How wude!Our world doesn’t have a term of endearment, right, because we generally think it’s a shithole. It’s a strange thing that none of the billions of habitats of planet Earth have come up with a term of endearment for the world itself. It’s known as “world”, “Earth”… there’s nothing there.
It i can't pirate it then it doesn't exist! You could make a following on E-Hentai,instead you wast your time on games and the codex. Think of all the fat sad weeaboos out there!I draw my own porn for personal use, yes. PM for commissions prices.Kasparov,do you have some drawn hentai?
Color is no longer a color unless it roundhouse kicks you in the teeth.
When you say the style of our graphics (sic!) I would think you´re talking about the art in the game (yes, inside the game. when you play it.) But it seems to me you´re confusing promotional art (in the quotes below) and in-game art (Screenshots and the like. Check Youtube for gameplay snippets and glimpses of the game in the trailers).the general "visible brushstrokes" style of the graphics, sucks.
So you´re saying that the promotional art is bad for being good promotional art?possibly to draw easily impressed audiences on account of vibrant colors?
Because the word "Elysium" has never been used before in video games.
Read the interview. He wants to claim it from the unfortunates who made the mistake of using it before in video games. “It’s a power move.”
Also now he’s on the record for being better than China Miéville. Them’s fightin’ words
Any thematic reason?Visible brushstrokes happen with painting with paint. Our aesthetics take off from the tradition of good ol’ oil painting. Not accidentally.
Conceptually it helps to highlight the type of setting Disco is set in: Elysium. The game takes place in a highly modern world.Any thematic reason?Visible brushstrokes happen with painting with paint. Our aesthetics take off from the tradition of good ol’ oil painting. Not accidentally.
Wait....composure is no more the dance skill!
That implies you can get some.I want to invest on electrochemistry and roleplay as nymphomaniac.
Of course!That implies you can get some.
That's what the electrochemistry build is for.That implies you can get some.I want to invest on electrochemistry and roleplay as nymphomaniac.
That implies you can get some.I want to invest on electrochemistry and roleplay as nymphomaniac.
That implies you can get some.I want to invest on electrochemistry and roleplay as nymphomaniac.
Is our protagonist too repulsive to get laid, no matter his stats?
That implies you can get some.I want to invest on electrochemistry and roleplay as nymphomaniac.
Is our protagonist too repulsive to get laid, no matter his stats?
Short memory,old guy.I think you've hit a nerve my dudes. I don't remember a new game in a new IP from a new studio getting this much positive coverage like... ever, really.
Now all you have to do Marat Sar is prove that you really are better than China Miéville. Go get him.
Short memory,old guy.