As to DARGHUL (and perhaps future versions of Teudogar) I'm not really sure about the best way to navigate the game world, anyway.
If I'm using a mouse, I obviously want to use the left key for Look/Pick Up/Move/Attack, and (being a control freak) I prefer my character not to automatically start walking somewhere just because I single-left-clicked on an object to learn what it is. That's the main reason why I like (and stuck to) Ultima's system of left = look, right = walk.
Though I'm considering using just mouse hovering for looking (cursor over anything for a second, info gets displayed automatically, without click). That'd leave the left key free for Walk+Use.
However, with mice slowly starting to grow extinct (tablets, touch screens etc), hovering may also become obsolete at some point in the future, and maybe it'll actually make sense to simplify everything to an Only-Left-Mouse-Button system (left click (or perhaps double-click) = Walk to where clicked; left click = Look at what you clicked on (if you stand next to it) OR Attack if it's an enemy; double click = Use; Drag&Drop = Move).
Or maybe, for walking, left-click on your character and then drag in any direction for walking (maybe in addition to (double-)click somewhere = walk there). With a tablet, that would feel most similar to what the current system is like, as it'd also let you control your walking speed (the further your finger away from your character, the faster).
(What I also find quite convenient for walking is to simply tilt the tablet in the direction you want to go; however, that's not universally supported.)
For Look/Use/Talk etc it might also be possible, if one wants more control, to open a combined info+command window whenever you click on anything, which would let you choose what to do with what/whom you clicked on (look closer, talk, attack, pickpocket,etc). However, to me this would feel more like administration work / sorting stuff with Windows Explorer, than an actual game, because I think it'd make immersion much more difficult (any action will feel less immediate when triggerd via a menu rather than just launched with a single click/move, which feels much more akin to actually performing the action).
The present Combat system would also be messed up by a left-mouse-only system or conversion to tablet-compatible controls, as it currently relies heavily on hovering to display info. Maybe change to left-click = detailed look/menu, left-double-click = immediate attack. And maybe for systems without mouse cursor, display CharacterNotHostile-warning symbol and LifeEnergy-Bar above each characters head when in combat mode (though I really think that's stupid and ugly), and as to the other status icons (bleeding, cursed, etc), well, forgo these, or only display for the most recently attacked/looked at character, or left-click/look if you need to know.
Anybody any opinion/preferences on this overall topic? What's your preferred way to walk, look, use thinks, talk, attack?