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Dungeons and Dragons Online - Fair Codexia Dead - DDO NEWs Thread!


Feb 7, 2016
Ok, so they just released Isle of Dread. Also, according to launcher an older quest is now broken "Black and Blue." Curious about what in the update would bug the quest like that. They say they will fix it next update.

Anyway, last week they had a stream discussing the expansion with different members of the team. I have only watched this part so far

Apparently this ties into the whole codex of infinite planes they started with Arraetrikos. They actually have a link on main site explaining this and spoiling who the mysterious figure was in Feywild. He mentions that Isle of Dread was basically a sandbox module, so they had a lot of flexibility with the story of this module. Mentions how they took stuff from the different editions of Isle of Dread including a 5th edition playtest of it. Had to laugh when he said they still had years of story threads planned down the line. Like okay buddy, I'm a fan of this game, but even I don't think it's going to last that much longer.

Also trailer for expansion


Oct 22, 2006
This is why they closed it down earlier :hmmm:



Feb 7, 2016
Woo hoo. They have +8 Supreme Tomes of Ability on for 75% off. Last time they did that in December me and my friend got one for each of our mains. I've got tons of points saved up from my VIP so I may consider getting it for my solo alt.

If it was possible to earn +8 Tomes in game as a non raider I wouldn't even consider it. But the highest you can get from soloing is a +5 tome from 5000 favour. +8 Tomes have a super rare chance of dropping on End game raids, but I don't think I'll ever run one of those. Then again, I could use those points to buy something else, like more storage when it is on sale or the artificer class.

Hmmm....what to choose?


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
its not as much about raids as it is about chest level. Ask around, Im sure people will share which chests are highest right now.
Then there are also limited time events that raise chest level. I remember farming wilderness area for 1 particular chest that could drop highest tomes at that time.


Woo hoo. They have +8 Supreme Tomes of Ability on for 75% off. Last time they did that in December me and my friend got one for each of our mains. I've got tons of points saved up from my VIP so I may consider getting it for my solo alt.

If it was possible to earn +8 Tomes in game as a non raider I wouldn't even consider it. But the highest you can get from soloing is a +5 tome from 5000 favour. +8 Tomes have a super rare chance of dropping on End game raids, but I don't think I'll ever run one of those. Then again, I could use those points to buy something else, like more storage when it is on sale or the artificer class.

Hmmm....what to choose?
Would love to see an emulated version of this game.


Feb 7, 2016
its not as much about raids as it is about chest level. Ask around, Im sure people will share which chests are highest right now.
Then there are also limited time events that raise chest level. I remember farming wilderness area for 1 particular chest that could drop highest tomes at that time.
In that case, I think I will save up my points for practical stuff like more storage space and the artificer class.

They are doing the big summer sales now that it is July, so there are going to be a lot of great deals every week till the end of July.

Edit: Also just realized, they have Greater Treasure Hunter Elixers at 50%. Treasure Hunter Elixirs increase the chance of rolling maximum effects on random loot. According to the wiki, they use to have Jewels of Fortune in the DDO store that would increase the chest level but they got rid of those in an update apparently.
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Feb 7, 2016
Hmmm, according to the wiki, the highest ability tomes you can get from non raid chests is +4. Everything after that requires raid specific chests.

I checked the forum the wiki linked to but it got closed in 2020. One of the last posts in 2020 said it doesn't depend on the quest or raid, that only chest level matters.

So yeah, I'm more confused then ever now. That said, I can still get +5 tomes with 5000 favor.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
sounds weird, my old characters got +5 tomes and it was when lvl 25 was max. You could def get those tomes from methods i described previously. THey could indeed change things


May 6, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
Had to laugh when he said they still had years of story threads planned down the line. Like okay buddy, I'm a fan of this game, but even I don't think it's going to last that much longer.
I think it'll live long. They don't need that much money to stay afloat, just a stable enough stream of content. I'm even gonna predict that unless someone makes a third D&D MMO that is better than DDO in at least some regards, it'll keep running God knows how long.


Codex and DDO forums occupy roughly the same position in trends.

But really, grabbing the five active oldschool MMOs that I could remember (OSRS and RS are way higher than this bunch, btw), they're all pretty close (except UWO but that one is really weird by any standards) and what's more important for my point, they've all been stable for the past 5 years. I'm pretty sure that's because the only new fantasy MMOs that are produced nowadays are asian with all their problems. Ashes of Creation and Pantheon aren't out yet, and Rusty's fave, Project: Gorgon is way below even UWO. STO is comparable.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Per the EG7 report when DBG was acquired, DDO is actually about as profitable as LotRO. DDO had the highest spending/user of any DBG product at $65.2/month.
EQ2 was in a similar position of having a lower playercount but very high spending per player, probably the same reason it still gets regular expansions.


Feb 7, 2016
Been holding off on purchasing Isle of Dread until I got to the point where I could play it with ether my solo character or my fighter tank I am playing with my friend. Now at the point where can do the heroic version of the Isle of Dread with my level 9 solo character, so thinking of getting it now.

Anyway what I am really excited about is the augments. Starting in the Saltmarsh update they introduced the augment vendor Randall Lyric. Based on whatever expansion area he is in, he sells augments that can purchased with the ingredient drops in the expansion. Commendations for Eveningstar, Vistani ingredients for Ravenloft, etc. These are great for slotting into named items you farm since they have some great effects. The Isle of Dread ones they added are awesome too.


Feb 7, 2016
How much favour does a +8 tome cost?

For 5000 favor you can get a +5 tome, but there is currently no way to earn +8 tomes through favor. They can drop from higher level chests on rare occasion. It is also possible, but rare, to get one if you roll a 100 on your daily gold rolls as a VIP. Also, VIPs get gold rolls daily instead of weekly now.

They had a deal a week ago to buy a supreme tome of +8 to all ability scores for 75% off but that is over now. Not worth purchasing it unless to goes on sale like that again. I was considering buying it for my alt but decided not too. Just going to farm +5 tomes with 5000 favor instead.

And who knows, you may get lucky a find a tome just through loot. When I was at level 18 on my main toon I found a +4 tome of dexterity from a level 16 quest on elite.


May 13, 2013
I have a reincarnation question.
If your level 15 and you go try out reincarnation, will it allow you to re-choose your race or will you be the same race?


Feb 7, 2016
tried hardcore league, died to red doggo on korthos island at lvl 2

Just watched a streamer playing it. Apparently they have these red named hound monsters that will randomly spawn on any party member in the group. They cast a dot on all party members no matter where they are in the quest and can whip a party if they are not taken care of.

If you check out the general DDO forums, these guys are causing a ton of grief due to bugs. Sometimes these hounds are unkillable, they can sometimes spawn in water making them impossible to attack. A streamer called noobacabra and his group died to one spawning in water, clip here


Sep 4, 2015
basically it's reapers but everywhere instead of only reaper quests.

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