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Diablo Immortal - MMO ARPG for mobile platforms - massive butthurt at Blizzcon


Oct 16, 2018
So immortal isn't a free app?
Nah it's free to play. It just has Raid: Shadow Legends tier in app purchases up the ass. Most of them are arbitrary, too. Like you can get a "deal" of 60 orbs and a skin for a dollar, at the whopping 800%(!) extra value, while you can also just purchase 60 orbs on their own for a dollar.


Jul 4, 2018
Why did Burning Crusade Classic get reviewed into the ground harder then WC3 Reforged or this one?

In addition to your monthly subscription required to play classic they offered these two items.

39.99 USD would net you

Level-58 Character Boost
Apprentice Riding Skill for the Boosted Character
Appropriate Gear for the Boosted Character, a Mount, and Starting Gold
Weapon Skill for the Boosted Character

69.99 USD would net you the above and also

30 Days of Game Time
Reawakened Phase-Hunter Mount for Your Burning Crusade Classic Characters
Viridian Phase-Hunter Mount for Your Non-Classic Characters
Path of Illidan Toy
Dark Portal Hearthstone

In addition to that there was also an outrage when they offered a cloning "feature" if you still wanted your character on both tbc and vanilla which originally was going to cost fucking 35$ which than got reduced to 15$. The game was also completely rampant with bots which Blizzard did not address at all. TBC classic totally deserved it's Metacritic rating.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
The game is not just three and a half gigabytes on mobile.
This is only the initial download.
Later you will be downloading the rest of the game, and guess what, your progress can be halted if you are trying to access content which you haven't downloaded yet.


Not The Best Games
Feb 6, 2020
Someone tried to get me on a private vanilla WoW server awhile back, and man, I couldn't play it. Your characters ran like crippled grandmas. And just getting from point A to B was a huge slough. All quests were pretty much fetch/kill quests. The lack of stimuli for my brain was killing me. What exactly did people see in this game? Was I supposed to pay my dues by enduring a prolonged complete lack of stimuli in order to get to the meatier bits of the game that were actually decent, like raids, etc? I couldn't do it.

I've played some older MMORPGs, like Anarchy Online (as a free player) and Acheron's Call (uncle used to play this), and both of those games were more fun than Vanilla WoW, IMO.

WoW has always been shit. It was popular because it simplified the greatness of it predecessors thus appealing to the unsuspecting normies.

What predecessors though lol? Everquest 2 that released a couple of months before WoW, a game that everyone says that it's biggest mistake was that it released same time as WoW? Or maybe UO which can't be compared to WoW in terms of long term gameplay. Maybe Everquest was comparable but still... WoW brought all those concepts to the general public. And they brought the concepts in an extremely polished, and for the time, a long-term fun game. Is WoW shit, now, if you play it for the first time ? Maybe it is. But compare it to the all the others games from 2004 and you know why companies still create dozens WoW clones and not Everquest clones or UO clones.

Regarding Diablo, I don't know why people are getting so butthurt with it. Game is and was, from it's inception, a skinner box. You can't be serious if you say to me that Diablo 1 or 2 didn't have the same concepts and same stimuli and dopamine push except you didn't paid for it all the game(but you paid with your time wasted waiting for the next dopamine release). But from psychological perspective it was all there from the beginning, just with the current playerbase there are enough players that can't feel good if the don't spend 10k on a game and with it become top 10 players in game. Why would Blizzard leave money on the table? And don't tell me muh whales, or predatory tactics... Whales don't exist in games without players(and majority of players don't spend money) and you can't lose money in casino if you don't enter it and don't play any games in it.
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Aug 28, 2020
Is WoW shit, now, if you play it for the first time ? Maybe it is. But compare it to the all the others games from 2004 and you know why companies still create dozens WoW clones and not Everquest clones or UO clones
Wow was the coolest shit ever in 2004. No question. After almost 20 years of clones the lustre has worn off though.
Jan 7, 2012
Regarding Diablo, I don't know why people are getting so butthurt with it. Game is and was, from it's inception, a skinner box. You can't be serious if you say to me that Diablo 1 or 2 didn't have the same concepts and same stimuli and dopamine push except you didn't paid for it all the game(but you paid with your time wasted waiting for the next dopamine release). But from psychological perspective it was all there from the beginning, just with the current playerbase there are enough players that can't feel good if the don't spend 10k on a game and with it become top 10 players in game. Why would Blizzard leave money on the table? And don't tell me muh whales, or predatory tactics... Whales don't exist in games without players(and majority of players don't spend money) and you can't lose money in casino if you don't enter it and don't play any games in it.

You can play Diablo 1 and 2 start to finish normal to hell with no grinding or redoing content. For Diablo 2 you need an above average build but that's it. In fact for Diablo 1 needing to grind (by doing new game) is arguably the failure state of the game.

Doing 500 Baal runs to get a specific drop is something I expect only a vanishingly small proportion of the player base ever did. The difference now is that Blizzard will intentionally fuck over gameplay for non-paying players so that they are either grinding like this just to finish the game or paying $10 every few hours.
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Oct 16, 2018
Regarding Diablo, I don't know why people are getting so butthurt with it. Game is and was, from it's inception, a skinner box.
Diablo 1 never had the loot craze that 2 or 3 had though? Am I missing something? The only "dopamine rush" I felt was beating the Butcher after many tries. If anything game is somewhat slow gothic horror.


May 14, 2008
Someone tried to get me on a private vanilla WoW server awhile back, and man, I couldn't play it. Your characters ran like crippled grandmas. And just getting from point A to B was a huge slough. All quests were pretty much fetch/kill quests. The lack of stimuli for my brain was killing me. What exactly did people see in this game? Was I supposed to pay my dues by enduring a prolonged complete lack of stimuli in order to get to the meatier bits of the game that were actually decent, like raids, etc? I couldn't do it.

I've played some older MMORPGs, like Anarchy Online (as a free player) and Acheron's Call (uncle used to play this), and both of those games were more fun than Vanilla WoW, IMO.
When it released it was one of the first chances people had to explore a vast, hand-crafted world with large dungeons. The design elements of buildings and such were also clearly inspired by the RTS games so it was interesting to explore the interior of something like a barracks. In addition to being a novel experience for many people, it had additional hooks in the form of persistent progression tied to social status and an appropriate level of challenge.

Saying that WoW had no appeal is like saying that Discord today has no appeal. WoW was the center of gravity for gamer interaction.
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RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Then there were the modded games up to the current THEHELL. I never had a single playthrough that I didn't have to grind a little. It makes vanilla seem like kids play. I beat diablo the first time I played it. It isn't hard at all.


Not The Best Games
Feb 6, 2020
Regarding Diablo, I don't know why people are getting so butthurt with it. Game is and was, from it's inception, a skinner box.
Diablo 1 never had the loot craze that 2 or 3 had though? Am I missing something? The only "dopamine rush" I felt was beating the Butcher after many tries. If anything game is somewhat slow gothic horror.
It most certainly had. Variable rewards from slaying monsters(the main term constituting a skinner box) and as far as I remember those items had variable stats too with prefixes just like Diablo 2. Later games took it a step further but the foundation was there.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
What predecessors though lol? Everquest 2 that released a couple of months before WoW, a game that everyone says that it's biggest mistake was that it released same time as WoW? Or maybe UO which can't be compared to WoW in terms of long term gameplay. Maybe Everquest was comparable but still... WoW brought all those concepts to the general public. And they brought the concepts in an extremely polished, and for the time, a long-term fun game. Is WoW shit, now, if you play it for the first time ? Maybe it is. But compare it to the all the others games from 2004 and you know why companies still create dozens WoW clones and not Everquest clones or UO clones.

You would have to have been there playing pre WoW to understand. WoW was serious decline for those of us that were.

Asheron's Call
Dark Age of Camelot

A case could be made for Ultima Online & Final Fantasy XI but I never played them.

A good deal of the people that made WoW were Everquest players.

You included Everquest 2 but it came out the same month WoW did so thats not a fair comparison.

Wow was the coolest shit ever in 2004. No question. After almost 20 years of clones the lustre has worn off though.

It was the coolest shit ever for people who couldnt handle playing games like I listed. It made MMO's a simpleminded affair which as you noted, changed the course of MMO's for 20 years. And for those of us who played EQ, AC, and DAoC it was a terrible trajectory MMO's took.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
Good News for gamers everywhere. Diablo Immortal is a success.

In just one week, Diablo Immortal is the biggest launch in franchise history.



May 8, 2007
10 millions installls for a free game on both pc and phones isn't even that much.
Jan 7, 2012
10 million eh?
Almost all Chinese slaves. Huzzah.

You know I might actually actually be in favor of the game if it turned out to be that 95% of the whales were chinks. Is the game even popular over there though? I know Koreans devour Blizzard games like mad but I have no idea about China.
Jan 7, 2012
Nah, the chinese love pay to win games. Corrupt CCP officials with millions of dollars to throw at a cell phone game is normal over there, same as the saudi princes.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Ok. I have got to create a shitty mmo game so Saudi princes will buy. NFTS hmmm. Maybe i could sell my level 1k euo alts for $100 million each. I won't sell HoboCommando for less than $1B though.


Dec 27, 2020
10 millions installls for a free game on both pc and phones isn't even that much.

Diablo 3 sold 3.5 million at launch according to press releases and around 20 million over the first couple years. That's at retail price, and all sold direct without a retailer, so with much higher profit margins than you would normally make. Diablo Immortal has to pay the Apple/Android tax on its revenues on mobile, but obviously doesn't on PC.

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