I played 13 hours of the demo according to steam and finished the two areas available. Things i liked and disliked:
I mostly liked the gameplay, good unit variety and good amount of skills. It plays likes king's bounty or heroes of might & magic. Units skills give them very specific roles. Animation and special effects are well made but uninspired. Iconography is good you can guess what each status effects does just by looking at the icon. Music and sound effects are good.
All units cost leadership points except special characters. You get more leadership by leveling up and castle upgrades. Protagonist can equip weapon, armor, helmet, pants and boots separately. Plus she can cast lots of spells.
To recruit higher tier units you need better reputation with specific faction. You can get aroung this by recruiting mercenaries in the market which are randomly refreshed every 1 hour.
There is a plot i but didn't pay much attention. First you're some mercenary on a assassination contract and then you're recruiting an army. Why?
Artstyle is hit or miss. Enviroments are mostly good but some units are bad. There is a place in the undead lands of an altar with a throne of skulls surrounded by blood. That actually looks great but then you see the undead faction units and they look crap. And the succubus isn't sexy at all!. I think all the females characters should show more skin.
Special characters are either boring or unlikable.
Limited unit customization: special characters can equip 1 weapon and 1 shard. Generic units only 1 shard.
Dialogue is quite something.