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Dragon Age Dragon Age: The Veilguard - coming October 31st


Jun 7, 2020
I hope someone here is willing to take one for the time and deliver us a codex playthrough, I could use a good laugh.

Drop Duck

Dec 22, 2020
When you play the games in quick succession, the LGBT stuff is problematic for reasons other than "urrr no liberals" than some retards codexers make it to be.

I think DAO had some lesbian/gay/bi romances, I am not too sure about that, but I did not feel at all bothered by them. It felt like some knowing gay people, and you know, whatever bros, I don't have to have sex with you. They behaved like "normal" gay people.

Now, you still don't need to fuck the gay people in DAI and Mass Effect Andromeda, but something has changed in the way those romances were designed. A switch happened at some point : it is pretty clear in the design, in the character archetypes that some head honchos at Bioware saw the Bioware Social Forums, the fanfics, the Deviantarts, the super awkward part of the fanbase and decided that "hey, our gay romances should appeal to that crowd, those are the ones making the buzz about our game.".

As a result, just being in the same room than those people feels awkward. They are designed as sexual porn stars and talk like porn story characters. And you have to talk to them. Repeatedly. You have to stare at Iron Bull's nipples. All the time.

Mass Effect 1,2,3 handled it kinda okay, although it was a bit clumsy at point. I remembered when I reached Andromeda I was thinking a bit "what the hell?" ? That feeling was gone when I switched to DAO, started creeping in again with DA2 and is now at itchi.io charity bundle level with DAI.

It gives you the feeling of progressing slowly into something that has been designated for one special kind of people ; not the gay ones, not the liberals you guys seem to hate, but that awkward fringe fraction of the fanbase which seem to have their hand on the fate of the game.
What is it with nazis here pretending to be normal people? Look at de Gaulle here pretending to not be a fascist by saying that his bigotry isn't the same as the usual one. The mass effect games he found okay since they only appealed to men.







Then Bioware shows the nipple of a muscular man and an openly homosexual man from the balkans in Dragon Age 4 and this guy spazzes out. The above is okay but if they make an elven woman that appeal to lesbians then that's not true liberalism anymore? I beg to differ, Bioware kept being the good kind of freedom loving capitalist woke and never went no-fun communist woke. It just turns out that their audience consists of the LGBTQ+ crowd and women more than it does of the kind of audience that wants the tits and booty of Mass Effect.


Only a commie/nazi have a problem with the market responding to demand or claim that there's something wrong with women and homosexuals for liking different things than cis superstraight men.


Jun 7, 2020
My man really going all out for receiving the prestigious Kodexian retard of the year award.

Granted, the competition seems especially fierce this year.


Dec 27, 2020
gays are the straights of fags now
I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not.
Fucking men up the ass is now basically the same as fucking women in the pussy. It's an ancient, classical thing, rooted in patriarchal tradition since even before the Greeks. Vanilla shit. We're in the body mutilation sexual age now.

You might as well stop it with this gay charade and be hetero :lol:

Intercrual stimulation was the more common way. Pederasty was seen as different from homosexual sex between adult males and more permissible. So, it was much more acceptable to screw a prepubescent boy than it was to screw around with another adult man. Current day "homosexual" identities are totally foreign from how practices existed in the classical world. If you have JSTOR access you can read this chapter on the topic in the context of ancient Greek militaries:
Ogden, Daniel, Catherine Gilliver, A.D. Lee, Stephen Mitchell, Ian Shaw, and Hans van Wees. “HOMOSEXUALITY AND WARFARE IN ANCIENT GREECE.” In Battle in Antiquity, edited by Alan B. Lloyd, 107–68. Classical Press of Wales, 2009. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvvn9mv.6.

For a modern equivalent the most obvious parallel that most people would be aware of would be in the culture of Afghanistan. Mutilation is also definitely not new -- Alexander had an affair with a eunuch, for example. In Athens, homosexuality was relatively regulated, particularly to prevent people pimping out or raping non-slave boys.

This is perhaps why citing the ways of the Greeks is not really that convenient for the alphabet people in the current context: the Greek version was between an adult man and a prepubescent boy within various social strictures. It also happened in an environment of legal slavery, so what was permissible to do to slaves might not be permissible to do to free boys. There is also a tendency in historical discussions of these issues to focus on aristocrats living in the high life in urban environments rather than to look at the more restricted norms of the overwhelmingly agricultural society in which just reproducing involved lots of effort the heavy attrition of both wives and babies. Another thing that distinguishes Greek culture from Roman culture is that, although Romans get a bad rap as woman-haters, Roman political mythology is surprisingly heavy on heroic female archetypes like Lucretia and Virginia. The Greeks by comparison tended to find little of redeeming aesthetic or moral value in women, tending to see them as expensive chattel animals.

The other bit that tends to be missed by attempts to try to root contemporary florid rainbow sexuality in the ancients is that, overwhelmingly, classical philosophy tends to favor sexual restraint and skepticism towards pleasure-seeking and luxury. In current terms, they were "sex-negative" and profoundly macho, seeing any expression of effeminacy as something lethally shameful. While current practices emphasize egalitarianism, in the classical world they were supposed to reify social hierarchy, and anything that transgressed that was subject to severe social and legal consequences. The Abrahamic trio religions obviously take a much harder line on any gay stuff, and any attempt to muddle that goes sharply against both historic precedent and scripture.
You seem very knowledgeable about the homosexual / pederastic behaviors of Antiquity. :lol:

I was just making a joke, but you do have a point. Even Socrates, who was greatly aroused by the boy Alcibiades (who in turn lusted after Socrates), reportedly never touched him and viewed such relationships negatively.

It's also true that most Greek philosophical doctrines of life were about restraint, derived from Socrates' own. But one could say, if that is so, were those philosophies in reaction to the mores of the time, that allowed men to pursue and indulge in their desires?

No worries, I was just going off on a tangent.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
Zevran is the annoying edgy ego-tripper that's always right, copied straight from the edgiest anime characters out there. If you kill him, you don't miss out on anything.

Allowing the chaotic-neutral pragmatist the chance to be right was part of the old game writing ethos. He tips you about the folly of supporting Harrowmont as I recall, a choice that would bite Orzammar in the ass later.


Jun 13, 2019
I was playing DAI again a while back (why? Idk, i just wanted to remember if Sera was as awful as i remembered) and while her backstory certainly ''helps'' make her less awful than i thought , she being in the game still stupid af.


*teleports inside you*
Village Idiot
Aug 20, 2021
Never played cisquisition past the point where the bald cocksucker hands you a secret fortress in the mountains, and then Hawke shows up to be useless as always. Also the autistic demon kid was sperging a whole lot of crackhead nonsense dialogue that some blue-haired tranny writer thought was "otherwordly". Simply couldn't force myself to keep wasting time on that shit.

Now the bald cocksucker is, apparently, the main antagonist for the 4th game? Lol. I'm sure it will turn out that he's just misunderstood, and that the REAL EVIL is something something stop bigotry something rainbow coalition of LGBT multiracial justice warriors something trump.


Sep 10, 2021
I was playing DAI again a while back (why? Idk, i just wanted to remember if Sera was as awful as i remembered) and while her backstory certainly ''helps'' make her less awful than i thought , she being in the game still stupid af.
Sera made many feminists and SJWs mad with her dialogue so maybe her writer did at least something right.


Mar 6, 2016
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
They also made some SJWs mad because the black chick is the only evil companion. And because some of them thought you weren't allowed to be nice enough to the tranny person. And some people were triggered that Iron Bull only discussed safe words after the first sex scene and not before.

This doesn't mean anything, of course. Inquisition was in many ways the beginning of extreme wokeism in mainstream gaming, now that it's been nearly a decade the new game is going to be much worse.


I'm so happy they hired a tranny to direct this. Now we can finally watch Bioware implode in glorious fashion and disappear off the face of the earth, for good. I will have the popcorn ready. I'll be feeling the same way towards CDPR if they don't get their shit together ASAP.

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
Fucking spoiler these atrocities, holy shit. Browsing on my PC and a huge ass image of such abominations appearing suddenly can cause long term side effects.


Feb 13, 2018
I am going through a Bioware Marathon these days. It is a sad marathon to be in.

I have started by playing the Mass Effect remasters and despite its flaws, I have loved it. Eager for more, I played Mass Effect : Andromeda after this one, hoping it would not be as bad as people would say.
And you know ?
It actually wasn't.

While the story was effortless, while the characters were a bit awkward, the shooting was fun, the realisation (patched) was more than acceptable, and the overall feeling of the game was somewhat positive.
Then I played the Dragon Age series.

Origins was definitely okay.
The trouble started with the expansions that felt half assed and while I acquired them legally, I had to resort to hacks and pirated versions to make it work.
Dragon Age 2 was terrible and repetitive, but not a nightmare to go through. I liked Hawke, but none of the other party members I managed to care about.

I'm playing Inquisition these days.

Of all this "marathon", this game is the worse.
I have actually started to set the difficulty to "easy" so that it gets over quicker.
The characters are embarassing.
The gameplay is a MMO except the zoning is weird as fuck. I have spent far too much time getting killed everywhere on the map until I found that one spot I was actually meant to do some progress in.
When the story tries to do something interesting, I find that it has been uninteresting for too long and I have no idea what the characters are talking about. The french translation probably doesn't help as I seem to have noticed some mistakes here and there that contribute to make the entire game a blur.

Last time I played, I spent 30 minutes downing a boss. The battle involved pushing the R shoulder button repeatedly, mashing random button when my abilities had cooled down, but most of the actual battle (probably 20 minutes of it) was spent crying over my lack of potions and from red skull to red skull to revive fallen companions.

You know what ? Andromeda got a bad rap. I can get that. After having played I understand fully the criticism. But it is a much, much better game than Inquisition.

I should give up, but I made it this far, it's going to be over soon, I hope, it'd be stupid to give up.

Can't wait to play Anthem.


May 1, 2022
It's also true that most Greek philosophical doctrines of life were about restraint, derived from Socrates' own. But one could say, if that is so, were those philosophies in reaction to the mores of the time, that allowed men to pursue and indulge in their desires?
I respectfully disagree. If anything, there seems to be an opposite trend: men tend to deny the importance of material prosperity in times when it it hard to attain affluence and prosperity. People start to see wealth, importance and opportunities as complimentary or unnecessary for happiness. The eudaimonic philosophies of the Greeks coincide with the decline of the city state post peloponnesian war. It has been claimed that when it became arduous to obtain the same level of success as previously, people started to wonder how can one secure satisfaction without those earthly things. There's certainly something to it, I wont deny. But it should be noted that regardless of that, the appearance and teachings of Socrates was something out of the ordinary, no matter the historical context. The man singlehandedly started the field of moral philosophy, and in a sense has also ended it, at least for some time - it does not seem like we've made much progress since then, at least in the secular world. Imo not so much because its impossible, but more likely due to various misconceptions. [eventually, every 'rational' discussion of approaching human experience steps into a kind of a 'religiosity', because you will be claiming something that due to the nature of it cannot and should not be proven with scientific scrutiny]

What I'm going at is that Socrates discovered something going far beyond his historical moment. I suppose the thing that stands out the most is that he claimed that there exists a kind of a "divine" steady and clear state of mind, which a moral man can achieve, and which is worth more than any earthly pleasures, and in fact all prosperity in general. This is his answer to parts of life being a zero-sum game problem. We all can think of an example of a situation when acting uprightly will bring you doom and misfortune, while being immoral will bring prosperity and happiness. Except to Socrates, both of these are fake; since the true misfortune is to act immorally, and true happiness is to act in accordance with what is right. Furthermore he'd claim that this is indeed a state that one can experience, rather than an empty statement like the ones the moderns sometimes make, when we claim to praise various martyrs, while knowing well they were at a loss when denying themselves concrete, earthly goods. Only in that or a similar way can you consequentially claim that all good is non-exclusive, and that it's always better to act righteously. Meanwhile, the default way of approaching this problem is to claim that due to supernatural reasons it all eventually evens out, or to admit, like Aristotle did, that sometimes it pays to do a little immorality.

Anyway, I thinks I'll miss out on this new DA. I was still able to enjoy Inquisition, but this has gotten too far - and I'm not reaching that conclusion by looking at the state of the game, but rather, at the state of the devs. I have a sneaky suspicion that I may not be the target audience.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
It will be nice for Disco Elysium to have some competition in the visual novel genre.

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