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Dragon Age Dragon Age: The Veilguard - coming October 31st


Zionist Agent
Feb 2, 2007
Didn't BioWare spend an inordinate amount of time on Anthem, yet when the game was finally launched it was a buggy, unbalanced mess lacking in content?

And that was the same problem with Andromeda as well, right? From what I remember the studio spent years on what can be best described as navel gazing and then in the last year or so rushed through development to shit out something when EA finally decided to start breathing down their necks.

The only thing the long development period tells me is that the project is likely a completely mismanaged mess and will suffer from the same "single-player MMO" design philosophy and horrendous, woke writing as Inquisition and Andromeda. BioWare constantly keeps doubling down on the tumblr crowd while alienating everyone else. Guess they still haven't figure out most people that play RPGs are heterosexual men that aren't turned on by elfpigs and blue space racoons whose name vaguely reminds audiences of urination.

Is there anyone with even a shred of talent even left at BioWare? At this point bringing Gayder back would be considered a net improvement.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
I am surprised that EA still keeps Biowaste around,the studio died after ME3.They won't make anything of worth if that retard Hudson is around. At this point their brand is dead and buried. Yong people don't know them and don't care to play their older games,older people that are still around(like us) know them for the endless stream of garbage they produced over the last decade. I really can't see them having brand recognition/power. I believe that their next game will be a big flop.
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Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
My faith in Dragon Age 4 is right up there with Elder Scrolls 6. Guaranteed instant classics from developers that have nailed it again and again this gen. We’re in safe hands people.
-- The top comment in a Eurogamer article. That's why they banned me from making comments 5 times.


Mar 6, 2016
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
This is probably related:

REDWOOD CITY, CA –October 29,2019–Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) today announced preliminary financial results for its second fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2019.

“It was an excellent second quarter for Electronic Arts. Our new EA SPORTS titles are thrilling core fans and bringing in new players, and our ongoing live services are growing with deeply-engaged communities,” said CEO Andrew Wilson. “With new games like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Need for Speed, Plants vs. Zombies and more great content across our top franchises, we’re set to deliver a lot of fun and excitement to players this holiday season, and continue our momentum in this fiscal year.”

“The strong results this quarter illustrate the power of our live services and our core franchises. Strength in Ultimate Team, The Sims 4 and FIFA Online drove live services performance above our expectations,” said COO and CFO Blake Jorgensen. “Looking ahead, we are doubling down on live services combined with our core franchises. We’re investing in games that people play for longer and engage with much more deeply. This focus will continue to drive growth and profitability for the company through the remainder of this year and beyond.”


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
The writing has been on the wall for "AAA" singleplayer games for years. Obviously really good ones with the right marketing can still make good money, but overall the much safer bet is an "online service." When you're a corporation, whose sole reason for existence is to make as much money as possible, why would you invest heavily in a singleplayer game for 2020 and beyond? Makes no real sense, honestly. I'm amazed we still get the ones we do.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
The writing has been on the wall for "AAA" singleplayer games for years. Obviously really good ones with the right marketing can still make good money, but overall the much safer bet is an "online service." When you're a corporation, whose sole reason for existence is to make as much money as possible, why would you invest heavily in a singleplayer game for 2020 and beyond? Makes no real sense, honestly. I'm amazed we still get the ones we do.
The death of singleplayer games has been greatly exaggerated.

FO76 and Anthem absolutely bombed. We have been pelted with failure after failure of multiplayer fad games over and over for years. The top earning games being these types of games(GaaS would be a nice term, but it encompasses too much) does not mean that it's the best way to make a game profitable — this is the same fallacy that the WoW-clones fell into, just like the dota-clones, and the battle royale clones, and the survival games, and the …
One of the biggest hurdles you need to overcome is convincing people to leave a game they're already established at. Unlike traditional games, people typically only play one of these types of game at a time — they are never truly 'done' playing that game to move onto yours. If you don't build a massive fanbase immediately, your game is probably dead for good unless you're willing to put in the years of effort to revive it(which has only happened a few times e.g., ESO.)

If anything, the safe smart choice is a singleplayer game.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
I am surprised that EA still kips Biowaste around,the studio died after ME3.They won't make anything of worth if that retard Hudson is around. At this point their brand is dead and buried. Yong people don't know them and don't care to play their older games,older people that are still around(like us) know them for the endless stream of garbage they produced over the last decade. I really can't see them having brand recognition/power. I believe that their next game will be a big flop.
Died after 3, cremated after Andromeda.


Mar 6, 2016
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Better late than never. If the Trespasser cliffhanger is never resolved then I'm gonna be upset.


Feb 14, 2017
Having just finished DA:I and watched the Trespasser DLC on Youtube, there is absolutely fuck all of interest to me in any of those plot threads. I like Solas, I liked what they did with him, but there's no real further lure to him & his story. Mainly because DA:I is so forgettable that any connection with it feels pointless.

Fuck knows how they are going to salvage this from the mess they've already made just by releasing the shit trailer & shit name. Is fucking "Rise of the Skywalker" level wank, right down to using the "Rise" term.

Did no-one learn from Rise of The Robots?


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
You are being overly critical. Not only is it "still a valuable franchise", it hasn't had a bad game, critically or commercially. Ye ye, me too, and the whole of the Codex, I know. But not reviews, and not sales.

Codex heavily underestimates just how much of a normiebait DA:I was.
You got there before me. But both DA2 and DAI came near the more anticipated Witcher games, so they lost some image on unfavorably comparing to these. Meanwhile DAO came out in a barren wasteland of no mainstream RPGs. They need to hit some period like that again.


Oct 26, 2012
Codex heavily underestimates just how much of a normiebait DA:I was.

I think that's because many, critic and player alike, were bedazzled by Hinterlands. Only after you played longer than ten hours and actually got around did you realize zones were identical aside from their biome. It's always collect the shards, close Rifts, do infinite generated quests, etc. Only minor redeeming feature were "zone stories" which you would each probably complete in 30 minutes if individual quests weren't spread out. DAI as a whole was actually quite short, but padded to high heaven to be longer than necessary.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Codex heavily underestimates just how much of a normiebait DA:I was.
I think that's because many, critic and player alike, were bedazzled by Hinterlands. Only after you played longer than ten hours and actually got around did you realize zones were identical aside from their biome. It's always collect the shards, close Rifts, do infinite generated quests, etc. Only minor redeeming feature were "zone stories" which you would each probably complete in 30 minutes if individual quests weren't spread out. DAI as a whole was actually quite short, but padded to high heaven to be longer than necessary.

Was that the first zone? IIRC that Hellfire Peninsula cancelled MMORPG zone made me quit the first time, and I only revisited DAI later, with the DLCs. I thought the game is serviceable AFTER that zone, and by ignoring the urge to collect and complete everything.

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