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Dragon Age Dragon Age: The Veilguard - coming October 31st


Nov 28, 2022
If you recall the old lore of the Fifth Blight, there was a wench in Denerim that used to say something like:
"Hey handsome, you wanna look at me tiddies?"

Now, there are rumors that in the new game your character can mimic this line to summon a secret boss, by far the most dangerous enemy the Veilguard can face - Oghren.

That's what I heard on the road, anyhow. Take it for what it is.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
why are you even engaging with those pricks in the first place?
It's just, well, I've never seen a group of people so stupid, so offensively retarded, so out of touch; it sparked something inside, I just had to engage because I couldn't tell if they're actually, unironically, sincere in their position.

I haven't interacted with that group of idiots after my ban though.

I'm convinced that hives of toxic positivity like that are actually just a part of some kind of political psyop, and full of bots chatting with the few real activists there. Reddit's moderation in such subreddits is so severe that it will affect people's demeanor, but those people are still so predictable that they almost come across as the same person, only split into hundreds of side-personalities across different forums. I mean, is it actually so hard to believe that the online constituent of this movement is comprised of bots whose sole purpose is to give the movement the appearance of popularity? A.I is surprisingly sophisticated these days.

Either that, or IQ100 looks way more stupid than I could ever imagine.

Look at what they did to Dwarves, man. These little guys were the EPITOME of strong, bulky, rowdy, assholes who chugged beer while carrying a big Axe. I'm seeing my hobby die before my eyes.
I'm starting to understand the sliders. They're all meant for troons. Max chest size might look small on a woman, but is as good as it gets on a dude on hormones. Bulge too small? Best dick simulacrum science can make. Ass too small? Where do you think the material for the dick came from?

All screenshots I've seen so far show arms and legs that are, even at the minimum size, oddly masculine. The breasts look weird too, sort of like mini-moobs. The kind that spread to your sides instead of forward and down like womens' breasts often do.

Also, nothing from DA1 and DA2? I guess this means Morrigan isn't in this one, given the things that can happen to/with her.
She is, but probably they'll just handwave away the whole well of sorrows stuff. And they simply won't mention stuff pertaining to her personal life in terms of romance, kid etc.

I thought the kid and the kid being the offspring of a dalish elf warden was made officially canon by Bioware.

So apparently the choices from prior games that carry over are just:

Talk about lazy.
Romance is a given for the series, fate of the inquisition is the point of the game, and hidden god is the point of the major DLC. This is basically the barest most minimal data to import.
Also, nothing from DA1 and DA2? I guess this means Morrigan isn't in this one, given the things that can happen to/with her. Or Alistair and his potential kingdom.
Morrigan is in this


I can't unsee a thai dancer (and I mean the dude below with the pauldrons).



How do you do, fellow culture war tourists?

There they go again, holding on to the culture of toxic positivity that already killed Concorde and may indeed kill Bioware. Not a single original thought in that hive.

They're degenerates all the same.

Yeah I can imagine a SWAT fantasy would be unsettling for an antifa-larper such as a Kotaku activist. Any work of fiction really that glorifies the military or the capability to uphold societal order or to wage war. Or just the ability to fight back for your values that don't align with theirs, hence the cry for stricter anti-gun laws. Their aim is obviously to just castrate everyone on every level.

I read a comment somewhere that now lives rent-free in my head - the creator of Veilguard is a remake of the character creator from Oblivion.

You can still make attractive faces with VG's creator, just not attractive bodies unless you're gay or queer, and even then the bulge size limitation seems odd. With Oblivion's creator you could only create ugliness.
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Pink Eye

Oct 10, 2019
Space Refrigerator
I'm very into cock and ball torture
Yeah I can imagine a SWAT fantasy would be unsettling for an antifa-larper. Any work of fiction really that glorifies the military or the capability to wage war. Or to just the ability to fight back for your values that don't align with theirs. Their aim is obviously to just castrate everyone on every level.
Yep. These cunts are against order. They're all for defunding the police, throwing local communities into chaos, then when shit hits the fan they're usually the first ones screaming: why aren't they helping us, a-ar-are they racist!
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018
Also, nothing from DA1 and DA2? I guess this means Morrigan isn't in this one, given the things that can happen to/with her.
She is, but probably they'll just handwave away the whole well of sorrows stuff. And they simply won't mention stuff pertaining to her personal life in terms of romance, kid etc.
I thought the kid and the kid being the offspring of a dalish elf warden was made officially canon by Bioware.
If you're referring to novels/comics/whatever, basically Bioware works on a separate 'canon' that doesn't apply to the video game franchise. So stuff like Alistair being king is indeed canon in their non-vidya stuff, but it isn't so for the purposes of the in-game universe that you as a player get to interact with.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
How is biowaste still alive?
Someone at EA has a fetish for ugly men pretending to be women. They want that nasty ass tranny mutilated pussy so bad that they're wiling to keep the bloated corpse of Bioware going.

That moment when a tranny starts to speak in that effete yet still recognisably male voice, always gives me chills. I guess it's because of the dissonance of it all, and in part because of the visceral "give me a break, dude!" reaction it evokes in me. I just can't take them seriously unless they can actually pass as women.
Oct 18, 2022
Bioware's anti-marketing campaign continues. They've taken me from mild interest to indifference to cringe, and now to actual physical nausea. I would say "Amazing work, guys" but they'd consider that sexist.


Jul 19, 2012
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Bunch of fucking pussies. Hiding behind their monitors in anonymity while supporting these grotesque perversions on the human body. Such cowards they are, facilitating a generation of children to fall victim to these abominable practices of chopping and skewering one's private parts; of being addicted to life changing medications that leave permanent changes on the human anatomy; of having a whole generation of depressed people who can't even identity their God given gender; on top of ruining attractive hot waifus in RPGs.

Then they get all bitchy when you challenge them on this shit. Fuck off man.
Oh man, you really threw down the gauntlet on this random Steam thread about an RPG made by a historically liberal studio that's had trans characters in their games for literally like 15 years now.

While others cowered in fear, you were brave enough to stand up and tell a bunch of random, anonymous, people on the internet to come to your gym and face you head on.
Because smaller tits in a character generator means children are having their dicks cut off....or something.

But, alas! You were cut down in your act of heroism!

However, While these steam mods may have prevailed in the battle, your brave act of martyrdom is truly the harbinger that the tide of war is turning. All the dudes on youtube and the internet have just been silently enduring the onslaught of "woke" video games for far too long. None of them have ever made literally hundreds of thousands of videos saying the same shit about how games are woke because women in them are ugly and there's black people, but now that you've finally spoken up, the path is finally cleared for all of the persecuted incels to put down their pizza rolls and make their voices heard by refusing to buy a game they were never going to buy anyway.

People will be singing songs of your brave sacrifice for years to come.


*teleports inside you*
Village Idiot
Aug 20, 2021
This tranny "game" has become so infamous, that some of the orthobros whose content I sometimes skim are now talking about its character creator...



Aug 28, 2020
Even Mass Effect had a distinct aesthetic. This series still hasn't found one.
Despite its many flaws, DA2 at least managed to nail the aesthetics in terms of the stylized armour designs, the physical appearance of the qunari, and the overall art direction. IMO had bioware continued with the DA2 art direction the series would have had some semblance of an identity.


Jun 5, 2023
Bunch of fucking pussies. Hiding behind their monitors in anonymity while supporting these grotesque perversions on the human body. Such cowards they are, facilitating a generation of children to fall victim to these abominable practices of chopping and skewering one's private parts; of being addicted to life changing medications that leave permanent changes on the human anatomy; of having a whole generation of depressed people who can't even identity their God given gender; on top of ruining attractive hot waifus in RPGs.

Then they get all bitchy when you challenge them on this shit. Fuck off man.
Oh man, you really threw down the gauntlet on this random Steam thread about an RPG made by a historically liberal studio that's had trans characters in their games for literally like 15 years now.

While others cowered in fear, you were brave enough to stand up and tell a bunch of random, anonymous, people on the internet to come to your gym and face you head on.
Because smaller tits in a character generator means children are having their dicks cut off....or something.

But, alas! You were cut down in your act of heroism!

However, While these steam mods may have prevailed in the battle, your brave act of martyrdom is truly the harbinger that the tide of war is turning. All the dudes on youtube and the internet have just been silently enduring the onslaught of "woke" video games for far too long. None of them have ever made literally hundreds of thousands of videos saying the same shit about how games are woke because women in them are ugly and there's black people, but now that you've finally spoken up, the path is finally cleared for all of the persecuted incels to put down their pizza rolls and make their voices heard by refusing to buy a game they were never going to buy anyway.

People will be singing songs of your brave sacrifice for years to come.
I think this is a problem with all the steam forums. They're likely all run by trannies, especially the Owlcat forums.


Mar 2, 2017
So apparently the choices from prior games that carry over are just:

Talk about lazy.

Nevermind that EA even had a page you could load saves from Origins and DA2 to generate and then import a world state to Inquisition. Granted most of it were cameos, but it was cool nonetheless to see Loghain appear in Inquistion for example. They really want to erase DAO and DA2.

Found an article about it:

Dragon Age The Veilguard will not use Bioware's age-old Dragon Age Keep system to ensure that you "focus" on "decisions that matter."


If there are whispers of the Hero of Ferelden or the Champion of Kirkwall in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, they won’t relate to your previous characters. Instead, the upcoming RPG will let you make a series of relevant world state choices in-game, abandoning Dragon Age Keep for a more streamlined experience.

I’m given a glimpse at the new system during my hands-on preview with The Veilguard in San Francisco, and while I won’t spoil it here, it’ll have some interesting implications on how the game plays out. During a creator roundtable, however, game director Corinne Bushe and creative director John Epler are asked about Bioware’s decision to remove the Dragon Age Keep functionality, and their response is certainly intriguing.

“This project has been in development for a while, so one of the things we did investigate is how far we wanted [previous game choices] to go,” Epler states. “For us, the core philosophy was that we want you to make choices that matter; choices that we can actually reflect.

“Part of going to northern Thedas is that a lot of stuff that matters tremendously if you’re in Ferelden and Orlais doesn’t matter as much in Tevinter. A great example is that The Divine is hugely important if you’re Adrastian in the south of Thedas, but they have their own Divine up in Minrathous. We really wanted to focus on decisions we knew would matter; that we knew we could do something interesting with.”

“It’s been a long time since Inquisition,” Busche adds. “Even if you’re a die-hard fan, unless you’re going to watch a YouTube replay of the [games], you may have some cobwebs on the choices you made or the implications of them. So not only did we want an in-game feature that would allow you to replicate [previous games’] choices that are contextually appropriate to [The Veilguard], but we also view it as a dual-purpose onboarding tool.

“If I’m a player that doesn’t remember, or hasn’t played, the past games, you’re going to see those choices – those beautiful tarot cards – with all the context of what they meant and why they mattered. So I view it as a beautiful onboarding tool as well.”


Jan 10, 2023
So apparently the choices from prior games that carry over are just:

Talk about lazy.

Nevermind that EA even had a page you could load saves from Origins and DA2 to generate and then import a world state to Inquisition. Granted most of it were cameos, but it was cool nonetheless to see Loghain appear in Inquistion for example. They really want to erase DAO and DA2.

Found an article about it:

Dragon Age The Veilguard will not use Bioware's age-old Dragon Age Keep system to ensure that you "focus" on "decisions that matter."


If there are whispers of the Hero of Ferelden or the Champion of Kirkwall in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, they won’t relate to your previous characters. Instead, the upcoming RPG will let you make a series of relevant world state choices in-game, abandoning Dragon Age Keep for a more streamlined experience.

I’m given a glimpse at the new system during my hands-on preview with The Veilguard in San Francisco, and while I won’t spoil it here, it’ll have some interesting implications on how the game plays out. During a creator roundtable, however, game director Corinne Bushe and creative director John Epler are asked about Bioware’s decision to remove the Dragon Age Keep functionality, and their response is certainly intriguing.

“This project has been in development for a while, so one of the things we did investigate is how far we wanted [previous game choices] to go,” Epler states. “For us, the core philosophy was that we want you to make choices that matter; choices that we can actually reflect.

“Part of going to northern Thedas is that a lot of stuff that matters tremendously if you’re in Ferelden and Orlais doesn’t matter as much in Tevinter. A great example is that The Divine is hugely important if you’re Adrastian in the south of Thedas, but they have their own Divine up in Minrathous. We really wanted to focus on decisions we knew would matter; that we knew we could do something interesting with.”

“It’s been a long time since Inquisition,” Busche adds. “Even if you’re a die-hard fan, unless you’re going to watch a YouTube replay of the [games], you may have some cobwebs on the choices you made or the implications of them. So not only did we want an in-game feature that would allow you to replicate [previous games’] choices that are contextually appropriate to [The Veilguard], but we also view it as a dual-purpose onboarding tool.

“If I’m a player that doesn’t remember, or hasn’t played, the past games, you’re going to see those choices – those beautiful tarot cards – with all the context of what they meant and why they mattered. So I view it as a beautiful onboarding tool as well.”
decisions that matter


Apr 2, 2012
Inquisition was released in 2014? Their old fanbase are probably considered neonazis by todays standarts so why bother indeed? Now, Larpian fagbase on the other hand *smacks lips* is ripe for the picking.


May 1, 2020
Inquisition was released in 2014? Their old fanbase are probably considered neonazis by todays standarts so why bother indeed? Now, Larpian fagbase on the other hand *smacks lips*
Their old fanbase made their mourning after Dragon Age Origins.

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