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Dead Space remake from Motive Studios


Apr 2, 2012
And normies will defend this. Sinister shit.


Apr 2, 2012
No shock here. Mack the cuck is just another babbling normie retard. And very annoying too.

Even synthetic man said its a decent game despite being woke trash and decided not to make a review at all.


The Real Fanboy
Apr 18, 2007
Bought this, and yea, it's pretty fucking good as far as remakes go. It's been years since I played Dead Space, and this feels like a proper reimaginging with small stuff added, whilst keeping the OG stuff intact.
Graphics are decent, not super next-gen, but nice and atmospheric. I don't regret my purchase at 60 euros at all.

One of the better survival horror experinces for far, until RE4 remake.

So far 2023 is off to a great start.

And please, if ur only complaint are woke stuff about whatever trans bathrooms or other dumb moronic arguments, then fuck off.

This game is great. 9/10


Sep 22, 2022
Supposedly it's easier than the original. Instant fail if so.
I haven't played the original for a long time, but there seems to be a lot more ammo, although they severely limited the amount of healing items.
I played on medium so I can't tell you how it is on higher difficulty levels.
From what I've seen remake has a permadeath mode, which I don't think was in the original.


Jul 7, 2011
I haven't played the original for a long time, but there seems to be a lot more ammo, although they severely limited the amount of healing items.
I played on medium so I can't tell you how it is on higher difficulty levels.
From what I've seen remake has a permadeath mode, which I don't think was in the original.
The guy I was watching is one of those challenge runners, he said they changed entire encounters, enemy speed, numbers, aggression, etc. But yeah I don't know what difficulty he was playing on, so


Nov 11, 2014
Water Play Catarinense
I think my favourite part of the remake is how you can pay full AAA current year price for the same game that I picked up for $5 years ago.
But now with gender inclusive bathrooms
Yeah, but now they made the game transphobic:
Jan 31, 2023
What gets me with this remake is that it does not really bring a significant quality difference. It is the same game rebuild with higher quality assets and minor changes. It does not leap forward, like in case of RE2, where you could say the game is almost translated from a formula/language that mostly older gamers understand, into something that can be understood by the contemporary audience. I'm familiarizing myself with the footage, I do intend to maybe play it at some point, but so far I'm not impressed. It looks like the praise it gets comes mostly from the fact that it is not broken or deficient and it has become uncommon to have a mainstream game that lives up to those standards.

It is formally a success. It does not suck. But that shines the light on the fact that its the same game for the second time, and its just disappointing that this is sufficient nowadays.

Looking back, it is impressive that all the three original games were released within the same console gen. Same with Mass Effect. Both change almost in a synchronized manner between the instances - 1st part is the most bold and original, it is deep and more coherent in its lore - 2nd is more action oriented, does not push the overarching story forward, is widely considered to be the best; 3rd goes full action mode and has a co-op component, plus a disappointing story. It largely loses what was left from the distinct visual style of the original game.


May 3, 2017
How are the all gender restrooms in this game designed? Is there a single room where women have to share space with the men or do they have three separate rooms: men, women, trans? If it's three separate rooms, then the creators unintentionally implied that trans people are still not welcomed in their "inclusive" vision of the future. That women don't want to share the restroom with men who think they are women, and vise versa. Not to mention how cost and space prohibitive it would be to make a separate restroom for such a small minority of people. If it's a single room, then, as I questioned before, why are there three symbols at all? "WC" or something else would make more sense. Why is "all gender" written there, except to smack the message in the player's face harder? Are restrooms off the station the way we have them now then? That pointlessly raises questions about the state of gender politics in the future (all gender restrooms here but not there), again making trans people look ostracized, contrary to the developer's intentions. If it's still two rooms, then the creators implied that, again, there is still widespread fighting over this in the future and men and women have to be reminded with a sign that trans people are welcome in their restrooms.

When I talk about these things on other forums, no one actually debates me. Their responses are like, "You become so distracted by that in a sci-fi world with monsters," and, "Funny that it's such an issue for people. I just noticed it and moved on." No one can defend it, tell me why it's not stupid. Same with almost the whole human cast of Star Wars: Squadrons (that I bring up because it's another game by EA) being black and brown, some Asian, like seventy percent female, almost no whites. No one ever told me how that is normal. One response I got said that correcting the prevalence of white male actors in the Star Wars trilogy could only be good. Can't remember if his comment got upvoted. He didn't tell me how it improves the setting, how it's believable or say why it fits in that world established so long ago. Bunch of users with him acted like I was a racist and made fun.
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Mar 1, 2021
Does anyone know why the Marker symbols, strewn over the walls everywhere in the OGs, have been replaced with mere English in the remake? It made me sad. Albeit the symbols can be translated symbol-for-letter, they aren't "just a different alphabet" at all; their appearance anywere the Marker is woken up is a significant, lore-based cause. The fact they are often written by the blood of the writer themselves too!

Edit: Either the above-mentioned is happening only in the PS5 version that I tried for 1 hour yesterday, or something strange is going on.
The PC version is apparently ok. I just got this from a Steam forum. False alarm.

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Oct 23, 2019
I'm playing this through EA Play Pro right now, and the first thing I had to do was to cap the fps to 60, since the stuttering is unbearable. Ironically, capping fps was also necessary with the original because the physics would go crazy otherwise. The second thing is that, of all the remakes in recent years, this one feels the most pointless to me. Since the game mostly takes place in dark areas, the high quality assets don't really stand out. As a matter of fact, I prefer the original since the design is more simplistic and there is no visual clutter like in the remake.

For example, they have redesigned the necromorphs to be more detailed, but that comes at the cost of it being hard to tell when you've killed an enemy because of all the added detailed. The design looks too "busy" at times. And the graphics aren't even that good. Screen space reflections and ambient occlusion are broken most of the time, resulting in a lot of shimmering. You'd think that, with remakes mostly focusing on graphics, they would at least get that right. Sound was also better in the original imo. And Isaac didn't have a face or a voice, thank god. Here he looks like homeless Adam Sandler.

When you factor in ugly characters, rewritten parts of the story (for the worse), and the aforementioned performance problems, this isn't really a game I would recommend over the original. Despite some weapons being "redesigned" to be more interesting, you're still going to be using plasma cutter most of the time. Just because they rearranged the upgrade trees and added some more items doesn't magically improve the game. IMHO.
Aug 10, 2012
This is available on EA Play/Game Pass now so I gave it a go since I liked the original.

Like most other people have said, it's the most pointless remake ever. It's like the original game, but with more visual clutter, an insufferably verbose main character and laughably poor optimization (shader compilation does nothing and it stutters a lot).

I agree with the sentiment that since the game takes place mostly in very dark areas, the player almost never notices higher quality assets. It looks alright, but not nearly good enough to justify its existence compared to the original, which came out fucking 16 years ago and runs on a toaster oven.

It's sad that people pay for this shit. This industry is beyond parody, and beyond saving.
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Oct 16, 2015
What gets me with this remake is that it does not really bring a significant quality difference. It is the same game rebuild with higher quality assets and minor changes. It does not leap forward, like in case of RE2, where you could say the game is almost translated from a formula/language that mostly older gamers understand, into something that can be understood by the contemporary audience. I'm familiarizing myself with the footage, I do intend to maybe play it at some point, but so far I'm not impressed. It looks like the praise it gets comes mostly from the fact that it is not broken or deficient and it has become uncommon to have a mainstream game that lives up to those standards.

It is formally a success. It does not suck. But that shines the light on the fact that its the same game for the second time, and its just disappointing that this is sufficient nowadays.

Looking back, it is impressive that all the three original games were released within the same console gen. Same with Mass Effect. Both change almost in a synchronized manner between the instances - 1st part is the most bold and original, it is deep and more coherent in its lore - 2nd is more action oriented, does not push the overarching story forward, is widely considered to be the best; 3rd goes full action mode and has a co-op component, plus a disappointing story. It largely loses what was left from the distinct visual style of the original game.
Implying RE2 Remake is a significant leap forward lol. The gameplay is slightly better, not by a huge deal but somewhat better. Take this from a massive gameplayfag: RE classics had serviceable gameplay, but became famous for the whole package - the art, music, style, atmosphere and tone, sense of realism and immersion. All of that is sheer decline in the remake. Everything.

It's rare for me to choose the game with inferior gameplay (the classics), but i'd do it in a heartbeat. 8/10 gameplay (RE2R) suffering a hit to 7.5/10 gameplay but everything else is 100% on point, full of soul and not lame as shit, the choice is clear.


Apr 8, 2015
It's like the original game, but with more visual clutter
And Dead Space 2 combat

the art, ... style, atmosphere and tone, sense of realism and immersion
The station of REmake 2 is objectively superior in all these aspects compared to the original, it's the other areas that bring it down
But discussing this with you is pointless, as you're the only person on the planet that also thinks REmake is inferior to the original even in these regards
REmake 2 has the original music and with better audio quality to boot :smug:


Oct 16, 2015
Yeah sure, appeal to popularity when the masses don't know fuck all and are retards.

The game has numerous tasteless choices and decline, but ok.

As for the music...as paid DLC you get the privilege to restore the original vastly superior soundtrack, and it isn't even a full restoration of soundtrack. Numerous tracks are missing. Suck that microtransaction teet some more eh faggot.

You're a disappointing decline enabler.
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Aug 17, 2023
I watched youtube video and saw they fucked up Kendras character. What is this garbage with her reaching her Hand towards Isaac before she dies.
Original Kendra is much better. Also don't like how they changed Hammond and Isaac is now talking.
Not gonna play this Remake.


May 25, 2016
What gets me with this remake is that it does not really bring a significant quality difference. It is the same game rebuild with higher quality assets and minor changes. It does not leap forward, like in case of RE2, where you could say the game is almost translated from a formula/language that mostly older gamers understand, into something that can be understood by the contemporary audience. I'm familiarizing myself with the footage, I do intend to maybe play it at some point, but so far I'm not impressed. It looks like the praise it gets comes mostly from the fact that it is not broken or deficient and it has become uncommon to have a mainstream game that lives up to those standards.

It is formally a success. It does not suck. But that shines the light on the fact that its the same game for the second time, and its just disappointing that this is sufficient nowadays.

Looking back, it is impressive that all the three original games were released within the same console gen. Same with Mass Effect. Both change almost in a synchronized manner between the instances - 1st part is the most bold and original, it is deep and more coherent in its lore - 2nd is more action oriented, does not push the overarching story forward, is widely considered to be the best; 3rd goes full action mode and has a co-op component, plus a disappointing story. It largely loses what was left from the distinct visual style of the original game.
Implying RE2 Remake is a significant leap forward lol. The gameplay is slightly better, not by a huge deal but somewhat better. Take this from a massive gameplayfag: RE classics had serviceable gameplay, but became famous for the whole package - the art, music, style, atmosphere and tone, sense of realism and immersion. All of that is sheer decline in the remake. Everything.

It's rare for me to choose the game with inferior gameplay (the classics), but i'd do it in a heartbeat. 8/10 gameplay (RE2R) suffering a hit to 7.5/10 gameplay but everything else is 100% on point, full of soul and not lame as shit, the choice is clear.
I heard they cut the scenario mechanic where the second walkthrough for another character is suppose to be different. Never played RE2, but it's strange that almost no one talks about this.

For me it sounds like remaking Bloodlines, while removing Malkavian and Nosferatu clans and claiming this is the best remake world has ever seen.


Oct 16, 2015
Scenario Bs still exist, but with no differences based on character. In the original you essentially get four playthroughs with enough differences to justify them. In this version you get two.
Yes Sir, this is another factor decline enablers conveniently ignore. Not that I am a fan of the concept. I would prefer just one lengthy meaty playthrough that is replayable on its own merit/sheer depth and complexity, but it's still a nice addition to the original RE which offered two distinct playthroughs of a campaign that's on the shorter side. This is just the same thing but x4.

Like with most cases like this, I would strongly suspect those that champion the remake do not have deep familiarity with the original version. That or are just dumb and blind. For example the UI is the laziest thing known to man and just copy-pasted from RE7. Sure it's still a valid choice but all the stylization from the original is gone, and that will be a reoccurring theme here. The music LOL, already discussed prior. The original is art, such a visual treat, while this is pretty for 3D it's still less appealing to look at and less contrasting colors. It's dull. A more subdued look, and less love put into each visual scene (as there is more overall to render because 3D, plus its a soulless remake anyway. a remake will always have less love and soul). Immersion and atmosphere could be good, but it is a combination of everything, music is a big factor here, and lol. Story is just weird as fuck, like you switch to Sherry in a laughable modern game stealth section in a rape house set in the past with no good context or connection to the events of the game for no fucking reason. The original Sherry segment I always would dread but this makes it look prestigious in execution by comparison. The original story and style was classic hollywood action-inspired badassery, packed with style in every aspect, and everything had purpose. It also had plenty emotion, from caring for Sherry and her tragic circumstances, Ada's betrayal (it's revealed early on her involvement with umbrella in the remake), witnessing desperate people like you get brutally killed or turn, and of course the beautiful music backing the entire thing. A peak cinematic game done right, and all that is just lost. Many important things are also cut, from the epic intro showing the state of the city and setting the tone and urgency of the situation, marshalling yard, half the lab (it's shorter and 100% linear), B scenarios, some guns, some music. Then there's the many misc. criticisms I have like unbelievable retarded behaviors* in cutscenes, no longer being able to investigate the environment, semi-frequent autosaves, Lickers are now dumb stealth minigames + had their iconic sound design removed, ...some of the new puzzles are modern game tier, like unlocking leons desk, it's just weird, intellectually lazy and not what the original would do.
Also, switching from cinematic FMV to in-engine cutscenes. Sure the consistency is a good thing in one respect, but STYLE is lost, and style is what the original 3 resident evil games had in droves. Also, it does something the original game never does: blatantly breaking the fourth wall AKA the ultimate immersion crime. It has this monkey toy hunt thing going on half way through the game and it takes you right out of the game like WTF?
Lastly, the horror. All the above and more (e.g no tank controls and fixed cameras, not that I think those are mandatory for horror games) combines into a not-scary experience.

*unbelievably retarded behaviours: in the original, there is a corpse in the first licker corridor, if you walk up to it and press the look/inspect button you get a description of what leon/claire sees. Here, you get a scripted forced cutscene where you walk up to the clearly fucked up body, GRAB ITS FACE and turn it, then back off in surprise when you see all the gruesome detail of its face. This is obviously just an excuse to show you the good work of the artist that made that cool 3D model. But it is tasteless and retarded in execution. This is a viral zombie outbreak for fuck sake, you don't just go up to random contorted bodies and start groping them.

Note you may often see me shit on realismfags but the context is important. What makes a realismfag a fag is desiring realism over game design. This isn't that, it's realism over showing off our cool 3D model and making the character look like an utter retard groping bodies/faces for no reason during a zombie apocalypse where things are very bitey.
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Apr 8, 2015
Yeah sure, appeal to popularity when the masses don't know fuck all and are retards.
Not appealing to popularity
Appealing to objective reality

REmake, IS so much better than the original in every regard, that the only valid reason left to play the original game is "historical curiosity"

REmake 2 second half and elements of it's presentation are worse than the original - plus since they play differently, neither one replaces the other - but the changes made to enemies, controls, resource management and level design make the police station (which is the biggest chunk in the game) simply the superior version in engagement and design

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