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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

George R.R. Martin and FromSoftware have apparently teamed up to work on a new game

FromSoftware's next game is apparently a Game of Thrones inspired RPG written by George R.R. Martin, and it might be nearly finished

Which creative auteur has two thumbs and is obsessed with death? Trick question! It's two creative auteurs! Namely, George R.R. Martin, author of Game of Thrones, and Hidetaka Miyazaki, president of FromSoftware and the man behind Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

It's no wonder, then, that the pair are apparently teaming up for a new RPG video game, which could be making its grand reveal at E3 2019 in a few months' time. According to an investigative report from Spawn Wave and Liam Robertson, FromSoftware and George R.R. Martin are collaborating on a medieval open world game to published by Bandai Namco, with the former responsible for writing much of the story and lore of this mysterious new IP.

In the unannounced, unnamed title, claims Robertson, your main character would be invading various kingdoms throughout the open world, and killing the leaders within, subsequently gaining the unique powers of each in the process. Now, it's unclear who Spawn Wave and Robertson are getting this intel from, and whether there's any basis to the claim, but the latter does hold credibility as a reliable source for leaks.

We already know that FromSoftware has two games in development following Sekiro, and while many are hoping for Bloodborne 2 or a Demon's Souls remaster, it's not implausible that the studio is working on something entirely new. This rumour would also explain why Martin has still yet to finish The Winds of Winter, the upcoming sixth instalment in his Song of Ice and Fire book series, as he's knee deep building out video game lore for an altogether different kind of writing project.

In any case, E3 2019 may provide us with the firm answers we seek for this potential new title, but FromSoft isn't saying anything for now. Perhaps someone should give up the notoriously talkative Mr. Martin a ring for comment....

If you're currently struggling with FromSoftware's latest, check out our Sekiro guide for a complete walkthrough to beating the game without destroying your controller in rage.
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Jan 5, 2019
I never would've expected From to land the inevitable ASOIAF game. At first glance I was appalled, but am warming to the idea.

Here's what From does very well: environmental storytelling, atmosphere, action, and Gwynevere's titties.
Here's what an ASOIAF game needs: environmental storytelling, atmosphere, action, everybody's titties, and a coherent adaptation of source material.

That last one is a big fat question mark, but we'll see. At the very least, I expect it would be extremely fun to roleplay as the Mountain. Of course, I'm basing my thoughts off the assumption that this article is anything other than fake news.
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Jan 17, 2015
There's a huge marketing push for Game of Thrones. Anything game of Thrones will be pushed on the unwitting masses who "nerd out" on "geeky stuff" like Game of Thrones.

I expect the game play to be as deep as a Walmart parking lot puddle.
Aug 11, 2013
yer mum
The whole "article" reeks of "we totally love Souls games", combined with "isn't GRRM great, fellow gamers?". Yeah, I can see everyone jumping onto it in the current gaming/nerd climate.


Mar 15, 2012
There's a huge marketing push for Game of Thrones. Anything game of Thrones will be pushed on the unwitting masses who "nerd out" on "geeky stuff" like Game of Thrones.

I expect the game play to be as deep as a Walmart parking lot puddle.

Another article I read sounded like it's a new world and IP that he's writing, not an actual Game of Thrones game.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The Dark Souls of Game of Thrones.

A political Dark Souls-esque game. Backstabs will be back, that is for sure!


Jan 17, 2015
Another article I read sounded like it's a new world and IP that he's writing, not an actual Game of Thrones game.

A George R.R. Martin Game
Produced by George R.R. Martin
Written by George R.R. Martin
Directed by George R.R. Martin
Starring George R.R. Martin
Featuring George R.R. Martin from Devil May Cry

No thot button because there aren't any females within a 100 mile radius of the Codex, thot or not.

The cuck button stays.

George R. R. Martin is not a good writer. Has anyone here read his novels? They're terrible. This shouldn't be a selling point.

George R.R. Martin is a good writer because he's published what he's written. The quality of the words do not matter when you transcend authorhood and become marketing meme.

No thot button because there aren't any females within a 100 mile radius of the Codex, thot or not.

The cuck button stays.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
George R. R. Martin is not a good writer. Has anyone here read his novels? They're terrible. This shouldn't be a selling point.

'Terrible' is most of the stuff that doesn't get published (70s shlock like the the first Sword of Shanarra book for the sake of perspective). Martin's books are objectively competent.

His main 'weakness' as a novelist is his background in television writing, which causes him to rely excessively on twists, melodrama, and sudden reversals of fortune (which people mistake for gritty realism, fog of war, and the sometimes chaotic character of ordinary life) that postpone any feeling of dramatic payoff for getting invested in a situation or character -- whole series is just a big punt (dragons not getting to Westeros is just a small part of a much more ubiquitous issue).

Contrary to popular belief, Game of Thrones isn't any more realistic in any sense than say Lord of the Rings.
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Jul 10, 2016
I find the 'terrible is the stuff that gets rejected' argument pedantic, I think it goes without saying that I'm adjusting the scale to encompass published works only. By that logic you could say nothing is terrible when you compare it to Bobbys fifth grade writing assignment.

You are free to choose your own word and if you enjoyed those books, good for you. I found them bad enough I almost couldn't finish them, which is rare for me. I had greater respect for the TV scriptwriters after I read the novels for being able to turn that material into something good for TV. The show goes downhill after a few seasons as well.

Jack Of Owls

May 23, 2014
George R.R. Martin has always been a good, solid, competent author of fantasy-SF themed novels and shorter works, starting with the sentimental "For A Single Yesterday" (the first story I read of his) that broke away from the Tolkien mold but I have never read a single Game Of Thrones story. I'd hate to know what some of you naysayers who consider him "a terrible writer" think is great *shudders* We should cherish George because let's face it - he's not going to live much longer. I mean, look at him! The man is a walking diabetic clot just waiting to decay!
Dec 24, 2018
GRRM has reasonably good prose, decent plots, good characters, and kind of crappy, lazy worldbuilding. In my opinion. His fantasy novels are ok. They're not bad, you may as well read them if you've nothing else available. In contrast to something actually shit like Malazan where reading them is worse than just sitting and staring at a wall.

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