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Eador Genesis

Oct 4, 2010
Just reinstalled New Horizons (on a new computer). I'm getting pops and glitches in the audio.

I don't remember if i have to tick off anything in the .exe file. Any guesses?


Nevermind. This trick seems to get rid of the problem

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Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Yes, I use swordsmen too and I know of their advantages. However positioning to make the enemy attack only the units you want works for small and slow mobs. If you attack a gang of 5-6 units with movement of 2 they can reach any of your units no matter how carefully you position. And goblins and undead often comes in group of 6 in my starting province.

Because of this, the first 5-6 turns I wait checking different locations, and then I recruit 2 swordsman + 1 healer at once and start to clear the previously checked locations. If I recruit the two swordsman from the 2nd turn and have no luck finding easy sites, I may go bankrupt before I can afford to buy the healer.
It doesn't always work (as you said, low gold income+difficult outer provinces are very tough), but it's the best strategy I've worked out for early game, sometimes I'll lose a swordsman, but I can usually survive until healers. Other T1 units die too fast and you end up wasting time and money going back to recruit new ones, and soloing with a warrior seems a little cheesy to me. I like attacking as soon as I can because early on every turn you don't feels like a huge hit for the economy, especially if you already bought some units. A +10 income plains province early on is a huge deal.
I've tried playing on expert some, but it's basically the same thing as competent except the early game is even harder, if I don't get rushed or don't get a very rough start I'm probably winning anyway, but it's MUCH easier to die horribly early on (surprise! There's one more assassin than you thought, and it's level 8 or something because of course it is, press the "into the past" button and try a different province), so I think I'll stick with competent, but restricting myself to playing as good/neutral (that's where I'm now anyway) on a new campaign, I've lost too many shards thanks to experimenting and not knowing the game earlier and I've made some decisions I don't like now.
I like starting with a scout on mountains and swamps (difficult terrain = you can kill more enemies before they get to you) and a warrior on plains and forests.

Useful stuff, this happened to me too, but only if I had anything other than the game running at the time.
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Jul 16, 2009
It has been while I used into the past. The most problems I had were with Beleth, and a shard that had some necromantic building.

Thought I remember I used into the past about 50x in one situation... Sweet negative score after I won.


Jul 16, 2009

Few images. Look he has only 3 hero crosses.


Bit brutal sword.

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

Met this guy defending a province recently. The guards were at something like 10% before I got there, so I wonder wtf happened there.


Oh. Ok. 4 bandits in my home province had this.


Got the trappers guild in campaign. Tons of fun.

Also is it just me or the dwarf alliance quest is insanely hard? Elves can often be done in a couple of turns because mages are very common, halflings are very easy (but tedious), centaurs just require you to grind for a while and find 2 locations with ogres. But dwarfs... I've seen the bandit's lair location maybe twice in 100+ hours of play, recently I explored 20+ locations to 70-80% not to mention the rest of the map I didn't explore so much, and I still couldn't find it. Or is it just RNG screwing me over?


Dec 5, 2012
Dr Skeleton said:
Met this guy defending a province recently. The guards were at something like 10% before I got there, so I wonder wtf happened there.
Wait, can the province guards recieve xp and get levels and medals? I always thought they are high lvl by default.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
They definitely gain levels and shit. This becomes especially noticeable if you fight something like a phoenix or dragon at level 1, barely lose, and come back with a slightly better army... to lose again to the now level 16+ tier 4 monster.

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Wait, can the province guards recieve xp and get levels and medals? I always thought they are high lvl by default.
They do, you just don't see it very often because they rarely survive a fight.

It's supposed to be guaranteed within X tiles of the Dwarf site (source: dev's post on the forums). Was it 2 tiles? 3 tiles? It was a while ago, I can't remember.
Maybe. That's still a huge area to explore. From my experience the location is ridiculously rare and probably has to be found by exploration too (I think?). Meanwhile, mage towers are dime a dozen. I've never seen dwarfs and the lair at the same time, or if I did the game was over anyway and I didn't notice.

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
So I came back to Eador after a break, and I think I might have fucked up my campaign. I've lost a shard with a key of truth before getting the key (swamps, no resources of any kind, rushed by commander with centaurs). I also told Erdu earlier I won't kill Ul-Dagan for him because I wanted the keys ending, so that path seems unavailable too. I can't attack Ul-Dagan because he has a force field (and he has some of the machine parts). Did I just lose 3 endings (keys, machine parts, working with Erdu)? I don't really feel like killing every other master.


Mar 21, 2012
So I came back to Eador after a break, and I think I might have fucked up my campaign. I've lost a shard with a key of truth before getting the key (swamps, no resources of any kind, rushed by commander with centaurs). I also told Erdu earlier I won't kill Ul-Dagan for him because I wanted the keys ending, so that path seems unavailable too. I can't attack Ul-Dagan because he has a force field (and he has some of the machine parts). Did I just lose 3 endings (keys, machine parts, working with Erdu)? I don't really feel like killing every other master.
yup, but you can still just give machine parts to Ul-Dagan. It is a bad ending tough

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Welp, that's enough Eador for now then. Gonna start an evil playthrough next time, that should be fun. Some day.

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
To keep this thread up to date as far as New Horizons for Eador:Genesis is concerned:

Most recent release: 2.50c http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=253277#253277

Please post any bugs you encounter in the 250c release thread.
Most English speakers find it difficult to create an account on eador.com forum so I made a visual step-by-step pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/8pxmtfd5tsf2mcb/Registration.pdf?dl=0 .
Registration (screenshot)http://static02.gog.com/upload/forum/2015/06/a387029429e3f3d2febcd4e06cfd0c23469035c5.jpg

Wiki for both base game Genesis and mod New Horizons (skill names and descriptions, spells and units):

Slightly outdated version from last year - open in Chrome, translate to English

In case you want to create a wiki using the game files of the most recent release you may wish to take a look at this tool: http://eadornh.5gbfree.com/wiki/doku.php?id=eadoropedia_creator

Features planned for next release (among others): manual control of province defenders
Oct 4, 2010
I'm trying a new run, making alliances with different races. But i'm not too sure what affects the Tiers of units you can produce after you have forged an alliance.
For example, i just made an alliance with the Halflings, but the White Mage is not available when i look at the build tree.
I know you can make an alliance with a race, but if your alignment doesn't match the race's, you won't get access to the higher tier troops.
I'm having an alignment of "Just", which i suppose is considered "Good". Same as the Halfling alignment. Maybe i need to be more "Good".
Can anyone shed some light on Alignment and alliences?

EDIT: Or can it be the Diplomacy skill that will unlock the higher tiered units?

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
but the White Mage is not available when i look at the build tree
IIRC, White Mage has been removed as a standard halfling unit in the latest release. Can now only be recruited via found (site exploration) or purchased (trader) scroll. However, you now have the increasingly powerful T1 unit "bard" with spells like e.g. give another action to a unit in the same turn.

Alignment is only relevant for concluding alliances, additional diplomacy may help and/or enable "buy alliance" dialogue options.

IIRC, Drow alliance requires alignment "evil" or worse. After entering alliance negotiations, drows/dwarfs can be bribed into an instant alliance if your diplomacy is high enough. "Buying" the alliance allows you to bypass the alliance quest.
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Oct 4, 2010
IIRC, White Mage has been removed as a standard halfling unit in the latest release. Can now only be recruited via found (site exploration) or purchased (trader) scroll. However, you now have the increasingly powerful T1 unit "bard" with spells like e.g. give another action to a unit in the same turn.

Alignment is only relevant for concluding alliances, additional diplomacy may help and/or enable "buy alliance" dialogue options.

IIRC, Drow alliance requires alignment "evil" or worse. After entering alliance negotiations, drows/dwarfs can be bribed into an instant alliance if your diplomacy is high enough. "Buying" the alliance allows you to bypass the alliance quest.

Oh, that makes sense then. I'm pretty sure i had another example of high tier units not being available to you, if you deviate too much from their alignment when you make the alliance (not after getting the quest), but i guess my mind is playing tricks on me. Phew, i can finally relax now. Thanks!

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
high tier units not being available to you, if you deviate too much from their alignment
I guess alignemnt deviation may become a recruitment issue if you have an alliance with the inquisition. Inquisition units cannot be recruited from your castle or province forts but only from the province where you concluded the inquisition alliance. Recruiting is enabled via a dialogue with the local province inquisition, so there may be recurring alignment check if you are still following the path of the light:D ... and are allowed to recruit.

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
It's supposed to be guaranteed within X tiles of the Dwarf site (source: dev's post on the forums). Was it 2 tiles? 3 tiles? It was a while ago, I can't remember.
Dwarf, Alvar and Alkari alliance quest sites now have a user friendly popup message: Scouts have found site xy. No more endless searches;).

Example for dwarven quest site

Example for Alkari Quest site
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bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
Minor maintenance release for New Horizons (English), 250d is now available for download http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=253277#253277

Major Russian NH version 15.1231 has been released, translation is ongoing. Gnoll and orc races have been reworked, orc teaser:


If you enjoy playing New Horizons and would like to see constant improvements to AI & graphics + even more races and spells you can support future releases by paypal donation http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=160872#160872.


Jun 7, 2012
Neat :russia:

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