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CKII is released.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
Some highlights from paradoxs playing and explaining the Old Gods expansion. (2 parts)

:bounce: Technology changes, reformations within religions, raiding etc

And apparently Khazaria isn't hidden under a Political Correctness Overdose Invisibility Field.


And you know what that will mean, specially with mods.





Dec 25, 2012
because it had to be done........ dovahkin, dovahkin.........



Mar 10, 2011

The sad thing is that this sounds way better than Sunset Invasion :D

This would actually be a most awesome idea for a DLC.
I remember I once read a awesome story in AH.COM with this very theme: Black Death is a zombie plague. Zombies spread from the Siege of Kaffa by the Mongols to the rest of Europe. It was very much awesome.

Check this story out.


ass hater
Jun 13, 2011
And apparently Khazaria isn't hidden under a Political Correctness Overdose Invisibility Field.


And you know what that will mean, specially with mods.



At the time, the Pechenegs and Magyars were part of the Khazars. I think it would be cool if they made Khazaria a kingdom title and made the two of them vassals. The Magyars start out at war with Bulgaria over Hungary, so it would be a lot like the 1066 start with William the Conqueror at war with England. If they win, they're independent but if they lose, they're still vassals of the Khazars. I think that would be way cooler than the current setup, but I guess they're avoiding the kingdom title for balance reasons.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin

We've done it again.


The Timurids are in full retreat. We will not pursue. We need to give our reinforcement time to catch up. I doubt the Timurids have appetite for a front assault and is planning to regroup.


Noting that they're pulling even further back, we push into the captured Ilkhanate's territory, hoping to swing the warscore in our favor.


But the Timurids would have none of it, their 100,000 strong army swings back to stop the siege of 23,000. We must rally to fend them off!


Our 22,000 strong army is outmatched by 84,000... their commander is a formidable one. We must not let this last! The blades will be employed...


Death to the enemies of the Empire!


Will we make it in time?






Fresh commanders?! ASSASSINS ! GET TO WORK!


Much better. ZEAL AND FURY!


We claim victory!


The Timurid Invasion is beaten back. The Horde is broken. It's time to end this waaaaghhhh and bring the fight to them!


Jun 15, 2009
I liked what they did with the last patch, republics are finally back in line, distance penalty for holy wars and trade posts, that was well needed. Although they are still very powerful and way more stable than feudal empires. It slows down things a bit , before it was like asking for infinite gold in the console.


Jan 8, 2009
Finally, a non-weeaboo RK47 LP again.

You know that the Emperor of the Horde will need to undergo the final transformation... (can you do that with the Timurids or are they hardcoded out of usurp + Primary?)


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Finally, a non-weeaboo RK47 LP again.

You know that the Emperor of the Horde will need to undergo the final transformation... (can you do that with the Timurids or are they hardcoded out of usurp + Primary?)

I can actually usurp the Ilkhanates if I hold enough territory.
That Golden throne theft i really can't explain how or why I was a legitimate claimant.


Jan 8, 2009
Finally, a non-weeaboo RK47 LP again.

You know that the Emperor of the Horde will need to undergo the final transformation... (can you do that with the Timurids or are they hardcoded out of usurp + Primary?)

I can actually usurp the Ilkhanates if I hold enough territory.
That Golden throne theft i really can't explain how or why I was a legitimate claimant.

Well, by this point you're probably married into enough Mongols to be 80% Asiatic. The game sort of tracks that stuff, right? What would be awesome is if some of the offspring show up with fur hats and scraggly bears, then you usurp the Byzantine Empire and invade the West as the Yellow King of Rome.

Though I imagine the game is getting well nigh unplayable by this point with all the territory...


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Finally, a non-weeaboo RK47 LP again.

You know that the Emperor of the Horde will need to undergo the final transformation... (can you do that with the Timurids or are they hardcoded out of usurp + Primary?)

I can actually usurp the Ilkhanates if I hold enough territory.
That Golden throne theft i really can't explain how or why I was a legitimate claimant.

Well, by this point you're probably married into enough Mongols to be 80% Asiatic. The game sort of tracks that stuff, right? What would be awesome is if some of the offspring show up with fur hats and scraggly bears, then you usurp the Byzantine Empire and invade the West as the Yellow King of Rome.

Though I imagine the game is getting well nigh unplayable by this point with all the territory...

Let's just say that the independence faction warfare is complete bullshit if I try to crush it.
The warscore just kept going into the negatives for me even if I controlled the mastermind's holding.
So I just say 'fuck it' and had him assassinated.

But yeah, I'm near done.
Thanks for reading bros.
I'm probably going to take a break and try to learn EU3.

Anyone know the price point for Old Gods DLC?


Mistakes were made.
Jan 2, 2012
Anyone know the price point for Old Gods DLC?

Most of the big DLCs have been $9.99 on launch. In other words, $2.50 on the 75% off steam sale a month or so later.


Jan 8, 2009
Probably 9.99USD like recent releases (Sword of Islam, the Byzantine one, Republic) at start. I suspect it may be worth it.

EU3 I think is a better game ultimately, though it lacks CK2's unique charm.


Mar 10, 2011
I started a game as Politskov (sp) and managed to create the Lithuanian Kingdom before my first bro died (well into his 70s, mind you; his heir actually died of old age before he did). I actually married a daughter off to the Byzantine prince and once he became emperor I had a 20k Byzantine doomstack marching around Latvian and Estonian lands, doing my bidding. Not bad.

Of course, once that king died things have gone to shit, as it appears it always does for all the Russians. My new king doesn't have children yet and he recently got particularly religious, so that's not good. In fact, the new heir would be some kid from wayoff (one of RK47's many sons, probably). I went from near universal liking of the old king to near universal hatred of the new one. Three factions have already sprung up and will probably cause some shit pretty soon. I no longer have the red phone hotline to the Byzantine emperor and all my Russian "allies/kinsmen" are getting buttfucked by everything spilling out of the Caucasus. I have no idea how these little pagan tribes and no man's land Turkomen manage to field giant armies like they do...

The biggest issue is the fact that Russians apparently do not grasp technology at all, every territory starting at zero... How does one amend this issue? I've mostly been stealing techs from the Germans. In an experiment, I pressed my wife's claim to Hungary and fielded a rather large army of levies and mercenaries commanded by some seriously stout generals. They got fucking mopped by the Hungarian army so easily... is it possible to even contest the western militaries?

Funniest moment so far was my first ruler contracting a whole bunch of disease while in his 70s. I was like, Well, that's it for him, and started making preparations for the heir. Nope. Ruler gets better and creates the Lithuanian Kingdom the very next year. He was a strangely sturdy dude, at one point heading a 500-man band around the Siberian borderlands, pillaging pagan villages and what not.
Feb 20, 2011
Reminds me as one of my earliest games as Bohemia.

My first king was pretty average, but my second truly earned his title of "The Great".

The culmination of a lifetime of work was the planting of his Queen on the Polish throne, linking the two kingdoms and allowing him to secede from the Empire without war. He then reigned for more than fifty additional years, carving out new territory in the Baltic, exterminating pagans, putting down rebels, and other kingly things. By the time of his death he was beloved by all.

His son was not as great a man, but his ascension led to Bohemia and Poland being united under a single Monarch. He led his kingdom in several wars, and was generally fairly successful.

With his death, his heir proved incompetent. Unable to keep the nobles from chafing at being ruled by a Bohemian, he was faced with repeated rebellions, which he put down with gusto.

Eventually though, one stubborn hold out lasted long enough to provoke a general rising, and he was forced to give up the throne, ruling only the isolated Baltic territories and a few remnants of the original Bohemian lands. He died soon after, and his son would lose the Baltic territories after a few abortive attempts at eastern expansion. His failure would ruin the family financially, and he died a broken man after an opportunistic lord seized all but one of the remaining provinces.

The last pitiful remnants of my kingdom were eventually absorbed by a different king of Bohemia, one who, ironically, was apparently attempting to emulate their ancestors legacy.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Well...I didn't have a screenshot with me, my ISP was down last night.
But the Emperor died happy.
He had hard sex and passes away in his sleep.
The successor wasn't too good, but managed. But one assassination followed after another to keep the independence faction down.
Until the fucking Pope himself was the leader of the faction. Death spiral incoming.

We beat Byzantine twice, HRE too, Golden Horde, Ilkhanate - that word has almost no meaning now after it fractured into 5 tribes - with the Byzantines reclaiming their shit in Anatolia. Timurids, lost 75% of their conquest territory and just awaiting the final crusade with out 150,000 retinue surrounding it.

It was a good run.
Final score 140k-ish.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
I got burned out on the game lacking childbirth deaths, more lethality and holdings that can actually decline through events and war. It can be modded in but especially the holdings proved to be too much hassle for me. Even with other modders sharing and helping out the system never got more than a half-assed implementation. Looking forward to Old Gods to see if and how they implemented this in the game.

Memento Mori will see at least one last incarnation in which I will attempt to add all the above in a manner that won't screw up the game's difficulty or balance. Lethality and uncertainty were already fine in the last version so now I'll try and tackle the holding thing once and for all. The idea is simple; holdings that only improve and grow stronger all across the board (map) are both unhistorical and lame. Not to mention they make for a boring endgame. I want holdings to suffer from war, disaster events and a noble being too poor to maintain them properly. Indeed, just like in CK I.

In theory it shouldn't be too hard to implement. Whenever there is a siege there should be a chance for a building to be destroyed. There should be an event with a small chance of firing for a fire (for instance) to destroy a building. There should be a very rare cataclysmic event for an earthquake or flood to hit all the holdings in a province with a chance to destroy buildings. There should be an event with a medium chance to fire for nobles when they go into the negatives with their money for a building to fall to ruin due to neglect. All these events should fire for both player and AI.

In reality it's been a bitch to get it to work right. Will try again as soon as Old Gods is released.
Feb 11, 2007
After seeing those great LPs of CK2, I decided to see for myself if the game is really that addictive. And it is. I started small, a count in Ireland, and managed quite well actually. Anyway, I started a new game now and I have some question about succession laws and such, so maybe somebody here can help me.

1) If I create a kingdom, what is its starting succession law? Is it the same one I had as a duke before creating it? Or is it some other default? I ask so that I know if I should wait before changing the laws or not.

2) I'm very tempted by going for elective laws (fucking genetic lottery - two genius parents and the firstborn is, of course, slow). The way I understand it, if I'm the king, the dukes get to vote on my successor. When does this happen anyway - when my king dies? And how easy is it to get the vote to turn out the way I want it?

3) I'm thinking of controlling the number of dukes in my future kingdom by restricting every vassal to a single county and destroying every duchy that I claim. Is this even possible? I assume that nothing prevents counts in two-counties dutchies to simply create a dutchy again, but would this approach combined with medium crown authority help in keeping the power of my vassals down and the elections turning out the right way?


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
1.Mouse over the crest to reveal the Kingdom starting succession law.

2.Elective is excellent - to prevent dukes from voting from people you do not want, make them happy. Throw them some gold and title. Hold annual feasts for the +5 Diplomacy Bonus.

3.Destroying of each duchy is dangerous because it will piss off your vassal and nothing will stop them from recreating it when they have the resources. It'd be best to just gift the duchy to vassals with Content Trait and Low Intrigue. Best if you gift it to your selected Heir. But that doesn't guarantee the vassals cannot revolt against their dukes - and no, you cannot interfere - directly on intra-vassal war.

If you need vassals - use Piety to recruit Holy Men. Pray for content vassals, avoid ambitious ones that will crave for power. These ambitious ones tend to be good military generals though, throw these guys to battles, if it doesn't kill them good, if they die, one less future problems.

Honestly, all this micro management will pay off as a strong foundation of a budding Kingdom - and eventually when you hit empire level, all this foundation will slowly erode and break apart. The more you ignore it earlier, the faster it'll crumble.
Feb 11, 2007
1.Mouse over the crest to reveal the Kingdom starting succession law.
But the kingdom doesn't exist yet - where can I find its crest?

2.Elective is excellent - to prevent dukes from voting from people you do not want, make them happy. Throw them some gold and title. Hold annual feasts for the +5 Diplomacy Bonus.
That's good to know.

3.Destroying of each duchy is dangerous because it will piss off your vassal and nothing will stop them from recreating it when they have the resources. It'd be best to just gift the duchy to vassals with Content Trait and Low Intrigue. Best if you gift it to your selected Heir. But that doesn't guarantee the vassals cannot revolt against their dukes - and no, you cannot interfere - directly on intra-vassal war.
It will piss off all my vassals? What if I don't have any county level vassals in that duchy yet? As in, I personally hold the duchy and all the counties. Would it then only piss off barons and such in that duchy (which I wouldn't really care about - odds are I just conquered them anyway and it's not as if they are in any position to oppose me) or ALL my vassals, even those not in the duchy I just destroyed? Because that would kind of suck.

If you need vassals - use Piety to recruit Holy Men. Pray for content vassals, avoid ambitious ones that will crave for power. These ambitious ones tend to be good military generals though, throw these guys to battles, if it doesn't kill them good, if they die, one less future problems.
Yeah, I'm staying away from ambitious ones. But unfortunately my piety kind of sucks. I had to choose some flaws in the ruler designer to compensate for my genius and master diplomat traits, and the things I chose tend to piss of the clergy somewhat badly.

Honestly, all this micro management will pay off as a strong foundation of a budding Kingdom - and eventually when you hit empire level, all this foundation will slowly erode and break apart. The more you ignore it earlier, the faster it'll crumble.
Oh well, I'm likely to grow bored by the time I get that far anyway, only to start all over again.

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