MLMarkland I've only recently become aware of your existence and I need to get some of your lore straight for my .txt file, if you don't mind:
- Where did you get the money to invest in games. Are you a trustfund baby or something?
- Was your movie a self-funded vanity project? I've only seen the trailer, but it looks equal parts relatively expensive, yet also kind of awful, like the sort of thing one makes when they have lots of money, but no taste. Based on the trailers, it doesn't look as bad as The Room, but it seems like it's mining the same territory. Maybe we should arrange a Codex Movie Night to find out?
1. Chase Bank, Ubisoft, Emergent Game Tech and Amazon were the biggest sources of finance from 2009-2019. My being from a wealthy family allowed me to not take an upfront salary lots of times and take backend which helped bolster my business cred, but the cost of me does not pay for even the cost of prototyping something AAA or game engine related.
2. MR is 80% external finance and 20% internal (friends from HS/college law school and myself) — again, I didn’t pay myself upfront and neither did the full time producer Emilia, which is a huge chunk off the top.
I don’t mind putting my own money into things, Halloween, AN, The Thing, some ARGs, etc. but rarely would I take the double gamble of playing with my own money and my own idea — that’s a huge risk and usually fails.
I did get unlucky a couple of times on things I went in on, particularly Halloween. I always did due diligence, there was no way in 2013-2015 that I could have known through lawyers and normal ways, that Harvey Weinstein would take the whole thing down. It’s not like I was foreign to Hollywood or Malibu, I heard plenty of stories. But they usually framed Harvey as a “bully and sociopath” — that’s not abnormal in business, him actually rapin people and getting convicted, I had no way of foreseeing that and neither did a lot of people who’s names you know. He cost normatively degenerate people in Hollywood billions of dollars by going way over the line, I was one of them. None of us are amused. It’s why he fell so hard — none of us would give him the time of day, from a transaction or finance POV, once the rape allegations seemed legit.
You can put Malibu Road side-by-side with any director’s first movie. We did it as a biz dev exercise to close theaters in 2020 (which lockdowns made worthless but whatevs). We beat everyone in past half century+ except:
Ridley Scott
Orson Welles
James Cameron
Robert Altman
David Fincher
And maybe Christopher Nolan (his first movie is black and white and not great and rides on performance — I’m willing to give Chris a tie).
Ridley was the strongest beat (The Duelists vs Malibu Road is not really a competition). But Ridley put a ton of his commercial directing money into the Duelists and some people don’t like it.
Malibu Road is gonzo it’s supposed to be funny sardonically and a send up of “great movies from the 1960-1972 era” and not taken too seriously — it’s about a true story of rogue CIA officers partnering up with high class call girls and illegally dosing people with LSD. A real and serious event, but hardly the subject matter for an incisive and serious movie (compare JFK).
Put it next to The Room, see which one you watch.
I was not originally in the cast. We shot 60 days with other actors. I Kobe Bryant hero balled the last 5 full shoot days and last 2 partial days, mostly second unit.
I’m in the movie because the biggest mistake I made was casting the guy I replaced. He choked. It happens. He is a good actor with a lot of TV experience — but the movie set environment is way more intense.
And our lead actresses were the closest you get to movie stars who didn’t make it (like a Vince Young or Ryan Lead in NFL).
I was not alone in casting Jessica and Lillian, they are powerful actresses. Clint Eastwood cast Lillian. Gus Van Sant and M. Night Shyamalamadingdong cast Jessica, plus she had multiple arcs on network/broadcast.
The cast collectively has over 300 unique SAG broadcast/network/streaming/studio credits. Almost all of them are good or great, some of them are one lucky break from being household names. Jessica has been in the top 10K actresses in Hollywood all ages and types for 15 years. It’s like the NFL, some people catch the break and can play at speed; both Jessica and Lillian can play at speed, they got cast in big things that didn’t hit, so it’s like getting drafted by a losing team. They both could still hit, they are young enough — maybe they both hit later in life — some actors and actresses are not meant to be successful young and are better when older.
My main problem was straight guy actors who could hand with the two pro actresses on camera, I didn’t have the budget to hire someone who would definitely work, so we tried a lot of people and eventually I said fuck it, I’ll do it I’m tired of waste my investors money and my time.