, only to realize I must be level 30 to use any of them. :negative:

So looks like I'm going to need some mods. Any must-have mods you've been using, Codex? Something to rebalance this glorious mess maybe?


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
I didn't feel like waiting till 2023 for the next expansion, so I figured I'd start a second playthrough and go through some of the side content slowly. Started as a Nomad, ran over the sheriff and the guards with my car. Even though I hadn't even met Jackie at this point, he randomly spawned in my car and began spraying the locals. For some reason, the guards didn't open fire and just walked around yelling as I crashed into them one by one. Thought I'd found a pretty cool exploit when I picked up the rare loot they dropped, only to realize I must be level 30 to use any of them. :negative:

So looks like I'm going to need some mods. Any must-have mods you've been using, Codex? Something to rebalance this glorious mess maybe?
No Intro Videos


Aug 9, 2020
The stock will bounce back, as it did back when the game was originally delayed in the spring. Its sales are a more concrete indication of its success or failure, and 13+ million units, even on just the PC, is by no means a number that indicates a failed game.
The stock did not drop because the game was delayed in spring. That was a market crash.

Nah it will recover.
Any minute now.



Buy The Dip. They're looking ripe for a takeover.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Feel free to hit up Sweeney on twitter about how he shouldn't develop UE6 for streaming,
Carmack about how RAGE looks bad for something made for PS360 (and how come missed some chance for revision because of some gamechanger Moonshot kool aid )
and while you're at it tell all zoomer kids to prepare and shell out for triple digit wattage hardware if they want 60 fps.
"Dis gon b gud."
Spectacularly you bought up expense of development vs. megatexture and ilk (scans).

Dude, honestly, learn to read, i never mentioned that RAGE looks bad (if anything i consider it one of the best looking games of its time) nor made any of the other claims you seem to think i did. I also never mentioned expense of development (in the discussion around UE5 in this thread at least) at all.

Hell, i don't even think baking light, etc, info into some generic geometry or texture format (like RAGE did) is a bad idea in general (if anything i was looking into that myself recently), what i wrote is that i doubt UE6 would go towards that direction because the entire industry seems to be going towards a different direction entirely.


Dec 29, 2010

"Learm to read" yeah right...
"But also, I think we can take a wider view of what games could be in the future," Sweeney adds. "Now we have this idea of installing a game, which means downloading every byte of the game from the Internet and putting it on your machine. You know, those boundaries can change over time. Perhaps only part of the game can actually be on your particular machine at any one time."

He points to the nascent rise of cloud gaming, where the idea is that the entire game lives in the server, thereby invalidating concerns about data size and footprint. "We're just going to have to watch the way the games evolve over time, and they may be more flexible in the future than they are now. Every previous console generation was limited by the expectation that some people don't have Internet, and have to be able to play the game off of a physical disc, right? If that expectation fades away, I think you have entirely new possibilities."

They were always moving for higher detail to please the close up detail crowd ( you know the one throwing fits bc. RAGE) . Keep being verbose and obscuring though.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
That Sweeney bit (which is from this article) is as unspecific as it could be but even that isn't about baking lighting to megatextures (or nanite vertices or whatever), it is about streaming data from a server for games that are too big to fit in a console's storage (i mention consoles because he was referring to console generations previously), something that is made more clear from a bit you didn't copy/paste:

Fortnite's mainstream success in spite of being entirely dependent on a decent Internet connection has only confirmed for Sweeney that this will be the future of video games. "I think that more and more games will go in that direction in the future, and that even games that we look at as singleplayer might in the future have so much content and variety that parts of the experience are streamed in dynamically in the background as you're playing, and you won't even notice."

(emphasis mine)

This has nothing to do with megatextures or even rendering and if anything they can already add it in UE5's new world partition system to download partition data per cell as you approach the cells form a distance. But this isn't anything revolutionary, in fact i wouldn't be surprised if some MMOs already did something like that for years now.


Custom Tags Are For Fags.
Nov 18, 2011
Valley of Mines
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I didn't feel like waiting till 2023 for the next expansion, so I figured I'd start a second playthrough and go through some of the side content slowly. Started as a Nomad, ran over the sheriff and the guards with my car. Even though I hadn't even met Jackie at this point, he randomly spawned in my car and began spraying the locals. For some reason, the guards didn't open fire and just walked around yelling as I crashed into them one by one. Thought I'd found a pretty cool exploit when I picked up the rare loot they dropped, only to realize I must be level 30 to use any of them. :negative:

So looks like I'm going to need some mods. Any must-have mods you've been using, Codex? Something to rebalance this glorious mess maybe?

But why the fuck are you wasting precious time with this broken, piece of shit game?
Nov 21, 2014
I didn't feel like waiting till 2023 for the next expansion, so I figured I'd start a second playthrough and go through some of the side content slowly. Started as a Nomad, ran over the sheriff and the guards with my car. Even though I hadn't even met Jackie at this point, he randomly spawned in my car and began spraying the locals. For some reason, the guards didn't open fire and just walked around yelling as I crashed into them one by one. Thought I'd found a pretty cool exploit when I picked up the rare loot they dropped, only to realize I must be level 30 to use any of them. :negative:

So looks like I'm going to need some mods. Any must-have mods you've been using, Codex? Something to rebalance this glorious mess maybe?

But why the fuck are you wasting precious time with this broken, piece of shit game?

I'm a sucker for the setting, the music, the aesthetics. :( I liked flying around in slow motion frying people's brains from afar. And I was hoping the updates had fixed the most glaring issues by now.

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