Good: generally it sounds as another break out of the used up, rusty mold, so good luck.
Bad: the warning sign here is that whoever wrote this was unable or unwilling to express thoughts clearly.
- A realistic skill system lets you develop original ideas using Conceptual Thinking,
- tune your nervous system with Electrochemistry,
Chromium-plated nerves? :D
The choice of terminology is a bit weird. Does the team include Richard Baker?
Thought Cabinet, an inventory for thoughts, where you process the ideas you’ve stumbled on. Ideas become fixtures, permanent beliefs you can’t get rid of, even if you want to.
I can only guess, but… is this a freeform "alignment" system much like e.g. in Spellbound Kingdoms - arbitrary beliefs and motivations, like "greed", "chivalry", "showing off", "clan loyalty" or "for the King!" can be picked and then affect the character's actions, with possible advancement down the branch?
Only in CRPG this would of course mainly affect the subset of dialogue choices?