August Backer Rewards Update
Hi everyone!
We know you've been waiting to hear the latest update on physical backer rewards, and we're happy to say we have progress to report! We've received our pre-loaded bullet USB drives and they look fantastic:
Bullet USB Drive
Open Bullet USB Drive
Everything is on track now - most printed materials are ready to go, and it's mainly just the book's production that's left. With shipping drawing ever closer, let's go over one last thing:
We cannot change your shipping address for you! Kickstarter doesn't currently have a way for project creators to change their backers' info. You must go to the Dead State campaign page and click "Your Response" below your backer tier. There, you can update your address directly and it will be reflected in our records. Keep in mind, we will be disallowing address changes in a week or so; you'll get a 48 hour warning message letting you know before that happens.
If you have any questions for us pertaining to the Kickstarter, messaging us through KS itself is the best way to get a response; on the other hand, if you have questions about the game itself, the quickest way to get an answer is to
visit our forums or
Steam boards and post there.
Thanks for hanging in there while we've explored the wonderful and confusing world of Kickstarter reward fulfillment - we promise it's going to be worth the wait!