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Game News Divinity II - Dragon Knight Saga Website launched


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: Divinity 2; Larian Studios

<p>The official <a href="http://www.divinity2-saga.com/">Divinity II - Dragon Knight Saga Website</a> has been launched.</p>
<p><strong>Divinity II &ndash; The Dragon Knight Saga</strong> is a great role-playing game on PC and Xbox 360, combining all the adventures of the Dragon Knight.<br /> <br /> This incredible RPG includes the entirely remastered and improved version of <strong>Ego Draconis</strong>, the original adventure of the <strong>Divinity II</strong> saga. The content of this edition as well as its graphic engine have both been much improved and overhauled, in order to provide a more beautiful and richer game experience!<br /> <br /> <strong>Divinity II &ndash; The Dragon Knight Saga</strong> also includes the brand new adventure <strong>Flames of Vengeance</strong>, adding dozens of hours of gameplay to the original story, with a load of new quests, original creatures and new items&hellip; and offers a spectacular finale to the <strong>Divinity II</strong> saga!<br /> <br /> A total of <strong>over 100 hours of gameplay and more than 180 original quests</strong> await you in this epic role-playing game. Embrace the Dragon Knight's destiny and annihilate the threat that looms over the Kingdom of Rivellon!</p>
<p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsimxcIjsp8&amp;feature=player_embedded" target="_blank">Here's the promo-trailer.</a></p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/100024-divinity-ii-the-dragon-knight-saga-website-launched-trailer.html">GB</a></p>


Sep 10, 2010
I did right thing and didn't played it yet :M

Only thing i don't like with this game same goes to Two World II
it's to flashy and tooo fantasy

Forest Dweller

Smoking Dicks
Oct 29, 2008
So does anyone know if the changes in DKS make it worth playing over the vanilla versions?


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Yes. Despite the fact that DKS hasn't been released yet, there are a lot of folks knowing very well whether the changes in DKS make it worth playing over the vanilla versions. I expect them to show up itt posting their impressions any moment now.


Nov 24, 2005
And here I am! In the Dark Knight Saga, all the player helmet models have kind of pointy ear-things and this half-mask eye covering stuff. Also, the average enemy used to have 700 polygons, and now they have an average of 837 polygons. Plus more bloom.

So clearly it's a completely re-vamped experience and totally worth buying again.

and again.

and again!

(on Larian boards, dev mentioned that if you've finished DivII and don't want to re-play it, then just get FoV. If you haven't finished or want to re-play anyway, then DKS would be worth it, in his opinion. Biggest non-FoV change being dragon gameplay. I've no idea how it changed, though.)


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
I bought the original version but never got around to playing it... I'll still probably just buy the expansion though, to save money and simply because I kind of feel like playing the game in its original form.

I'll be waiting to see if the US gets a boxed release though, might have to import this one from the sounds of things.


Aug 17, 2006
Fuck yeah! After I get this I can use the vanilla version I already own as firewood.


Feb 13, 2010
AnalogKid said:
(on Larian boards, dev mentioned that if you've finished DivII and don't want to re-play it, then just get FoV. If you haven't finished or want to re-play anyway, then DKS would be worth it, in his opinion. Biggest non-FoV change being dragon gameplay. I've no idea how it changed, though.)

From my reading of the available information, it's more a matter of improvement of the flying fortress areas. That doesn't necessarily mean improved dragon gameplay.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Cenobyte said:
AnalogKid said:
(on Larian boards, dev mentioned that if you've finished DivII and don't want to re-play it, then just get FoV. If you haven't finished or want to re-play anyway, then DKS would be worth it, in his opinion. Biggest non-FoV change being dragon gameplay. I've no idea how it changed, though.)

From my reading of the available information, it's more a matter of improvement of the flying fortress areas. That doesn't necessarily mean improved dragon gameplay.
Necessarily? No, but hopefully it does.

Dragons are cool. Dragons are powerful. Dragons have immense destructive potential. When pulled out right, there are very few things more awesome than flying around as giant, reptilian, mythical, magically-endowed WMD and inflicting obscene amounts of fiery/magical/full-contact doom on unsuspecting everything.
Unfortunately Larian managed to botch this part of the game royally:

1. Flight is inherently cool - as long as you don't start to artificially limit it. Now, I'm longing for a little bit of aerodynamics in my dragon games (nothing excessive and not for the sake of realism - duh, just some inertia, ability to gain extra speed by diving, etc. to spice things up), but even without that you can have fun stuff like loops, banking, barrel rolls and so on. Drakan had those, DivII does not.

2. There is a reason why self proclaimed space-sims tend to model their combat on WWI dogfights - fire and forget missiles aren't all that fun. This applies even when those missiles are fireballs and your "aircraft" is a dragon.

3. Cool thing about being a dragon is right selection of targets - in other words "RAR BURNINATING PUNY HOOMANS!". It allows you to experience your power. Impossible if said "PUNY HOOMANS" are nowhere to be found while you're flying around.

4.Another cool thing about being a dragon is WMD potential. Is nice if your breath and magical attacks are varied and can inflict suitable amount of rape on both the enemies and innocent terrain. The best example would be The I of The Dragon, where you could accidentally blow up entire areas of the forest into splinters by spitting a fireball in wrong direction, and spawn volcanoes in the middle of enemy infrastructure with your magic. Not to mention spell that produced nice mushroom clouds, which was actually about the mid-end example of straight damage dealing magic, with high end being occupied by something that looked like a thunder from Jupiter striking planet populated by midgets and bonsai trees. Given the choice of power, variety or both to put at player's disposal, Div II chose none.

5. Final cool thing, unfortunately not implemented to this date, is melee. There is nothing that makes enemy troops say "oh fuck." in absolutely flat voice indicating them having been lobotomized by excessive mindrape, or just stand there frozen in shock and involuntarily soil their pants, like a dragon grappling one of their most powerful fliers - be it an organic being or a fully crewed airship, and just tear it to fucking pieces via liberal application of claws/teeth-on approach (in case of airships with added bonus of crew falling from the sky and splattering on the unkind landscape like grotesquely large drops of rain). Casually knocking a piece of architecture or two during fly by is, of course also cool.


Nov 24, 2005
Cenobyte said:
From my reading of the available information, it's more a matter of improvement of the flying fortress areas. That doesn't necessarily mean improved dragon gameplay.
Could be, but I think it's a little more than just changed area design. The Devs have been very tight-lipped about any changes, though, taking a "trust us, it's way cool!" approach which makes me tremble in fear and concern. I think VoD's got it right, in that we'll just have to wait till it's out and we get some player feedback on what's actually different.

I'm 99% sure I'll go with FoV, simply because I can't imagine any realistic changes that would make me want to re-play all of DivII. Not that it was bad, I'm just not much of a re-play kind of player and no matter what they did to Dragons/Flying Fortresses, that was only a very small part of the game for me.

Sadly, I consider most of Draq's ideas "unrealistic" in terms of this kind of update to an existing game. They'd be cool, for sure, but I just doubt any changes that significant will make it.

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