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Dungeons and Dragons Online - Fair Codexia Dead - DDO NEWs Thread!


Feb 7, 2016
Fuck, I wasn't paying attention to the sales. Cannith crafting success boosters are on sale. Going load up on a shit ton of those.

Oh, also they are releasing a patch tomorrow to try to fix issues with the hounds. I'm surprised there is no note about removing the fear reaper like dot that some of the hounds have. That would seem easier then trying to do all these roundabout fixes to try and stop them from spawning in water and certain areas.


Feb 7, 2016
So new producer letter dropped today.

Looks like they are going to be updating the temple of elemental evil quests. Instead of being two very long gigantic quests, they are going to be breaking them up more parts. Also, new quest pack continuing the Peral of Planar Eyes story (still haven't played that yet.)

Then they mention something about adding Archetypes and I checked the Lammania forums and found this. Basically, you select an archetype and it gives your class a new enhancement tree while removing another one. So for example, Dark Apostate Cleric gets the Dark Apostate enhancement tree but loses the Radiant Servant tree. Sacred Fist gains the Sacred Tree enhancement tree but loses Knight of the Chalice. They also gain unique feats and special abilities.

The reason they are doing this is because they don't want to add new classes, since many of the ones they could add would just overlap with the ones they already have. Plus it takes a huge amount of work as they learned from the Alchemist class. They have been trying to add more options for classes by doing universal enhancement trees, but the problem is those Universal enhancement tress have to work across multiple classes making them hard to design. So they are trying this Archetype route to see if this will be a better fit than universal enhancement trees. Plus it allow them to schedule revamping existing trees and older systems in a class and give them a pass. For example, when the Dark Apostate releases it will include a revamp of the Divine Disciple tree.

Interested to see how this pans out. Personally I like the idea of giving existing classes more build options, but we will see how it goes.


Feb 7, 2016
I have been listening to the DDO ost someone uploaded to youtube as background noise. Really love the Lords of Dust Tracks in particular

Anyway, I would love to extract the sound files and then use them as background music for when I workout. I know infidel extracted music from the game files and uploaded the Ravenloft ost. If anyone or infidel himself could give me tips on how to do that I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut


May 6, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
Yeah, I think it was LOTRO unpacker that I used. Zurat-Yarkuch
The only thing missing about the archetypes is their price. Or do you actually think they will be free?


Feb 7, 2016
The only thing missing about the archetypes is their price. Or do you actually think they will be free?
I actually didn't think of that. Though they usually like to bundle universal enhancement trees and classes with an expansion, and the fact they are previewing them now leads me to believe they will be releasing them soon.

They did add Monk, Druid, and Warlock as free to play along with a bunch of different races, so there is still a lot of choice for free players now. These archtypes do have new past lives I believe so there will be incentive for long time completionists to get them.
Mar 3, 2018
The only thing missing about the archetypes is their price. Or do you actually think they will be free?
I could see them getting away with bundling each play style archtype option in separate packs for the usual added enhancement tree fee.


Sep 4, 2015
i doubt they can be considered universal trees for selling purpose... because they are not universal.


Feb 7, 2016
Okay they just released Update 56 with the new archetypes.

Also, now we can make tabs and name them in the shared bank for organizing stuff. I'm really going to enjoy the hell out of this feature.

They apparently nerfed some stuff like Sonic Blast. Maybe they did so to make the Stormsinger bard Archetype more appealing?

Temple of Elemental Evil is now legendary level 34 and a bunch of smaller quests. Haven't tried it yet so no idea how it will turn out.


Oct 22, 2006
For Cannith and Ghallanda we had reports and in-game experiences ourselves that loading and interacting with things like the bank and quest givers was taking minutes, among other issues.
How do you even break this many things every single update ? :dead:


Feb 7, 2016
How do you even break this many things every single update ?

I remember with the producer's letter at the start of the year them saying they wanted to completely revamp the character bank to improve server performance and offer more space. It seems like going back to the 2006 code and revamping the storage to allow tabs has broken a ton of stuff in the game now.

In the general chat someone said something along the lines of "Holy Shit, the storage is so slow now."

I remember infidel mentioning once that ui stuff was very difficult to change.


May 6, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
I remember with the producer's letter at the start of the year them saying they wanted to completely revamp the character bank to improve server performance and offer more space. It seems like going back to the 2006 code and revamping the storage to allow tabs has broken a ton of stuff in the game now.
One can only hope that they don't have to touch the server code much because item-related bugs like duping or vanishing items have killed games before.

Well, I was just planning for my glorious return to DDO so hopefully all the basic stuff works well.


Oct 22, 2006
Though they did manage to shut down the ability for players to pair an archetype with an iconic. I thought more options would be a good thing.
You'll still be able to do it with a standard LR, just not at character creation.
Right, you'll have to pay money to do it. Being able to do it for free is unintended. They intended for you to have to fork over money to do it. The optics on that are pretty awesome.

NOTE: When you first log in after this game update all items in all custom bank tabs will have been moved back into the Main tab as a result of this fix.
Anyone who spent tens of hours creating new inventory tabs on dozens of storage characters and carefully organizing everything, WILL NEED TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Do they not have a test server?
I understand the pains of upgrading decades old code*, but they seemingly always have these issues that should have been noticed prior.

* - the codebase for DDO/LotRO goes back further than most people probably realize. It's all built on top of Asheron's Call's codebase.

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